I'm New To MyFitnessPal

I googled How may calories were in a grilled chicken sandwich last Monday and now i'm addicted to MyFitnessPal!!


  • Angie__1MR
    Angie__1MR Posts: 388 Member
  • olsondre
    olsondre Posts: 198 Member
    Yeah. It can be a bit addicting at times
  • CortneyHicks20
  • davidoneill1914
    davidoneill1914 Posts: 172 Member
  • twill68
    twill68 Posts: 84
    hello Mmmmm grilled cheese sands now i am hungry
    welcome :wink:
  • ijavagypsy
    It's so good to be among like-minded people! I just joined, too.:happy:
  • KMorales0713
    KMorales0713 Posts: 11 Member
    Welcome to MFP :) feel free to add me :) i love new PALS!!
  • jellywonderhorse
    jellywonderhorse Posts: 7 Member
    I am new yey
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    I stumbled onto MFP by accident after reading comments of a weightlifting article...now i can't live without it!
  • theobaldsix
    I can't begin to tell you what a GREAT program you've stumbled upon. I'm not new, just want to give some insight and encouragement... I followed my husband's lead 240 days ago (yeah me!!). Everyday, even when I do bad, I log SOMETHING.. It has kept me mindful of what goes in my mouth that will end up on my hips if I keep it up. The BIGGEST and BEST features are 1. logging your exercise-- it let's you SEE results right then & there. Even cleaning house or walking the dog count so give yourself some credit 2. the COMPLETE ENTRY for the day at the bottom of your screen-- also shows you how successful you'll be if you continue eating and exercising the way you did that day. It also let's you know when you need to watch yourself so you don't keep going in a negative direction. TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR WEIGHT :) Use these fabulous tools. They really DO work. I've lost almost 40 pounds, have reached my goal weight and have been able to maintain by being accountable, using My Fitness Pal every single day on my phone. Good luck and welcome to the first day of the rest of your life. BTW, this is the first post I've ever made, I think it's THAT important.