How does this happen?

Story of my life...I went on a detox which has been great I feel physically a lot better. I've started juicing my vegetables every day since. It's been two weeks I lost 12 pounds during my detox. I started an exercise regime on Monday. Today is Thursday and I've gained back 5 pounds. Eating vegetables, fruits, beans, and whole grains and STILL staying under my calorie goal. I did Brazillian Butt Lift on Monday, Tuesday I did Tae Bo Fat Burner and walked both days as well as cleaned my house top to bottom. I have 3 kids so its an every day thing. Now its Wednesday and I've gained 5 pounds!!! What the heck!!! I do everything right and it never fails I still gain weight. I'm so disappointed. I lost an inch off my waist, and 2 inches off my hips with my detox and it has not come back there so I'm at a loss...or I wish I was at any rate.

I'm not giving up or throwing in the pizza towel and locking myself in a room with a German chocolate cake with Ben and Jerry...I'm just needing to vent. I've been super diligent I do not eat and I repeat I do not eat crap boxed chemically processed foods. I make everything from scratch and I try to eat mostly vegetarian with a few exceptions. I only started eating this way the last two weeks, and I feel superb from it, but I'm not liking this weight gain at all!!!!!!


  • TheFinalThird
    TheFinalThird Posts: 315 Member
    I'll bet you a Dunkin Donuts Boston Cream donut that it's water retention in your muscles to repair them from the vigorous exercise you've been doing lately. DO NOT mistake WEIGHT gain for FAT gain. If you're eating under or at calories and exercising more, and more vigorously, it is HIGHLY likely that it is TEMPORARY water weight gain or muscle gain from your efforts. DO NOT get depressed or change what you're doing. And step away from the scale. It only measures WEIGHT, not FAT!!!
  • dovetail22uk
    dovetail22uk Posts: 339 Member
    I'll bet you a Dunkin Donuts Boston Cream donut that it's water retention in your muscles to repair them from the vigorous exercise you've been doing lately. DO NOT mistake WEIGHT gain for FAT gain. If you're eating under or at calories and exercising more, and more vigorously, it is HIGHLY likely that it is TEMPORARY water weight gain or muscle gain from your efforts. DO NOT get depressed or change what you're doing. And step away from the scale. It only measures WEIGHT, not FAT!!!

    Say what?
  • Weight is a funny thing, and it likes to mess with all of our heads. I work in the obesity field and I read a lot of obesity literature from the real experts (not gillian michales). One thing that I have picked up along the way and it changed my life and the way I think about weight is that your weight tells you nothing about you, it does not tell you how healthy you are, it does not tell you how good you look or how good you feel. on an individual basis weight is at best a very weak health indicator. We have become obsessed with weight and BMI, for no good reason. The BMI categories for example are used for population studies, categorizing the health of thousands and thousands of people. on an individual basis BMI means almost nothing because there is so much variance from one individual to another. For every obese person you show me that is unhealthy, i could probably show you one who is perfectly healthy.

    SO to get back on point here, it sounds like you are leading a very healthful lifestyle right now, eating well and moving. That in and of itself is the most important thing and should be celebrated. You should be happy that you are leading a healthy lifestyle regardless of the weight, because the weight is NOT an indicator of how well you are doing. Keep living as healthy as you can, focus on the important things that actually impact your health like eating well and being active rather than weight. I think you'll find that you feel better about your efforts and will stick to it much longer (and eventually weight will come off but who cares thats not what matters).

    Just a thought but why dont you forget about the scale for a few weeks and go on living your healthy active lifestyle and track how you feel, mood, energy leves stuff like that. because looking at the scale every few days and having yo-yo emotions of happy and sad at the numbers you see doesnt help. at least not for me. Everybody is different and different things work for different people.
  • daveymac1
    daveymac1 Posts: 784 Member
    Weight is a funny thing, and it likes to mess with all of our heads. I work in the obesity field and I read a lot of obesity literature from the real experts (not gillian michales). One thing that I have picked up along the way and it changed my life and the way I think about weight is that your weight tells you nothing about you, it does not tell you how healthy you are, it does not tell you how good you look or how good you feel. on an individual basis weight is at best a very weak health indicator. We have become obsessed with weight and BMI, for no good reason. The BMI categories for example are used for population studies, categorizing the health of thousands and thousands of people. on an individual basis BMI means almost nothing because there is so much variance from one individual to another. For every obese person you show me that is unhealthy, i could probably show you one who is perfectly healthy.

    SO to get back on point here, it sounds like you are leading a very healthful lifestyle right now, eating well and moving. That in and of itself is the most important thing and should be celebrated. You should be happy that you are leading a healthy lifestyle regardless of the weight, because the weight is NOT an indicator of how well you are doing. Keep living as healthy as you can, focus on the important things that actually impact your health like eating well and being active rather than weight. I think you'll find that you feel better about your efforts and will stick to it much longer (and eventually weight will come off but who cares thats not what matters).

    Just a thought but why dont you forget about the scale for a few weeks and go on living your healthy active lifestyle and track how you feel, mood, energy leves stuff like that. because looking at the scale every few days and having yo-yo emotions of happy and sad at the numbers you see doesnt help. at least not for me. Everybody is different and different things work for different people.

    ^^^^^^^ This
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    Keep doing what your doing, weigh yourself in a week. I bet you'll have lost some.
    _TEMPEST_ Posts: 205
    It's water, sweetie. Don't freak out.
    Drink more water to "flush" your system and your body will regulate.
    After working your muscles, they retain fluid to repair themselves, and without proper fuel, they are not going to cooperate and give you the results that you want.
    So, drink up that water, maybe increase your protein and toss out the scale.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    It's the exercise. Your muscles are really fluffy right now. It isn't fat, I promise.
  • enigmaneo
    enigmaneo Posts: 61 Member
    This recently happened to me and then a few days later the weight went away.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Stupid question, but why juice your veggies when you can eat them whole and get the fiber from them?
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    When you workout, your muscles are more receptive to absorb water and other stuff simply put.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I seriously doubt that you lost even remotely close to 12 pounds of actual fat in two weeks! That would require a daily caloric deficit of over 3000 calories. Unless you're morbidly obese and exercising 24/7 that's just not feasible or remotely healthy.

    In reality, you just dehydrated yourself during the detox and now the water weight is coming back. Furthermore, after exercise your muscles often retain water as well.

    You did not gain 12 pounds in two weeks, so don't expect to lose 12 pounds in two weeks. Your best best for long term success is to set healthy, reasonable, and sustainable goals. Aim to lose 1 - 2 pounds per week instead.
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    Stupid question, but why juice your veggies when you can eat them whole and get the fiber from them?
    why waste time chewing when you can just swallow? The fibre is still in the vegetables even if you juice it, it's not going anywhere.
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    I seriously doubt that you lost even remotely close to 12 pounds of actual fat in two weeks! That would require a daily caloric deficit of over 3000 calories. Unless you're morbidly obese and exercising 24/7 that's just not feasible or remotely healthy.

    In reality, you just dehydrated yourself during the detox and now the water weight is coming back. Furthermore, after exercise your muscles often retain water as well.


    Stop trying to diet and overwork your body, it will burn out if you don't fuel it properly. Whole vegetables should be part of your diet along with other healthy food.

    I saw this link this morning about what happens on a juice detox on Women's Health:
  • enigmaneo
    enigmaneo Posts: 61 Member
    About 3 years go I did 3-4 pounds a week for a year. Unfortunately I'm using this site so you can see where that got me.
  • Scarlett_Belle
    Scarlett_Belle Posts: 145 Member
    Make sure you take a day off from exercise at least once a week- especially with a beach body program since your body is going so hard and your building all these new muscles they need a day to mend. Not taking a day off can hinder weight loss.
  • XtyAnn17
    XtyAnn17 Posts: 632 Member
    Stupid question, but why juice your veggies when you can eat them whole and get the fiber from them?
    why waste time chewing when you can just swallow? The fibre is still in the vegetables even if you juice it, it's not going anywhere.

    Actually if you have a good juicer it removes most of the fiber. Know before you speak.
  • MrsCassieThreatt
    MrsCassieThreatt Posts: 42 Member
    Clarification I'm not juicing every single vegetable I'm just doing a green juice twice a day. Not going to argue over to juice or not to juice. I'm content with that part of my diet my consternation has to do with the weight fluctuation...and thanks for all the comments I appreciate the perspectives.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    It's the exercise. Your muscles are really fluffy right now. It isn't fat, I promise.

    I love the way you worded it. "Fluffy." I've got to remember this!
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    Stupid question, but why juice your veggies when you can eat them whole and get the fiber from them?
    why waste time chewing when you can just swallow? The fibre is still in the vegetables even if you juice it, it's not going anywhere.

    instead waste time juicing and cleaning a juicer
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Clarification I'm not juicing every single vegetable I'm just doing a green juice twice a day. Not going to argue over to juice or not to juice. I'm content with that part of my diet my consternation has to do with the weight fluctuation...and thanks for all the comments I appreciate the perspectives.

    Sorry, I was just wondering because fiber keeps things moving through your system and is an important tool for weight managment. Best of luck on your journey.