Raised the babies...is it my time now?

I am 44 years old. Have been married to the love of my life for 20 years. My babies are now in college and last year of high school. All is great...I'm happy...have a great job...a beautiful home...but something is missing. ME! What happened to me? I have spent the last 20 years trying to make everything perfect for my kids, husband, co-workers, parents, siblilngs...and have let myself down. BIG TIME! I'm 30 lbs overweight and tired all the time. 2013 is my year! I'm going to do it this time for me. 2nd week in the gym. (Proud of that one), trying to eat healthy. Need frends to keep me encouraged! Lets do this!


  • morah29
    morah29 Posts: 107
    Yes it's time for you... let others take care of you! you made a big step.. admitting you need to change... now keep going one foot in front of the other :)
  • candle82
    Good for you! I'm 28yrs old and have 3 kids and I too have dedicated so much of my time and energy to my family that i forgot to take care of myself and before i new it i was 30lbs overweight. Its amazing how things just crept up on you :/.
  • anewmary
    Yes it's time for you! Get new habits as your life changes (empty nest soon?) and start it out right. Be a hip, in-shape, healthy grandma when that time comes in a few years.

    I'm just a bit younger than you, married about the same time, but my kids are younger (4, 11, 14). I've already decided that the best time I will use my brand new treadmill (at least 1/2 hour drive to any gym from where I live, so not an option) is in the early hours of the morning before anyone is up. By 5:40am, I was done working out and headed for the shower this morning. Find what works for you. Work on problem areas for you first--mine will be eating a breakfast that is healthy and won't leave me hungry in two hours, so I will focus on that first. I cannot get of all junk foods from my house, like some people can, because I have a teen boy with a ridiculously low BMI and I'm hoping some junk food will add weight (I don't allow him to just eat it, he needs good food too, including snacks), so I need to work around that and make a "good for me" snack list.
  • kelbel1968
    Thanks for keeping me on track today. No cheating! Feeling good
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Good for you!

    I'm 48 with my kids in colllege too. I added you.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I am 44 years old. Have been married to the love of my life for 20 years. My babies are now in college and last year of high school. All is great...I'm happy...have a great job...a beautiful home...but something is missing. ME! What happened to me? I have spent the last 20 years trying to make everything perfect for my kids, husband, co-workers, parents, siblilngs...and have let myself down. BIG TIME! I'm 30 lbs overweight and tired all the time. 2013 is my year! I'm going to do it this time for me. 2nd week in the gym. (Proud of that one), trying to eat healthy. Need frends to keep me encouraged! Lets do this!

    My boys are grown and out of the house. It's a weird feeling to suddenly have all this 'me' time and realize you've forgotten who 'me' is lol. But believe me ....this next chapter of your life is going to be awesome!! You already have a wonderful attitude! Best wishes! :flowerforyou:
  • zumbaawd
    I'll be 41 this year and married 21 years in Feb. :-) Have a 20 yrs and 14 yr old. It's my time now!
  • JO4IT
    JO4IT Posts: 79 Member
    I'm 48 and have one son in college (just took him back today :( ) and one a senior in high school. I feel similarly, and I know I'm going to miss my kiddos so much when they permanently leave the nest! Need to start making adjustments in how dh and I relate to one another I think, cause for years conversations have revolved around the kids and kids activities.

  • kxxooo
    kxxooo Posts: 434 Member
    Yep definitely time for you, and me too! Hope all going well. K
  • c4ndy4u
    Hi I'm 42 years old this year. I failed so many times with diets it now or never
    Could do with friends and support, I'm married 25 years, my eldest son
    Is 20, and youngest child 6.. I've joined a while now
    But just need a push thx.
  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    Im in the same boat. Im 47 (48 next month), married 24 yrs and my kids are grown and not much time for mama anymore. I guess this is all normal, but the empty nest gives us a chance to realize what we gave up for our children (not in a bad way).. What we can do most for them now though, is be healthy and happy so that they do not end up having to take care of us to soon.

    It is time to concentrate on you and your hubby. Start enjoying each other including healthy meals. My hubby loves to cook and as I make this journey and find new recipes, he is right in there with me fixing them.

    Enjoy the new you