New- in need of support

I have been on fitnesspal off and on for quite some time. I've never really stuck with it. I'm on day 6 and am determined to do this right this time. I got married last year and gained 20 pounds! I currently weigh 175. My goal is 135. I have my work cut out for me. I am a mom to 2 boys and stepmom to 2 boys. My biggest challenge is when I have the kids (joint custody) my eating habits turn into their eating habits.

I have recently joined a biggest loser program at my work. My husband is also taking the same challenge. I am looking for a lifestyle change, not a diet. I need all the support and motivation I can get to obtain my goal....

I look forward to meeting all of you! Best of luck to everyone!!


  • ausped
    ausped Posts: 58 Member
    You can friend me. I have been on here for a while but have similar weight goals.
  • DarkCrown
    Just started to turn my life around this week, so would love to be your motivation buddy.

  • mrsmccullough7
    wow your story is just like mine im 30 and gained 26 lbs in last year :-(

    add me x
  • ozroxpix
    I've just joined myfitnesspal too. I've been trying to loose weight and get fit for the past 6 months and finally feel that i'm in the right place to achieve my goals. I started at 187 and want to get to 126. I'm like you i don't want to do a diet for a couple of weeks i want a long term change.

    Add me xxx
  • LuckyStarrGal
    LuckyStarrGal Posts: 66 Member
    I joined Monday and have 40 lbs to loose like you! I have a 7 year old who loves junk food and carbs. This week I've had her try things I'm eating, she actually ate a whole bowl of steamed brocolli (she got butter on hers). So as I'm trying to loose I'm also trying to get my kido on board. She's lean now but I fear that if she stays on the junk she's going to end up like her mommy! Friday we are going to make healthy pizza. Yes there is such a thing! Add me and good luck!
  • taekwonkenpo
    taekwonkenpo Posts: 1,004
    If any of you lady's would like you can add my wife. She needs pals on here that are supportive ond activly comment. That is what she told me. So check out her page and friend her if you want to. her name is stormygirl_82
  • Rrrroxy777
    Anyone is welcome to add me also :) Always happy to have more friends and therefore accountability!
  • Mrs_K_Brooks
    Hey there!! I'm recently married myself and have a goal of 40 lbs to lose as well. My sister swears by this site and has been amazing at sticking to her goals. She has lost almost 80 lbs. by the support of MFP friends and Zumba classes.

    My husband and I invested in P90X in the spring and did great for a few weeks- and felt amazing too. Slowly but surely, we're determined to get back into it; and I'm trying to get in the habit of logging everything as well.

    Feel free to friend me, would love to support you and receive some in return :)
  • jessmarie1023
    jessmarie1023 Posts: 26 Member
    I love that your husband is doing this with you. That support is so important and beneficial! I am in a similar situation as you are.
    With the joint custody. My stepsons are in their teens and are very active in sports. Which means on the nights that we have them, they are at practice or have games. They live about 30miles away from us, so we are often eating out due to time constraints. It needs to stop! I also have changed my work shift since this january, and am working third shift. this is throwing me off on so many levels. I need to work on getting a little more organized and planning ahead! You have this! you can do this, you will do this! Keep it up! Make it day 7! A whole week of checking in!! Wahoo!
    you can add me too! :)
  • chutanne
    me too! im tired of up and downs, and i will commit to ME!!! to this,, to MY goals, and my health~! add me! i need motivation and friends too!
  • auntiekei
    I am a little older. I am 48 yrs old and I have been eating healthy for a year with my fitness pal up until then i had been overweight all my life. trying to diet since i was a young girl nothing worked until i tried fitness pal.
    I started eating healthy jan 15, 2012
    I eat 1200 calories a day but i believe what helped me was exercising. I do an "walk at home" with leslie sansone and then i go to gym for an hour after work.
    If you have any questions please dont hesitate to ask and also you can friend if you would like
    just take one day at a time....there will times where you slip but just get right back on the eating healthy band wagon
    just remember eat healthy, drink all your water and have to move to lose
    have a great day
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    feel free to add me. I am in the same boat. I did really well before then let life get in the way & added almost all of it back on. I am starting over, day 9. Currently at 176 & also want to get down to 135. I am a mom of 3 & run an in home daycare. Totally get the same challenge of eating habbits. Daycare food is simple. It's not bad, but not the best choice for me.
  • Michelle_J
    Michelle_J Posts: 362 Member
    I'll be your friend. MFP is my facebook *Ü*
  • wisconsinboogie
    wisconsinboogie Posts: 127 Member
    Wow, I wanna lose 40lb here too, time to change!!! Add me for tips and support!
  • oddberry
    Would love to add any one and everyone in need of motivation and support. I am not joking about my goals. I am strong, I am devoted to my family, and I am h3llbent on making this happen. I have done VERY good these past two days and can already see a change. Would love to be able to help anyone and everyone that's willing to tackle this journey with me!!
  • sjscobie1982

    Fel free to add me, I was on here last year and lost 35lb, went back to work and stopped logging and also gained 11lb in the process, now im back for good to shift this last 40lbs!x
  • rah27liz
    You can do it! Add request sent :)
  • shelly7904
    shelly7904 Posts: 2 Member
    In the same boat with being on MFP off and on for a while. I'm determined to stick with it this time and would love more friends to stay motivated :smile:
  • alice74
    alice74 Posts: 28
    Feel free to add me - I'm trying to lose 20.
  • spunkyjen7
    spunkyjen7 Posts: 22 Member
    Same here. I walked/jogged 2 mini-marathons for the last 2 years, but every fall and winter I seem to loose my motivation and have to start all over again. I've gained 20lbs in about 6 months and repeat this each year. uggggg.