Giving up Coffee...suggestions for a Good TEA?????



  • HealthyCait
    If you can find a tea called sugar plum it is the best one I have ever tried! I used to be a coffee addict! But I also gave it up and now am addicted to different flavous of loose leaf teas! After Eight is also good if you like a strong minty taste ;)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Any particular reason you're giving up coffee? If it's just the creamers and such, just get rid of those and get some good coffee and drink it black or just a splash of 1% or something. Coffee itself isn't bad and there is research that points to certain health benefits. It's also a great source of niacin for the heart and not too shabby in the potassium department either.

    I'm also a green tea guy...usually coffee in the AM and some green tea in the PM.
  • stargazer008
    Try David's Tea, Teavana, Adiago's Tea for a wide selection of amazing teas. You can find chocolate teas, fruity teas, chai teas, etc!
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    If you;re looking for something with the .. um .. intensity? of coffee, try a good Darjeeling Tea. Black, it's as strong tasting as black coffee.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I like tea, but I am never giving up my morning coffee! You don't have to stop drinking it. Just put less creamer in it. It's still good, I promise. I used to use tons of creamer and sugar. I've weaned myself down to coconut milk creamer (10 cals for half of a tablespoon) and no sugar/sweeteners. If I get my coffee out, I get skim milk and a splenda. Less than 20 cals either way.
  • ITgoddess1
    China ever!!!!!!!!!
  • beckyboop712
    beckyboop712 Posts: 383 Member
    Republic of Tea has some pretty awesome flavors. My favorite is Orange Ginger Mint but all the other ones I have tried are pretty awesome too.

    I don't drink coffee but you can buy your own syrups to add to your coffee that are low calorie and sugar free. Combine that with low fat, skim or soy milk and you should be good to go :-)
  • DaveHuby
    DaveHuby Posts: 175 Member
    Number one rule, loose leaf not bags, treat yourself to a tea infuser, they come in all shapes and sizes but basically allow you to brew leaf tea without the need for a tea pot

    Number two rule, NO MILK, lemon if you must, but why destroy such a delicately refined infusion.

    Earl grey with its slightly perfumed flavour is my favourite. But if you can find the large leaf variety with real bergamot flowers it is even better.

    Green tea with jasmine flowers

    Lapsang Souchong is like drinking bonfire night, wonderful smokiness

    Then on to herbals and here bags are fine.
    Redbush has been mentioned
    Ginger and lemongrass very warming lovely at this time of the year.
    Others have specific impacts so do be careful

    Chamomile relaxes and soothes
    Peppermint really does help settle the digestion
    Anything with hops or valerian is a great sleep promoter.

    Some makers do variety boxes. Just keep experimenting and finding what works for you..

    Not sure where you are but if you have a Chinatown nearby go for a tea tasting. You will not want tea bag tea again!
  • sd_dilligaf
    sd_dilligaf Posts: 146 Member
    Tea is amazing. there is only one tea plant variety. All the different grades of black tea come from picking leaves at different stages, drying them differently, growing the plants in different locations, and flavoring them with smoke, spices, and other cominations like fruit and herbs.

    I prefer bulk tea brewed in a pot or French Press. 4 spoonfuls of bulk tea for a quart pot. I learned from a family in Winchester, UK:
    One (heaping tsp) for you
    one for me
    one for the pot,
    and one for the tea.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Never giving up my coffee! It's not an option! I try to keep it to one cup a day....half n half, 1/2 teaspoon of sugar and a wee bit of almond or vanilla extract = under 100 calories and fits into my daily budget nicely! Moderation is the key to success. If you give up too many foods that you enjoy it becomes unsustainable and down right depressing and quite frankly unnecessary!
  • BeesKnees181
    BeesKnees181 Posts: 166 Member
    Tazo Awake is a great black tea. I also like the Tazo Chai with some coconut creamer and a bit of stevia.
  • ThePersnicketyOtter
    ThePersnicketyOtter Posts: 147 Member
    I love any and all flavored tea... my favorite recently is raspberry.

    Try adding just a spoonful of creamer to sweeten it if you don't like drinking it plain.
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    Red Bush Tea its lush with or without milk and its caffeine free :drinker:

    This!! and Sage Tea is pretty good too.
  • Rachel505
    Rachel505 Posts: 30 Member
    My two favorite teas are Private Selections- Acai, Pomegranate & Blueberry Green tea & Tazo- Organic Apple Red.

    I started getting tea so I would stop drinking coffee now I am just drinking coffee in the morning and tea in the afternoon lol
  • KatieHall77
    KatieHall77 Posts: 129 Member
    I agree, I would never give up a hot cup of joe. Blue diamond unsweetened almond milk is awesome in coffee, it takes the place of the cream and its also naturally sweet and nutty. A bit like hazelnut coffee with cream. A splash of it is like 8 calories and 1 carb.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Why are you replacing one caffeinated drink with another? If you're trying to be "healthy," then go with some sort of herbal caffeine tea that is naturally caffeine free. Otherwise, just drink your coffee black. Coffee is not bad for you. The crap you're putting in it is a different story.
  • IMNotanumber
    IMNotanumber Posts: 18 Member
    I saw this post and just HAD to reply. I have gone through the SAME thing in the last few weeks, even though I kind of started on tea in the evenings a little a few years ago. I am trying like mad to not drink coffee at all while I am losing weight. (Grr.) Like you, my favorite coffee is the kind with tons of cream and fully flavored, so I started that way with my tea, too.

    These are some facts I found:
    *Apparently, tea is just some kind of leaf (no matter which kind - you can even use dried fruit or the leaves of cone flowers, called echinacea) that has been sitting in water long enough to flavor the water. Different leaves have different flavors, obviously.
    *I found that I don't like plain tea, the kind my mom drank since I can remember. Basic "hot tea" that you would order in any restaurant is "orange pekoe", but I like other flavors better.
    *If you let black tea leaves sit in water for too long, you'll notice a bitter taste. Basically, the tannons in the tea (that turn it a carmel color) have burned or been cooked too long, so the flavor is different. Try letting black tea steep for about a minute or two only. You may like that better.
    *Chai tea is an Indian tea that is made with ginger, cardamon, and clove. It tastes strong, like a cinnamony-type flavor, so you can add a little milk or honey to it to tame it if you want. I started with lots of milk and honey, but now I just drink it plain without any sweetener or cream. I like mine spicy.
    *My favorite non-sweetened tea (but it tastes so good with a little sweetener) is mint. In fact, if you have a health food or organic store near you, you could just get mint in bulk and buy yourself a little cup strainer to pour the water over the mint, then let it steep. I just put a pinch of the leaves in the strainer. I am not sure if that is right, but it works for me. If you have a garden, you could grow some mint of your own and just steep the leaves in hot water - so yummy in winter when it is hot and in summer when it is cool.
    *Other good teas that are really flavorful are apple or raspberry. I also bought some cheap cinnamon sticks to put in my tea for a little spice.
    *Green tea is super healthy and not too bad. Since I buy it in bulk and strain it with my own cup-strainer, I usually add some flavored tea with the green for variety.

    Sadly, I could talk about this for quite some time, but I would probably bore you to tears. Let me know if this info is helpful at all.

    Good luck drinking fewer calories and enjoying yummy tea!
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Coffee is good.
  • IMNotanumber
    IMNotanumber Posts: 18 Member
    Great suggestions! Mmmm.
  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    If you have a David's Tea near you, they have TONS of loose leaf tea to choose from. I also used to drink coffee and had to have creamer. Got rid of that and now have tea black. There are so many different flavors to choose from its crazy. You can get ones that are sweeter, or just regular green teas, or whatever you like. Depending on your budget, its of course more money than just buying a box of tea at the grocery store, but I still find it very reasonable. If there is not a David's Tea there are lots of different loose leaf tea places. Just depends where you are.
    Happy Tea Hunting!