Trade Protein for Carbs

I am two weeks into MFP and noticed that I'm consistently over in my protein for the day and significantly under on the carbs side. I know I can get carbs in but they are high calorie carbs. Does anyone have some suggestions for high quality carbs that won't blow the daily calorie budget?


  • MsLilly200
    MsLilly200 Posts: 192 Member
    From what I've read here, alot of people seem to think that the site sets the carbs too high and protein too low.... You can change the settings in My Home > Goals. I don't really remember what it's set as by default, but I've change my Carb/Protein/Fat percentages to 40/30/30.

    As for high quality carbs...
    How about fruit? The apple I had today was 18 carbs for 80 calories.
  • MPilotz
    MPilotz Posts: 10
    you want to keep approx.
    50-55% carbs
    20-30% protein
    15-25% fat

    this ratio is a standard for losing or gaining weight. however, too much of any of these, the body will store it as fat
  • Thanks so much for your advice!!
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    Best not to use percentages (although that is how you have to set it on this site). You should try to get minumums of 1g\lb of your LBM in protein and .45g of same in fat.

    All carbs are the same calorie per gram.
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    I prefer a 40/40/20% Protein/Fats/Carbs during maintenance. The ratios MPilotz gave are good for lean mass building. The carbohydrate requirement of all human beings is ZERO. The body does a fine job making glucose on its own, it doesn't need any help. I'm guess "high calorie carbohydrate" was a typo as all carbs are about 4,000kCal/g via bomb calorimetry.

    If I had to go over in one macro nutrient it would be protein. Protein is the most thermogenic and the only non-reusable nutrient source due to its nitrogen content. Then fats. Carbs last.

    I'm anti-grain both nutritionally and politically. Man was not designed to consume monocrops. Sweet potatos, red potatos, quinoa, certain legumes and lentils, white kidney beans, black beans, yuca... these are all nutrient dense, more complex carbohydrates. Fruits are sugar (fructose). Many vegetables don't count: insoluble dietary fiber is inert in human metabolism as we lack the enzyme cellulase to break down cellulose and hemocellulose.

    Count your macros, calories are just a guideline.
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    Best not to use percentages (although that is how you have to set it on this site). You should try to get minumums of 1g\lb of your LBM in protein and .45g of same in fat.

    All carbs are the same calorie per gram.

    Best way to calculate macro intake. Hands down.