How to get strong with BodyPump and CXWorx?

Hi all,
I'm looking for some advice.

My goal in 2013 is to gain muscle and drop from 24% body fat to 20% (which should be a stretch at age 30!) and build up my running from 5k to a half marathon. My workouts are usually very cardio-centric and I adore dance, running, aerobics and yoga.

And it's easier to keep doing the activities you enjoy. I've always struggled in the past to stick to a weight lifting schedule as it just isn't something I enjoy.

I don't mind BodyPump and CXWorx because I enjoy the group fitness side of things, even if the class content doesn't really thrill me.

What kind of weekly routine would you recommend to see actual improvements in BodyPump? The only time I was able to increase my weights was when I took the class twice a week... I imagine I'd need to do BodyPump twice a week, CXWorx once a week and some kind of run once or twice a week?

Or would i be better off focusing on just improving my strength and focus on the running later in the year?


  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    If I remember correctly the advice on the LMI site was to do Body Pump 2x a week for maintenance and 3x for improvements. But don't quote me :) I would also have thought that if you could do CX Worx twice a week that would be good. We've just had it put on the timetable in our gym and I'd like to go 2 or 3 times a week in addition to my 3 body pump classes. However remember that Body Pump by itself is really designed for endurance training rather than strength gains per se, of course you will get a little stronger through pump, but for faster strength gains you would be better off doing heavy weights low reps (however I completely understand why you love GX classes, I adore Sh'bam, Bodyjam, Zumba - anything dancy!)
  • CassandraD82
    CassandraD82 Posts: 71 Member
    I'll have to look into how I can make 4 classes a week (ideally 2x BodyPump, 2x CX Worx since the CX Worx classes are nice and short) since I fit things in around full time work and my workplace isn't close to a gym :(

    Maybe I'll have to substitute in one workout with free weights... since I can do that at nearly any time.

    I think I'll have to let the running slide to maintenance only (one run a week) while I focus on strength training. 5 workouts a week is going to be quite a challenge!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    to get stronger you have to progressively increase your weights.

    i agree with the person above, to gain strength faster you have to do other programs that aren't having you lift in the endurance range. something like strating strength or strong lifts
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    If you want to get strong, do a strength program.
  • wazzanz
    wazzanz Posts: 78
    As a female i would do Pump twice a week and the cardio you enjoy the rest. I try and do pump 3 times a week( as a male) and really push the weights. Has been great for weight loss and overall toning when combined with intense cardio (attack, spin or step) once a week. Once get a flat stomach will revert to intense low rep lifting.

    Pump is the ultimate for a female (or male) that is looking a for lean , strong and toned body. Not ideal for buff boys though.
  • wazzanz
    wazzanz Posts: 78
    Sorry OP missed your point on CX. Have never done it but probably should. I figure most classes do an ab track so covered with that
  • CassandraD82
    CassandraD82 Posts: 71 Member
    Hmmm thank you for the replies. I'm going to try and supplement my BodyPump + CXWorx classes with some kind of weight lifting workout of my own.

    Just bought "New Rules of Lifting for Women" so perhaps that will have some good programs to keep me motivated in there...
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    Getting to 20% or lower can be done at any age. Doing it simultaneously with gaining muscle probably won't happen. You will need to switch between the two goals. As said above, if you want to get stronger, do a real strength routine. Lots of info here
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    As a female i would do Pump twice a week and the cardio you enjoy the rest. I try and do pump 3 times a week( as a male) and really push the weights. Has been great for weight loss and overall toning when combined with intense cardio (attack, spin or step) once a week. Once get a flat stomach will revert to intense low rep lifting.

    Pump is the ultimate for a female (or male) that is looking a for lean , strong and toned body. Not ideal for buff boys though.

    weight training is the ultimate for a lean strong body.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    As a bodypump instructor we generally recommend 2-3 times per week it you want to increase weights and see a difference
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    As a female i would do Pump twice a week and the cardio you enjoy the rest. I try and do pump 3 times a week( as a male) and really push the weights. Has been great for weight loss and overall toning when combined with intense cardio (attack, spin or step) once a week. Once get a flat stomach will revert to intense low rep lifting.

    Pump is the ultimate for a female (or male) that is looking a for lean , strong and toned body. Not ideal for buff boys though.

    Everyone, regardless of gender, should push their weights. I pump more then most of my male participants on legs and encourage my female participants to do the same. Weights won't make women bulky no mater I theyRe in the group ex room or weight lifting area. Lots of lifting of all different sorts in my schedule, women should never be discouraged from being their stongest and fastest and working to capacity, the worst thing that can happen is some guy's ego may get a little tread upon.