Need to increase Protein



  • FlowmO
    FlowmO Posts: 6

    My coach told me to put a teaspoon of gelatin (powder) in my smoothies or even in my tea to add more protein to my diet.
    It may sound weird, but it does actually help...

    Just drink the drinks soon after preparing them otherwise you'll end up with tea jello ;)
  • braveheartfitz
    Thank you for the great idea!
  • braveheartfitz
    How has the gelatin worked for you so far? Thank you!
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    You could try getting beans and lentils into your diet - they're quite good for protein and easy to add to a stew, curry or chilli. Tinned ones are fine, just make sure you get them in water without added salt or sugar - you're in the UK I think, so there's loads of choice at all the supermarkets.

    Google vegetables for the protein content - some are surprisingly high - and work those into your diet.

    As a bonus, you'll boost fibre intake at the same time.
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    protein from eggs in liquid form can not be absorbed by humans- must be solid.

    I would recommend genuine health vegan shake - 26.1 grams of protein from a number of different sources (so you don't need to worry about cycling powders).

    Also, I am 260ish lbs, and I only take 100-130g of protein daily and was able to increase lean mass with that. I believe that the amount of protein needed daily has always been grossly over estimated.
  • cnelady
    cnelady Posts: 4 Member
    Have you ever tried quinoa?
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member

    My coach told me to put a teaspoon of gelatin (powder) in my smoothies or even in my tea to add more protein to my diet.
    It may sound weird, but it does actually help...

    Just drink the drinks soon after preparing them otherwise you'll end up with tea jello ;)

    Really? *Rushes to google* I love gelatin in savoury recipes. I'd never thought of it having protein in, and the packs I have don't have any nutritional info on them... great tip!
  • SuperCork
    SuperCork Posts: 192 Member
    My two pence.

    Hard-boil and peel 5 eggs every Sunday night. You can eat one with your SlimFast shake every morning. In addition broil, grill, or bake a couple of skinless chicken breasts while the eggs are boiling. Cut them in half and eat a piece daily. (I call these "protein bombs".)

    Eggs and chicken breasts are very high quality protein.

    I think this is great advice: preplanning and prep help me to stay on track with nutrition, regardless of which specific we're talking about. Nuts, string cheese, and plain greek yogurt are also excellent sources of protein IMO.
  • stormtruck2
    stormtruck2 Posts: 118 Member
    I put a packet of suger free jello in each of my vanilla protein shakes. Helps flavor and adds only 40 calories. Also supposed to help with hair and nails.
  • SamVerb
    If you like Indian food, I've started making Butter Chicken with a can of chickpeas instead of chicken. To make it really easy, there are a few fat-reduced brands of jarred sauce on the market.

    If you're more of an Italian food girl, you can try making chicken parmesan with sliced firm tofu (suggest breading it using eggs/egg whites and breadcrumbs with oregano, basil, and thyme and baking it first) in place of the chicken.

    You seem to be mostly vegetarian at this point, so anything with dairy, legumes, or nuts would help you out. And remember whole grain products (especially quinoa) have somewhat more protein than their white counterparts...
  • GenieBB
    GenieBB Posts: 52 Member
    i agree with switching out the slimfast. I used to use it constantly but its all sugar and carbs. No good!
    Get a low sugar high protein meal replace shake, so many are out there now, hard to suggest one since looks like you are in the UK. Syntha 6 by BSn is great, anything whey protein by BSN. they actually taste good and can mix with water even.
  • jackie2866
    jackie2866 Posts: 62 Member
    Chobani Plain Greek Yogurt has something like 18 grams of protein in it. I add Fiber One cereal to it for another 60 calories. So for 160 calories, it is a filling breakfast with protein and fiber :)
  • jamimari777
    jamimari777 Posts: 101 Member
    Protein powder helps me make up my protein. It took trying several brands before I found one that I like.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Try some nuts! Easy on-the-go snack. Happy Day! Jools

    Nuts are over 50% fat. I wouldnt scoff them if you intend to lose weight.

    I scoff almonds, walnuts, cashews, etc. like it's my business. But then again I eat 45% of my daily cals from fat ;-)
  • MariaLivingFit
    MariaLivingFit Posts: 224 Member
    Plain Greek yogurt
    whey protein powder mixed with unsweetened almond milk
  • Sari723
    Sari723 Posts: 10 Member
    I just discovered pure protein bars have a new "soft baked" variety. Low sugar and has 17 grams of protein per bar. Plus they taste like candy bars which is amazing.

    I also use EAS Carb Control Shakes for protein when I am on the go. Or whey protein powder if I have more time. Slim fast does have a high protein variety but I think it tastes pretty nasty in comparison to the regular slim fast.
  • karensdream
    karensdream Posts: 135 Member
    Most of the posts here have been spot on with suggestions. I would re-inforce the need for an alternative protein powder that is a whey isolate, There are many out there, Those canned supplements are usually rubbish...high carb with limited protein. Beans and legumes are an excellent and easy source of protein. One thing I like to do is keep roasted chickpeas on hand for snacking, It's low fat, high fiber and protein packed. Drain and rinse a can of chickpeas, spread on baking sheet, drizzle with oive oil and whatever savory seasonings you like, and roast until browned and crunchy. Even kids like them! If using a non-flavored protein powder, there isn't much you can't add it to. I add it to a baked oatmeal recipe, and it's almost like bread pudding,. Throw in some raisins or dried fruit of your choice, and it's divine.
  • NyimaR
    NyimaR Posts: 108 Member
    I love Linda McCartney Sausages and Burgers though they can be pricey, they have less fatty gristly feeling than beef burgers.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member

    My coach told me to put a teaspoon of gelatin (powder) in my smoothies or even in my tea to add more protein to my diet.
    It may sound weird, but it does actually help...

    Just drink the drinks soon after preparing them otherwise you'll end up with tea jello ;)

    Good idea but not suitable for vegans or strict vegetarians.

    For the OP, I agree with those who say to replace the Slim Fast with a protein shake or bar. Slimfast isn't the best nutrition out there.

    I had to look into alternative protein as I don't eat meat. Protein powders, eggs, protein bars, yogurts, chickpeas, beans/legumes, broccoli, quinoa, etc are all good choices. Cottage cheese is good as well if you like it.. Just keep an eye on the sodium! Edamame is a source as well... Same with all those meat alternatives out there (there are some good ones and some bad ones).

    As others have already mentioned nuts and nut butters are great for protein as well. They do have fat in them hut it is a healthy fat.
  • moustache_flavored_lube
    Kashi Go lean crunch cereal (9G protein) I add 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder, and use unsweetened almond milk

    Overnight oats (oatmeal with berries, greek yogurt, a little almond milk, protein powder refrigerate overnight)

    hard boiled eggs.
    Cook up some turkey breasts and cut them up for snacks
    tuna salad (sub non fat greek yogurt for mayo)
    egg white proteins can be added to many dishes to up the protein content.
    They are expensive and nasty, but I often use the protein shots (26G nearly 100% protein) to get my macros in line for the day.