in need of advice

Well, been on here for awhile now. I am doing good, but it seems I am having some hunger issues. My cal intake is 1490 a day. I do took workouts a day burning about 930, about sometimes more, depending on my schedule. I try to intake between 1400-1600 cals a day, but it seems my hunger increased quit a bit. Now I will eat about 1800-2000 cals a day. Idk know why. I started eating protein bars. I try to keep most snacking healthy, like I munch on the Kellogs chips. I eat fresh and if its in a can, I make sure it has no sodium. I eat quit a bit. Is it the weather? I never wanted to eat this much over the summer. My bf claims I am in like hibernation mode, so I eat to store my energy. I laugh, maybe its true. But I cant seem to control my hunger. I eat a big dinner for example: I will eat 2 chicken sausages topped with fresh salsa, a cup of mandarin oranges and 2 cups of veggies. within 2 hours my stomach is grumbling and saying feed me feed me. Its driving me insane lol I will snack after the 2 hours n about a half an hour, my stomach is growling again. ANyone else having this problem? Anyone go through this? GOT TIPS? Please share with me to help curb this undying hunger appetite.


  • Fun2bemike
    try to eat 5 small meals a day instead
  • enigmaneo
    enigmaneo Posts: 61 Member
    I've come to believe some people feel hunger differently. I am perpetually hungry no matter how often or what I eat. I just have to build will power. I also try to eat snacks that are low in calories, to keep my metabolism up but the hunger is always there. It sucks for the people around me because I'm grumpy.
  • jrhodo
    jrhodo Posts: 43 Member
    I subscribe to the hibernation response, but it usually happens to me in November. How long has this been happening? Do you notice that right before your period you are hungrier? That's pretty common.
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    Well Christmas I was a bit less self conscience of eating, but started back on my diet in the begging of January. I am on the depo shot so no periods. I do notice with it being colder I get cold a lot, idk if this has anything to do with it. Its hard to self control when your stomach says your hungry... eat. It growls n then I become nauseated if I dont eat something. SO now most of cal intake is between 1800-2000. I'm not going over but still....Idk. Before the cold hit I averaged between 1200-1400 cals, if this helps
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    If you are still losing weight eating b/t 1800 - 2000 and working out like you do, there is no problem.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    You are BURNING around 900 calories a day and only eating 1500 ish??? There's your problem right there. You are only netting around 600 calories a day. You ARE hungry! You need to eat more. You'll likely get responses about TDEE and the like, and I'd tell you to follow them. Look at what caloric intake you need for the amount of activity you doing regularly and then drop it by like 20% ish. . . You'll actually eat more than you do now and lose weight. Do some research. It will help you in the long run and you won't be hungry, jittery or nauseated all the time!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I always find controlling my appetite is easier in the warmer months, too. You're not alone.
  • ktied
    ktied Posts: 137 Member
    You are BURNING around 900 calories a day and only eating 1500 ish??? There's your problem right there. You are only netting around 600 calories a day. You ARE hungry! You need to eat more. You'll likely get responses about TDEE and the like, and I'd tell you to follow them. Look at what caloric intake you need for the amount of activity you doing regularly and then drop it by like 20% ish. . . You'll actually eat more than you do now and lose weight. Do some research. It will help you in the long run and you won't be hungry, jittery or nauseated all the time!

    This. If you are actually burning 900 cals a day, and you said that you upped your calorie intake to 2000, that is still a net of 1100. Which would be fine, if you were like 4'10'' and 100 pounds...but i doubt you are. You are feeling hungry because you are. You should listen to your body.
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    If you're eating 2000ish and burning 900ish, you're only netting around 1100 calories, which really isn't that much? If the number of calories you're burning is accurate, then you're hungry because you're fueling your very active body. Burning that many calories every day is a pretty crazy routine!

    My advice... well, protein and fat are what keep me full for longer, so you could try and eat more of that. You could up your calories - if your numbers are correct, you could easily add another 200-400 calories to your day and still be losing weight.

    Is your routine mostly cardio? You could also consider spending more time with strength training, which may burn fewer calories but is way more beneficial in gaining muscle and reshaping your body. Really, I consider any workout (usually a mix of cardio and strength) where I burn at least 300 to be a great day.

    Good luck!
  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    open your diary and you will get more specific responses. When I went through this phase I found eating more protein helped. Do you drink your water? I find this helps as well as getting up and doing something else to occupy my mind. If I'm still hungry then I'll eat a protein.
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    You are BURNING around 900 calories a day and only eating 1500 ish??? There's your problem right there. You are only netting around 600 calories a day. You ARE hungry! You need to eat more. You'll likely get responses about TDEE and the like, and I'd tell you to follow them. Look at what caloric intake you need for the amount of activity you doing regularly and then drop it by like 20% ish. . . You'll actually eat more than you do now and lose weight. Do some research. It will help you in the long run and you won't be hungry, jittery or nauseated all the time!

    YES ^^^ this is your answer, probably^^^ The link to the road map is:

    This gives information and calculators to access how many calories you need to eat each day to stay healthy.

    An MFPer Heybales has also created a spreadsheet to calculate this for you and gives better descriptors of activity and exercise.

    Give them both a try. There is definitely no need to be hungry. :flowerforyou:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I seem to be the same way in the winter months - hungry a lot! One thing I'll point out is that not all protein bars are made alike or help with the hunger. They also have a lot of carbs and/or sweeteners, which for some folks can have the opposite of the filling affect you would expect from a good dose of protein. I try to find other more filling things like steel cut oats and greek yogurt. If you need the extra protein, you can always add powder to your oatmeal. Or try something different - I like the new Nature Valley protein bars. They're not super high in protein but they're also not high in carbs and are a little "cleaner" than many other protein bars. And they have a good crunch factor so they seem more filling. Plus they're delicious! :)

    Another thought - the body can sometimes mix hunger and thirst signals so before you reach for another snack, think about how your water intake has been for the day. If you can't face drinking a cup of cold water or plain warm water, have some tea.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with your calorie intake though. if you're buring close to 1000 calores on a regular basis, your intake should be 2000 or better.
  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    Eat more good protein, whey protein, good fats, avocado etc. you need to eat to hunger.
  • kellyeli19
    kellyeli19 Posts: 4 Member
    I seem to be the same way in the winter months - hungry a lot! One thing I'll point out is that not all protein bars are made alike or help with the hunger. They also have a lot of carbs and/or sweeteners, which for some folks can have the opposite of the filling affect you would expect from a good dose of protein. I try to find other more filling things like steel cut oats and greek yogurt. If you need the extra protein, you can always add powder to your oatmeal. Or try something different - I like the new Nature Valley protein bars. They're not super high in protein but they're also not high in carbs and are a little "cleaner" than many other protein bars. And they have a good crunch factor so they seem more filling. Plus they're delicious! :)

    Another thought - the body can sometimes mix hunger and thirst signals so before you reach for another snack, think about how your water intake has been for the day. If you can't face drinking a cup of cold water or plain warm water, have some tea.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with your calorie intake though. if you're buring close to 1000 calores on a regular basis, your intake should be 2000 or better.

    I agree with the above...also, If I am still hungry after eating what should be enough, I try to fill up with water. It definitely helps!
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    I do one cardio and one circuit about 4 times a week, I drink plenty of water for sure to hydrate me, its just being hungry. Which now with me being so hungry I eat about 1800-2000 cals a day. And I thank you all for he advice
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    I mean lol 1 cardio n a circuit, a day about 4 times a a week. The rest of those days I try to either walk or clean.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I mean lol 1 cardio n a circuit, a day about 4 times a a week. The rest of those days I try to either walk or clean.

    how are you burning 900 calories doing 1 circuit of cardio and weight training? Also, what types of food are you eating? Can you open your diary?
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    I mean lol 1 cardio n a circuit, a day about 4 times a a week. The rest of those days I try to either walk or clean.

    my water intake is about 8-10 cups per day. I increased it for that reason, but all I am doing is peeing more. lol
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    I mean lol 1 cardio n a circuit, a day about 4 times a a week. The rest of those days I try to either walk or clean.

    how are you burning 900 calories doing 1 circuit of cardio? Also, what types of food are you eating? Can you open your diary?

    I do a cardio, which is 42 minutes of hip hop abs, then I do the shred which is what 28 minutes, only one circuit. I do this a day.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I mean lol 1 cardio n a circuit, a day about 4 times a a week. The rest of those days I try to either walk or clean.

    how are you burning 900 calories doing 1 circuit of cardio? Also, what types of food are you eating? Can you open your diary?

    I do a cardio, which is 42 minutes of hip hop abs, then I do the shred which is what 28 minutes, only one circuit. I do this a day.

    I doubt you are burning that many calories.. probably more like 500-600 max. HHA is not a huge calorie burner, even with the gloves and neither is 30DS. I am 5'11, 195lb man and even if I do insanity, i am around 600-700 calories.