Looking for some supportive friends!

Hi, my name is Emmeline and I am looking for some supportive and motivating friends to get me though my fitness goals. I am 23 years old and work a pretty sedentary job as a bank teller. This is my second time trying MFP and it has been 3 years since I've been fit because of a reoccurring ankle injury and shinsplints. I'm hoping to make friends with the same goals as me (losing around 15-30lbs and increasing muscle tone and strength).

Thanks :)


  • Hi there! I'm also looking to loose about 15 pounds and I just finished my first week of insanity. I'm a student and just having trouble finding time to fit it in. I could use supportive friends as well to keep me on track so feel free to add me!!
  • I too am looking for motivating friends and some much needed support! I keep telling myself - new year, new me! Feel free to add me!
  • Hi! My name is Patricia, I'm 22 and I would also appreciate the motivation of friends!