I just need more "brides to be" friends!! I have another 20lbs to lose by 10/18/2013 and I need as much motivation as I can get!! Currently fit into a size 12 of my dress and I ordered a size 6!! No excuses!!


  • kiz81
    kiz81 Posts: 14
    Im due to be married 10th August. My dress was a little snug 14lbs ago :) going to try it on again on Thursday and I'll have more of an idea how much more i can lose in the mean time :)
  • maedella
    My wedding is in April and I need to lose at least 10 hoping for more!
  • JadeZaragoza
    My wedding is on December!!! feel free to add me:D Today is my first day on myfitnesspal:)
  • amandat_79
    amandat_79 Posts: 221 Member
    My wedding is August 3rd and although I'm not worried about the dress, I do wanna look sexy in whatever I wear and hope to be down at least 40 pounds by then and be a lot more toned!!
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I'm not engaged. I don't even have a boyfriend. BUT ONE DAY, BY GOLLY, I WILL GET MARRIED!

    So I'm a bride to be!!!!

    Good luck in your weight loss journey! I wish you the best!
  • Selgar
    Selgar Posts: 31 Member
    Add me too!! I don't have a date set yet but it will be within the next year and a half, and I could use some friends with the same motivation!!
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    Im set for 5/24/13 woooohooo
  • BubblySharon
    BubblySharon Posts: 96 Member
    I'm getting married on May 18th of this year. I bought my dress 20 lbs ago, but it's all good... I have a seamstress all set for alterations and getting a corset put in. I bought it slightly snug, but not too much so. :)
  • ton40orbust
    I dont have a date... Or a ring. But I know its coming soon :)
  • spangey13
    spangey13 Posts: 294
    My wedding is in 24 days. :-) A bit late to try to lose any more weight so I am "maintaining"... or my dress might malfunction. Add me if you want a bride friend!
  • DoctorVonWer
  • lorzipoo
    lorzipoo Posts: 7 Member
    My wedding isn't till next year but have lots of lose. I've added you all :)
  • RachieLH88
    Recently engaged, no date yet and defo no dress. Currently a size 20 and hoping to be a size 16 when I eventually go dress shopping. As I was engaged xmas eve I set weight loss as new year resolution. Failed miserably at it while fiance was on holidays from work and have told him now he needs to encourage me to be healthy rather than naughty with foods. I plan on one cheat day a week (Saturday lunch and dinner) to conquer cravings but Im really getting into a healthy mindset now :-D Happy happy
  • clairecandoit11
    clairecandoit11 Posts: 62 Member
    Recently engaged, no date yet and defo no dress. Currently a size 20 and hoping to be a size 16 when I eventually go dress shopping. As I was engaged xmas eve I set weight loss as new year resolution. Failed miserably at it while fiance was on holidays from work and have told him now he needs to encourage me to be healthy rather than naughty with foods. I plan on one cheat day a week (Saturday lunch and dinner) to conquer cravings but Im really getting into a healthy mindset now :-D Happy happy

    I thought cheat days would be a good idea too but they really arn't!! Cravings will eventually go away if you just try and conquer them with the wonderful thought of being the size you want to be!! I once heard a quote "dieting is similar to a relationship, cheating just doesn't work in either"
  • Morgie87
    I'm a bride to be and my wedding date is may 24, 2013. I cant wait to get married to my fiance, we have been together for 7 years and have 2 children our youngest is 3.5 months old and or oldest is 4 years old. I ordered my dress at my current size since I hadn't committed to my weight loss journey at the time but I now am so I have a seamstress ready for alterations. Feel free to add me as a friend I could use all the motivation to keep me accountable and on track to my weight loss goal.
  • cheylizbeth
    bride to be over here! july 4, 2014 is the date and I want to lose a total of 30 lbs!!!
  • jessbrooksforgan
    jessbrooksforgan Posts: 3 Member
    I am getting married on 09/28/13 and have about 50 pounds to lose. I have had some serious health problems over the last five years, which seriously added to my weight gain. But now that I have doctor approval and a wedding to prepare for, I am all about getting back into shape. I would love to be apart of a group of other brides with the same plan. I have not tried on any wedding dresses yet, but I am hoping to do so next month. We'll see how much weight I can lose between now and then. :)
  • bookangel89
    bookangel89 Posts: 22 Member
    Your getting married a few days after me (June 28, 2013)! Feel free to friend me, I have about 20-25 lbs to lose!
  • RachieLH88
    Recently engaged, no date yet and defo no dress. Currently a size 20 and hoping to be a size 16 when I eventually go dress shopping. As I was engaged xmas eve I set weight loss as new year resolution. Failed miserably at it while fiance was on holidays from work and have told him now he needs to encourage me to be healthy rather than naughty with foods. I plan on one cheat day a week (Saturday lunch and dinner) to conquer cravings but Im really getting into a healthy mindset now :-D Happy happy

    I thought cheat days would be a good idea too but they really arn't!! Cravings will eventually go away if you just try and conquer them with the wonderful thought of being the size you want to be!! I once heard a quote "dieting is similar to a relationship, cheating just doesn't work in either"

    My cheat day is not an excuse to stuff myself silly. It just allows me to eat meals that i wouldnt normally eat through the week and a dessert :-) I am still learning what works for me but this is what I am doing for now :-)
  • tat89iana
    tat89iana Posts: 17 Member
    Congratulations :) I'm getting married May 26th, a date coming up much too fast. Feel free to add me, and for anybody else too looking for another friend.