5"3 163 want to lose 40pd any suggestions on how

I am 5"3 starting weight is 164 getting married in 8 months want to lose a total of 40 pounds. I have just feel of the wangon this past year and drank and ate unhealthy.... so ready to look and feel good again and really want to feel great for when I get married. im doing 1200 calories a day and light exercise to start. any suggestions. add me as a friend too


  • lkocher01
    lkocher01 Posts: 10 Member
    It's going to be a long battle, but you can do it. (You and I have the same goal by the way, and mine is moving slowly, but moving nonetheless). I know you can do it. If you just make sure that you are getting good foods that are nutrient dense in those 1200 calories and not junk you will be fine. The combination of exercise and diet will work. Just keep adding more exercise so that you will continually burn more and your endurance level will peak. Good luck and please keep checking in. I am in the same place that you are and I am very determined to keep going.
  • Same goals as me!:flowerforyou: You can do it!
  • lkocher01
    lkocher01 Posts: 10 Member
    Sounds like we are all trying to lose about the same amount of weight. let's try to really help each other. I am only at a 3 lb loss after 2 weeks. Jennifer-congrats on 13 lbs. That has to feel great. You are probably already down a size in clothes.
  • Same goal as me too! started last week! good luck to all :-)
  • kblu0816
    kblu0816 Posts: 1,627 Member
    Same here! Been on here for a while. Have fallen off the wagon far too many times. My current weight is around 167. Was shocked to weigh in this weekend with a 2 pound loss after going overboard with the mexican food last week :laugh:
  • trumpkat80
    trumpkat80 Posts: 42 Member
    Try not to get hung up on weight, measurements are far more accurate. I lost 23.5 inches in 2 months w/ Insanity. & shakeology. I didn't lose much weight, but in 3 months I went from a sz. 12-14 to an 8!!! Enlist some cheerleaders for encouragement, losing weight won't be easy but it's worth it! Good luck to all of you.
  • If you can handle that caloric intake and have some flexibility in your eating schedule. Try to spread those 1200 calories over 6 meals (don't ever skip breakfast).

    Eat six 200 calorie meals and drink 2 glasses of water between each. Have your last meal before 8pm at night (I try to stop eating by 6 or 7, when possible).

    This will help your metabolism run more efficiently. The water is underrated and VERY important.

    Good luck!
  • the big thing to remember is that each day is a new day, so you mess up one day, just dont let that discourage you. take baby steps, know that you will get there. Just build a calorie deficit and it will come off. :smooched:
  • Now that is what I want to hear! I have always been a exercise person. I slowed down to an almost complete stop over the past 6 months, because I wasnt controlling my food intake and started gaining over the past 2 years that I lost motivation. I have recently started a military type boot camp 3 times a week and I do a spin class once a week. Although I was not "dieting" until today I do feel better. I have not lost a pound and do not feel a bit of a change yet, I am hoping between my workouts and my daily calorie intake for the most part of my week moving foward, I am hoping I see a change in my body. I am a big scale person so it will be a challenge for me. But thanks for the reminder that it isnt only on the scale that matters.
  • Also, shoot for lower carbs, and higher protien, protien keeps you fuller longer. Nuts are great, greek yogurt is super. I try to cut out as much bread as poissible that seems to be where my problem area is.
  • jafrab
    jafrab Posts: 5 Member
    I stopped consuming alcohol... not completely but cut so much off & I naturally lost 5 lbs. I also eat many homemade prepared foods. I love vege's & just really... you have to be conscious, its nt wrk once u love what ur feeding ur bod!
  • trellshantel
    trellshantel Posts: 17 Member
    If you can handle that caloric intake and have some flexibility in your eating schedule. Try to spread those 1200 calories over 6 meals (don't ever skip breakfast).

    Eat six 200 calorie meals and drink 2 glasses of water between each. Have your last meal before 8pm at night (I try to stop eating by 6 or 7, when possible).

    This will help your metabolism run more efficiently. The water is underrated and VERY important.

    Good luck!

    Great advice!!!
  • Ha. We have the same goals. I was close but then let it all go. When I got close to my goal before I noticed that the days I lost were on exercise days. So go for it you can do it!
  • sibalola
    sibalola Posts: 34 Member
    we have the same goals, I sent you a FR ...we got this