Good breakfast foods

What are some good, filling breakfast foods? I don't have a lot of time in the mornings, and I usually eat in my office. I don't like oatmeal or grits or anything like that. I just ate a bowl of Rasin Bran Crunch with skim milk and I'm still hungry.


  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    This morning I'm having scrambled eggs with a sausage patty and two slices of toast with butter and jelly.
  • ohtobe140
    some of my favorites are:

    1/2 cup plain fat free greek yogurt with 15 grams oat bran and 1 tsp of jam. I weigh everything I eat. This is low, high fiber, high protein. Mix it at home and eat it at work, it tastes better after it sits for a while. (keep in the fridge as much as possible)

    1/2 cup 4% cottage cheese (you could use what you like, but I only like this one), 80 grams of a ripe (not green, it's too sour if you use a green banana) banana and 30 grams of corn chex. Mix the banana and cottage cheese together and put the cereal on top. It's yummy. It is NOT yummy with cocoa krispies (that made me sad)

    1 cup frozen broccoli, 1 egg, 3 egg whites, 2 or 3 slices of velveeta cheese (I know, but it's the best one for this, I have tried all kinds) In a skillet, put just enough water to cover the bottom and lower portion of the pan. Cook the broccoli until desire tenderness, drain the broccoli, dry the pan, spray cooking spray in the pan. scramble the eggs together with salt and pepper and cook like scrambled eggs, once that is about half way done, add the broccoli back in. Once the eggs are done all the way, turn off the heat and lay the cheese over the mixture, cover with a lid until the cheese is fully melted. I like to eat this with a grapefruit or clementines. YUM!

    These are my three standard breakfasts, yesterday I had bean and cheese tostadas, but that's not real breakfasty, I just wanted something different.
  • kellyeli19
    kellyeli19 Posts: 4 Member
    I make a protein shake, or I do egg whites with veggies and a turkey sausage patty. English muffins with PB are good too!
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    if you eat in the office add a piece of fruit. Otherwise eggbeaters or egg of some sort----delish and good protein
  • newlyknit
    newlyknit Posts: 28 Member
    For a while I was on a kick of whole wheat waffles (frozen cooked in the office toaster) with peanut butter smeared on top. I usually eat breakfast at my desk too.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Bulletproof coffee (google for the recipe), whole eggs with bacon or sausage and some sort of veggies, leftovers from the previous night's dinner, full fat greek yogurt with a bit of fresh berries, omelettes with meat, cheese, and veggies inside.
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    I am breaking my PopTart habit. I have been eating barley with blackberries and some maple syrup.Yummy and satisfying. I am not starving by mid to late morning like I had been.
  • lilmer14
    Thomas - Light Multi-Grain English Muffins that are 100 cal. for one muffin and a TBSP. of peanut butter (95cal) on top. comes to 195 calories and The amount of fiber from the muffin and protein from the PB is really filling surprisingly! You could always add a lowfat yogurt in too for 90 calories if you're still hungry!
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    What are some good, filling breakfast foods? I don't have a lot of time in the mornings, and I usually eat in my office. I don't like oatmeal or grits or anything like that. I just ate a bowl of Rasin Bran Crunch with skim milk and I'm still hungry.
    Raisin Bran Crunch is so yummy but has tons of added sugar, that is why you are still hungry. You need more protein and/or fiber to fill you up. Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, whole grain toast, nuts, protein shake. You don't have to eat 'breakfast' items. Chicken, fish, brown rice, etc, anything. Leftovers from dinner are great.
    My most common breakfast is either an egg sandwich on whole grain toast or english muffin, with a little cheese and sometimes turkey bacon, or toast/muffin with natural peanut butter or almond butter. Hardboiled eggs, string cheese, fruit, Gnu Bars and Larabars are my go to for when I dont eat at home and need quick things to grab for work.
  • Shawneb66
    Shawneb66 Posts: 124
    For me...I have to have protein in the morning or I could eat my hand in an hour or so.

    4oz. of cottage cheese and fruit
    eggs/ham/cheese and a pita
    eggs/pre-cooked bacon/cheese and pita
  • mdcoug
    mdcoug Posts: 397 Member
    My standard is a egg fried over easy with an english muffin or slice of toast. That's what I had today, plus a banana. Sometimes I'll add a slice of lean ham, or on the weekends, bacon. Really only takes about 10 min. to prep and eat in the morning. Eggs are a great source of nutrients and protein. If I could stand hard-boiled eggs, I'd eat them instead of frying the egg.

    Others are:
    Greek Yogurt (but heavy in sugar and not as filling IMO)
    English muffin with chocolate peanut butter and slices of banana (holy heck, is this good)
    Cereal with craisins and milk
    Oatmeal with craisins and nuts (you can add protein powder to make it even more filling)
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    For me...I have to have protein in the morning or I could eat my hand in an hour or so.

    LOL, me too. If I just have a pretty much all carb breakfast that's exactly how I am. I actually can last til lunch not eating breakfast at all over eating a sugary one and no protein.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    this morning I have a fiber one english muffin with a fried egg on it (cooked in pam) with some cheddar cheese sprinkled on it.. About 212 calories.
  • McCelmer
    McCelmer Posts: 99 Member
    Ezekiel cinnamon raisin English muffins (tablespoon of natural peanut butter on each half) keep me filled from about 5 a.m.-8:30/9:00 a.m.
  • laughinggypsy
    laughinggypsy Posts: 30 Member
    onions, pre-cooked lentils, shredded carrots whatever veggies are leftover from last nights dinner heated up with an egg either scrambled in or fried on the side. if you keep a containers of the ingredients on hand it makes it soooo fast and easy, and you only have to do a major clean up on lentil cooking/veggie chopping day.
  • bigred_tl
    I started making Energy Bites. Usualy mixing oats, flax seed, honey,peanut butter, this is the base. Then you can add what you want. Nuts, dried fruit, choc chips, protein powder, ect.. to make them as healthy as you want them to be. They have a lot of differnt recipes on pinterest. Mix them up and put them in the icebox. after they cool make bars or roll them up into balls. i take a few of them to work and eat them thru out the morning.
  • JanJan060
    JanJan060 Posts: 16 Member
    maybe select a cereal with less calories and add fruit. or even low cal melba toast ot crackers.