32 Yr Old Mom of 5! Need supporters!

Hello everyone. Like the Subject says, I am a 32 year old mom of 5. Two teenagers, two pre-teens and one adolescent. I could really use all the help and motivation that I can get. Please friend me!:smile:


  • SherinGeorgeCoolidge
    I have over 110+ pounds to lose....Anyone else who needs supports please add me!
  • mandys1979
    mandys1979 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi Im new on here. Im 33 the mother of 3 12,8 and 16 months.
  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 434 Member
    Mom of 5 here too! Feel free to add me :)
  • Shannonpurple
    Shannonpurple Posts: 268 Member
    I am 1 of 5 children!
  • Dixie_Darling
    I'm a mom of 5 as well - 4 teenagers and 1 who's just five. Feel free to add me!
  • tisha_rae
    tisha_rae Posts: 216 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add! :)
  • cessssyy
    I may not have kids, but I have a solid 50 lbs to lose. Lets do this together!
  • mdcjmom
    mdcjmom Posts: 597 Member
    I am mdcjmom and I just turned 33 yesterday. I am a mom of 4 with 3 teenagers and 1 preteen feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Beckyloo80
    Beckyloo80 Posts: 1,088 Member
    32 yr old mom of 2, have lost 39 lbs.

    please add me if you need supporters. I am a daily user who likes to comment and try to help motivate =)
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    hi! i am also a 32 year old mother of 5. 2 teenagers, 2 pre-teens, and a 7 year old. im sure you will find alot of support here on mfp, and there are many ways to use this site to stay motivated. i like to look at all the before and after pics on the success stories thread, each and every morning before i start my day. its pretty simple, but hard at the same time. set your goals, have the right mind set, stay determined, and you should succeed with no problem! good luck, and GOD bless!
  • penguinlally
    penguinlally Posts: 331 Member
    I may not be a mom.... but I take care of 250 kids every day ( I've been at my school site for 25 years) feel free to add me
  • ndblades
    ndblades Posts: 233 Member
    I may not be a mom.... but I take care of 250 kids every day ( I've been at my school site for 25 years) feel free to add me

    ^^^^ Kudos to you! Love our underpaid overworked educators!

    I am a 40 year old mom of 5 (four of them girls!) ages 5-14. Making the time is the hardest part - nothing in a moms life is consistent! Planning is the biggest step - plan your meals, plan your exercise, and plan that you will have bad days, so plan how you will get back on track!

    I've lost 22 pounds on my way to 64.
  • SherinGeorgeCoolidge
    Just want to say thank you to everyone for the support. I have added many of you. Those I haven't added please feel free to add me!
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    I'm a mum of 5 too :smile:
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    Mum (43) of 5 too..19, 11, 10, 4, 11mths.