
When you juice vegetables do you add splenda or any sugar? I'm very picky about my veggies, so i only actually eat about 5 or 6 out of the whole veggie group. what can i do to make juicing work for me?


  • I don't add any sugar or splenda, I find the juice of vegetables to be delicious on their own. Perhaps you can add some apple, carrot or pear to yours to add a yummy sweet flavor.
  • workoutchick
    workoutchick Posts: 93 Member
    I just started juicing yesterday. I juiced some carrots with strawberries, cherries, blueberries and grapes . I didn't add any sugar and I was surprised how good it was. Even my daughter like it and she is a teenager.
  • Carrots are naturally sweet, juice with them to make veggie juice taste more delicious! Also if you add a handful of super greens (like kale or spinach) and lots of fruit, you can hardly taste the leafy greens. Celery has a really mild flavor too.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Make sure to try juicing things you wouldn't normally eat, since vegies can taste very different juiced. Cucumber, broccoli, spinach, kale... maybe you don't eat these normally, but juiced with an apple or two or maybe some carrot, they're delicious (but the juice can smell a bit overwhelmingly like a garden or fresh mowed grass).
  • i agree that you could add a piece of fruit to your juice to sweeten it up but watch out for juices made from just fruits - they can be very high in calories!

    try different combinations and see what works for you. for example - a lot of veg juice recipes call for kale but that has a pretty intense taste so you could swap it out for spinach has a more mild flavor (or collard greens or swiss chard). i hate celery in my juice - i think it overpowers everything else so i just don't use it. there aren't any "rules" so just have fun with it!

    good luck!
  • MrsTre
    MrsTre Posts: 34 Member
    Please don't add any sugar. If you add your favorite fruits to the juicer (along with your veggies), you will get the sweetness that you're looking for. Strawberries, apples, pears, etc. all add nutrients and natural sweetness that cover up the veggie taste.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Why don't you just make juice out of stuff that tastes good? It doesn't make much sense to me to go to all the trouble of juicing something you think tastes like crap just so you can slug it down or cover up the taste with something else.
  • k0pir
    k0pir Posts: 7
    No, I wouldn't add anything like that to my fresh fruit or vegetable juice. That'd ruin it for me. When making a vegetable (green) drink it's common for people to add 1/2 or a whole apple. That sweetens it up and makes it more palatable. You could try some spinach, kale, carrots and an apple.

    To get going try recipes that appeal to you. There are lots of good, delicious recipes. One of my favorites is a one I found online. It's sweet watermelon, apple and carrot. I use the small, sweet watermelon that's in stores now. About half of it, 3 apples and 6 carrots. That makes plenty for the day. Work in those green drinks when you can, they are nutritionally the best for us.

    Be careful about juicing too many fruits, especially if you're diabetic or have any health problems.

    I hope you like it. Juicing is a great way to get a body back in balance. Have fun and best of luck to you. Juice on!