MFP calculations VS. BMR & TDEE

I have been a member for months & have only lost 19lbs. I have not had a loss since October & I am beginning to question my calorie goal set by MFP. My daily goal is 1230, which I meet daily.
I have recently increased my daily exercise & normally burn between 300-500 calories plus 200-300 calories from my fitbit adjustment (I remove the fitbit during exercise & use a HRM).
So, on a daily basis my Net is way below my goal & my BMR. I calculated my BMR 1674 & my TDEE (-20%) 2076. Should I manually change my goal to a calorie amount that is between 1674 & 2076 or keep what MFP calculates??
I am confused & not sure what to do. I am afraid to eat too much & gain the weight back & am also tired of this plateau I have hit. Why would the MFP calculation for my calorie goal be so off??

I also will add that in addition to my 1230 calorie goal & usually eat back some of my burned calories, but not all of them.


  • msjessielynn
    msjessielynn Posts: 42 Member
    Disclaimer: I am not a pro poster! :)

    My opinion is, I would try the 2076 for a while. If you are at 1230 and you are exercising 3-600 a day, then you are for sure not eating enough. I believe the program is designed for you to eat the 1230 PLUS what you exercise. This would put you in the 1530-1830 range.

    I hope more sound off on this, even if its to tell me I am wrong. But that's the way understand it to be.

    *hugs* Good Luck!