who does Davina DVDS?

I just love them!
I've got three thirty min workouts.
Power of 3.
Super body workout.
I've also tried ultimate target a few times as my bfs mum has it.

There all so mixed, fun and hard work. I love the dumbell workouts the most.
The squats and lunges are killers! I recently bought a hrm and burn a lot more doing davina then I thought
Which is amazing! Anyone who wants a brill workout DVD I recommend her
She does lots fat burning intervals to get your heart rate up e.g skipping and star jumps lots of diff squats/ lunges with and without dumbells.
Lots of floor work. All DVDs are in sections e.g exercises for legs, abs, etc or mixed routines called pump or cardio box
Her warm ups and cool downs are fab! She does the routines with 2 personal
Trainers, a male and female, they are great. All 3 are supportive, helpful and full of praise!


  • 2LoveEnnisMccall6
  • welshpixie
    welshpixie Posts: 2 Member
    I only have the Body Buff DVD but I love it... hard at times for me as I'm not very fit yet but its good to be challenged by a work out I hear... not sure my jelly legs agree!
    its a fab DVD tho I burn more calories than on some of my other DVDs and the cool down and stretches are so good I do those even after different workout DVDs x
  • pumpkingoblin
    I've been doing her old ones, power of 3 and three thirty minute work outs. I can only really manage half an hour/one section in one go at the moment but I do find it fun and sometimes if I'm feeling energetic, use it as a warm up before doing just dance or Ea active :)
    I love her though, her facial expressions can be really funny :D x
  • floppybackend
    floppybackend Posts: 52 Member
    I'm doing the 'Intense' however I can do the whole DVD yet I am only managing to do sections. The Cardio is hard. I think the trainers are excellent. Fed up with The Shred.
  • baybeeboo
    baybeeboo Posts: 65
    I don't know which one I have but I have one that does quite a lot of kick boxing I think. I used it a few times and enjoyed it.. Then i must have got lazy!

    I need to find it again :)
  • moskva2petushki
    moskva2petushki Posts: 1 Member
    I have most of them and like them a lot. Mostly I prefer Body Buff and Super Body Workout, but haven't had the chance to do her new Intense dvd yet. That one seems like a lot of fun as well.
    I've been doing them off and on for 6 months now and as long as I don't do the same one too many times in a row, I don't get bored by them. I actually still enjoy the interaction between them and find Mark to be very funny.