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120lbs and no progress

I have read that weight loss takes longer when you get down to the low numbers. But how much longer?

70 days ago, I started at 124. I am aiming for somewhere around 115, which is what I used to weigh a year ago. I have always been 'skinny fat' - slim built but with zero muscle tone. My goal is NOT to be skinny, but to build muscle and to feel lean and strong.

I am on Day 25 of the 30DS and eating 1350 cals per day (upped from 1200 originally because I ascertained from these boards that this wasn't a good idea!). I'm also eating cleaner than ever, learning to cook properly, trying to get more active.

Despite this, my weight loss has stagnated - and if anything, I've gained a couple lbs back (from 118 to 120). I haven't lost a single pound since I started 30DS, but I definitely feel stronger. My measurements haven't really changed either. Am I building muscle or is this my body's way of telling me that I'm not supposed to lose any more?


  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    How long has it been like this?
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Do you fit in your old jeans? Go by that instead of weight. You will weigh more at the same size if you have muscles than you did at skinny fat.
  • cuboids
    cuboids Posts: 22 Member
    How long has it been like this?

    I hit 118 mid-December. So then started the 30DS to take it up a notch. And now I'm back to 120!
  • LuckyStarrGal
    LuckyStarrGal Posts: 66 Member
    As you get older your body changes. I remember when I was 21 at 108 lbs and started gaining as my age went up. Just stay active and eat healthy. I didn't do those things and now I'm 42 at 170. Would do anything to be 130, I know I will never be 108 again. It's not about a number its about how you look and feel!!!
  • cuboids
    cuboids Posts: 22 Member
    Do you fit in your old jeans? Go by that instead of weight. You will weigh more at the same size if you have muscles than you did at skinny fat.

    My weight really fluctuates - I'm still figuring out what makes me bloat, retain water etc. Some days I feel dramatically smaller in my clothes, other days as heavy as I used to.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Given that you've got so little to lose (and I say that knowing that 5 lbs at 120 can feel like a huge amount of weight) I don't think this is unreasonable. I'll state off the bat that you didn't gain two lbs of muscle in a month, though with the new workout the resistance training could be causing your muscles to retain more water, accounting for that weight gain. You say you feel stronger, I'd say keep doing what you're doing, making healthy choices with food and working out. Pay close attention to your weight, and if it keeps rising then take action.

    I want to point out that if you do want to build muscle, eventually you're going to need to increase calorie intake and start bulking. 115 is quite possibly an unrealistic goal if you also want to be muscular. Achieving the leanness you want first is usually a good idea before delving into bulk and cut cycles, so I think you should be ok for a while yet.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    I just want to say that you really shouldn't focus on a number on the scale, especially if you want to build some muscle. The time in my life when I wore the smallest size clothes was also the time that I weighed the most--I was a heavy lifting fool with a smokin' hot bod. People guessed that I weighed around 125 when, in fact, I was closer to 160.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    It does take a long time for the last few lbs because you should be aiming for 1/2 lb per week. Also, with 30DS you should either set your account to lightly active or eating an additional 200-300 calories on days you workout. More than likely, you need more than 1350.. probably closer to 1500-1600. Also, what are your goals? Strength, endurance, low body fat, more muscle.... this will determine the course you need to take.

    If you want to build muscle, below are two threads that show what can happen. But I can tell you, you will not do it with 30DS and a calorie deficit.


  • mimiwin
    mimiwin Posts: 42 Member
    Strenght training is your answer and then you will start seeing definition and your body will change and become leaner :)
  • jessjayjenk
    jessjayjenk Posts: 19 Member
    Just remember that muscle is heavier than fat. So you might be losing fat but building muscle which will make the scale stagnate. You should probably start relying on your measurements rather than your weight.
  • mlegosz
    mlegosz Posts: 74 Member
    I'd recommend start measuring body fat % and forget weight alone as your way of measuring success.
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    In your case, I would just forget about the scale and go by body fat % or even just how you look.
    Did you take any before pics? If so, take some pics now and compare them side by side. You may be surprised.
  • monjacq1964
    monjacq1964 Posts: 291 Member
    I have read that weight loss takes longer when you get down to the low numbers. But how much longer?

    70 days ago, I started at 124. I am aiming for somewhere around 115, which is what I used to weigh a year ago. I have always been 'skinny fat' - slim built but with zero muscle tone. My goal is NOT to be skinny, but to build muscle and to feel lean and strong.

    I am on Day 25 of the 30DS and eating 1350 cals per day (upped from 1200 originally because I ascertained from these boards that this wasn't a good idea!). I'm also eating cleaner than ever, learning to cook properly, trying to get more active.

    Despite this, my weight loss has stagnated - and if anything, I've gained a couple lbs back (from 118 to 120). I haven't lost a single pound since I started 30DS, but I definitely feel stronger. My measurements haven't really changed either. Am I building muscle or is this my body's way of telling me that I'm not supposed to lose any more?

    what is 30DS? and i agree with the others. Look for other indicators that you're in the place you want to be. The number on a scale is arbitrary, and not necessarily the best indicator of your success.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Just remember that muscle is heavier than fat. So you might be losing fat but building muscle which will make the scale stagnate. You should probably start relying on your measurements rather than your weight.

    It doesn't matter which is heavier, she isn't gaining muscle doing this program.. you barely use anything more than 5lbs and it's an endurance program. On top of that she isn't eating enough to create muscle. You need a caloric surplus to do that.
  • cuboids
    cuboids Posts: 22 Member
    It does take a long time for the last few lbs because you should be aiming for 1/2 lb per week. Also, with 30DS you should either set your account to lightly active or eating an additional 200-300 calories on days you workout. More than likely, you need more than 1350.. probably closer to 1500-1600. Also, what are your goals? Strength, endurance, low body fat, more muscle.... this will determine the course you need to take.

    If you want to build muscle, below are two threads that show what can happen. But I can tell you, you will not do it with 30DS and a calorie deficit.



    When I say 'build muscle', I mean for example that before I started 30DS I couldn't do a single push-up or a sit-up. Now I can do 20 push-ups and a lot of sit-ups (l must have good abs under there somewhere!). It's about starting small. The skinny fat v fit photo looks quite familiar in terms of build - maybe this is a bit like my situation.

    My goals are to be kind of all-around fitter: to run 5k easily (getting there!), and to be able to see those abs. To actually have some muscle at all in my arms and a butt! Post 30DS I'll probably do Ripped in 30.

    I feel fine on 1350, but it's good to know that I can get away with more if I need to.

    Thanks for your advice!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    It does take a long time for the last few lbs because you should be aiming for 1/2 lb per week. Also, with 30DS you should either set your account to lightly active or eating an additional 200-300 calories on days you workout. More than likely, you need more than 1350.. probably closer to 1500-1600. Also, what are your goals? Strength, endurance, low body fat, more muscle.... this will determine the course you need to take.

    If you want to build muscle, below are two threads that show what can happen. But I can tell you, you will not do it with 30DS and a calorie deficit.



    When I say 'build muscle', I mean for example that before I started 30DS I couldn't do a single push-up or a sit-up. Now I can do 20 push-ups and a lot of sit-ups (l must have good abs under there somewhere!). It's about starting small. The skinny fat v fit photo looks quite familiar in terms of build - maybe this is a bit like my situation.

    My goals are to be kind of all-around fitter: to run 5k easily (getting there!), and to be able to see those abs. To actually have some muscle at all in my arms and a butt! Post 30DS I'll probably do Ripped in 30.

    I feel fine on 1350, but it's good to know that I can get away with more if I need to.

    Thanks for your advice!

    It's often easier to cut first and then bulk to build the muscle you want (or some of it anyway), so I think you're on the right track. Just keep an eye on it.
  • ExcelWithMel
    ExcelWithMel Posts: 192 Member
    Good for you for taking steps towards your goals.

    30DS is just a beginner tool. And you're not going to get the body you want just with that program. I'm guessing you are using at the most 5# weights?

    I would suggest New Rules of Lifting for Women, a Body Building program like Jamie Eason, any of the Beach Body video series that focus on strength, or hire a trainer. It won't bulk you up and will help create the body you want. It also won't happen overnight so be prepared to work at it for several months and then continue on with it.

    I lost a lot of weight in my late 30s but it wasn't until I started lifting that I began to like my body. My limbs now have definition in them and I'm liking what I see. I started with the 30DS and thought it was very tough for me, someone who was really out of shape. But now I go back to it on occasion and it is very easy compared to a lot of other strength training I am doing.

    Good luck!
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    If you want to build muscle, cut the cardio down and increase the food and lift heavy weights.

    30DS won't do much for your muscles. Are you sore? You may not be losing since your muscles will retain water. Take some rest days.

    If you do want to build muscle you can't focus on the scale.... it will not show progress.
  • cuboids
    cuboids Posts: 22 Member
    Good for you for taking steps towards your goals.

    30DS is just a beginner tool. And you're not going to get the body you want just with that program. I'm guessing you are using at the most 5# weights?

    I would suggest New Rules of Lifting for Women, a Body Building program like Jamie Eason, any of the Beach Body video series that focus on strength, or hire a trainer. It won't bulk you up and will help create the body you want. It also won't happen overnight so be prepared to work at it for several months and then continue on with it.

    I lost a lot of weight in my late 30s but it wasn't until I started lifting that I began to like my body. My limbs now have definition in them and I'm liking what I see. I started with the 30DS and thought it was very tough for me, someone who was really out of shape. But now I go back to it on occasion and it is very easy compared to a lot of other strength training I am doing.

    Good luck!

    Thank you.

    Yes, you're right - it's baby steps. I'm using 2kg weights and although 30DS has never made me sore, it definitely does get easier as the 10 days goes on.

    I realise that at some point that I'll have to start lifting. But at the moment I can't afford to join a gym so it's a 'make do' situation. If that means doing home workouts, youtube pilates, cardio etc for a couple of months until I save up, then that's what I'll do. I'm not looking for a quick fix, so that's fine. Better than nothing!

    Congrats on your own success!
  • cuboids
    cuboids Posts: 22 Member
    If you want to build muscle, cut the cardio down and increase the food and lift heavy weights.

    30DS won't do much for your muscles. Are you sore? You may not be losing since your muscles will retain water. Take some rest days.

    If you do want to build muscle you can't focus on the scale.... it will not show progress.

    I'm not really doing serious cardio - walking everywhere (as standard) plus one 5k run plus one zumba class a week. Is that really too much?

    30DS hasn't made me sore since the first day, but it's not a walk in the park either. When I'm finished in 5 days I'll definitely get into a more sensible routine with rest days.