Need some advice on my calories

foxgurl85 Posts: 2
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello All!
I am new here! I am allowed 1210 calories per day. I want to lose a total of 20 pounds. There is no time limit, that is just my goal weight and then try to remain at that weight. It's a healthy weight for my height. I am 25, 5.4 and currently 140 pounds. So far by the time I eat breakfast & lunch almost all of my calories are gone. Any advice is much appreciated. Thanks!!


  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    If you make your food diary public we may be able to help you more... Make sure you are eating dense foods... lean protein, lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains, and watch your portion control. Welcome to the site :smile:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Break up your food more so that you are eating 6 small meals (about 200 cals each) instead of having all of your calories done with by lunch.
  • Ok. Sorry I didn't know it was on private. Its public now.
  • badloki13
    badloki13 Posts: 15
    From what you've said, my advice would be to up the calories but work out with cardio and light weight lifting.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Oh and stop eating McDonalds every day. Let's try aiming for McDonalds once a month and eventually cutting it out. You're just wasting your calories there. You could have something more delicious, nutritious, and cheaper if you make it yourself :)
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    I think you need to start with a lower calorie breakfast, most people who are on the 1200 calorie try to keep their breakfast at 300 or below, think yogurt, fruit, whole grain toast, small bowl of cereal ect... and I agree about exercising, its much easier to stay within your calories when you have more to use! Your new to the site so it will take a little while to work out the numbers but you'll get there don't worry.

    ~Leash :heart:
  • lick25
    lick25 Posts: 27
    You're not that far over your calories. Going for a 30 min brisk walk every day will increase the amount of calories you can consume. And they always say exercise is the key!!
  • I am in the same boat as you. Try getting snacks that are better for you to eat through out the day. I start every day when yogurt instead of McDonald's now, I have incorporated more fruits in as snacks, like bananas and strawberries, both of which are great to tide you over without using a bunch of calories. You can still eat the things that you want, just budget for them in your calories. It will help you to make smarter choices in the long run so you can maintain your goal weight. It's hard at first, but i have already lost 11 pounds - keep at it!
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    Oh and stop eating McDonalds every day. Let's try aiming for McDonalds once a month and eventually cutting it out. You're just wasting your calories there. You could have something more delicious, nutritious, and cheaper if you make it yourself :)

    I have to agree! Too much McDonalds (and fat) in a couple of days. Try some lean protein (egg whites) and a high fiber, low calorie bread for breakfast. Of course, you can always burn off some of the extra calories at the end of the day or up front. Eiter way you can eat more than the allotted calories without exercise. But really, MCDonalds had got to go!
  • Moonboots100
    Moonboots100 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi there, I just looked at your food diary, and totally agree with the other posters here. Being a weight watchers member, we concentrate on Calories AND Saturated Fat. I noticed with your diary that alot of foods are quite high in their fat content. I know you posted about advice in calories, but I would suggest looking at your fat content too. I have found quite often foods that are lower in cals can be considerably higher in fat, and vice versa.

    Im an avid Macdonalds fan too, and I havent had one for over two months, and its haunting me!!! I drive past one every morning and evening for work, and would love to just swerve in the drive through, but I cant!!! Its not worth all the calories and fat.

    Keep going huni, Ive been tracking on here for about 2-3 weeks now and already Ive seen errors in my choices and have adapted them and lost 8.5lbs in 2 weeks (including very much increased exercise).

  • sparkles321
    sparkles321 Posts: 107
    I agree with trying to eat smaller meals more often throughout the day instead of just 3 main meals. Also be careful of the chinese foods, ramen, and freezer foods (fish sticks). They are loaded with sodium and will make losing weight difficult. You can track up to 5 aspects, so you can add it to your diary if you want to. Maximum intake is 2500mg per day. This was a main issue for my family as hubby started having some high blood pressure issues. I started watching that sodium level and he is no longer having issues (hopefully we've warded it off) and he's lost 15 pounds.
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    Try planning out your meals for the week so you have an idea of what you'll be eating. It's a lot more work but totally worth it in the long run. You're eating a lot of processed foods too, so maybe try cutting that back to one meal a day. Think small changes first. There's a wealth of information on the web and this site that can get you on the right track. Good luck!
  • stringsNlinks
    stringsNlinks Posts: 293 Member
    i agree with all and want to add to watch sodium and sugar too.

    Rarely do I eat processed foods anymore because most/all have a LOT of sodium. I try to eat a lot of fresh stuff, I also love to cook and eat so on days I'm going for something special (tonight for example - dinner to celebrate my 5k run today in Chicago) I plan plan plan. Bump up the exercise and log my food before having it. It helps me, hope it does you too!
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    I would try aiming for lower calorie meals with healthier options.

    Try a bowl of all bran flakes (1 cup) with some raisins sprinkled in it (not many) and half cup of skim or 2 % milk and 1/2 cup strawberries. That whole meal is under 200 calories or right around and very filling.

    Two or 3 hours later, have another fruit and a serving of almonds. Again, right around 200 calories.

    I usually have 5 meals a day around 200 - 250 calories. I am your age, your height and your weight seems to be working for me.

    Also, try upping your protein and cut out fatty meats and limit fast food and 'bad carbs' and processed foods that are full of sodium. If you can, stick to whole grains while getting your carbs. They are also full of fiber, so you get kind of a 2 or 1 deal with them.

    Also, the raimen noodle cups are so full of calories and sodium. If you have to eat soups, try the Progresso light or low sodium ones. You get the whole can for 160 - 250 calories and probably a lot less sodium.
  • Happyguy
    Happyguy Posts: 90 Member
    I'm trying for 1200 calories a day too and I know where you are coming from.

    I second the exercise recommendation. It's way easier to stick with 1200 calories when you are actually allowed to eat 1700 calories. :)
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