Listen All Y'All This Is Sabotage

So, today should have been my weigh in for the week - and I weighed, but I didn't record it. I screwed up the first two days of week 2 and then spent the rest of the week working it off to be right back where I was at the end of week 1. I'm so mad at myself. So out of the last 15 days I have had 13 really good ones. But two completely thru me off track. I like to sabotage myself. Last time I was on an actual diet, I made a whole monkey bread that me and my kids ate in three days. I took pictures of it and posted it on Facebook. Why do I do this every time????


  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    Deep breath. Don't let a couple of bad days throw you. It happens...too often to me. Just pick yourself up and get back to it. A couple of ARE NOT on a diet. You ARE making a lifestyle change. You are choosing LIFE over food. This isn't and event. It's a way of life! I read your profile...we lead parallel lives...right down to the husband in a rock and roll band and self-employed. I'm a bit older and my two boys are in college now but the similarities are scarey. You can do this!
  • laceybrobie
    laceybrobie Posts: 495 Member
    this is a life style change... not an over nighter...

    just remember that you are going to have days that are bad. The good will outweigh them..

    Keep pushing forward.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Hey, having 13 straight good days is a very strict thing. I'll have maybe three or four "good" days in a row. We're human. We eat. It's okay. Eye on the prize but gotta keep moving forward, no matter what.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I've never made it 6 days in a row without overeating or over drinking on something or sitting on my butt when I had planned a big day at the gym.

    But if the good always outweighs the bad, then you succeed. I'm at goal weight, have been here for a few months now, and things just keep getting better and better. It took 6 years to get here, but I still got here.

    It's a race that only ends when we're dead. Take it a day at a time.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    I agree with above posters, you are making a life style change. You make the best decisions you can for any given day, then move on. Two bad days shouldn't have undone two weeks worth of great work. Water weight is sneaky! Salt is even sneakier (?) I too have a tendency to get close to goal, then get sloppy (or sabatoge). Just make decision to make better choices and move on. Life is going to throw lots your way. Stick with it! I hope you are getting lots of support on this site!
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I rarely have what a lot of people on here would call a "good" day. Don't get sucked into the various "you must conform to our idea of perfection" myths. My calories are on target and my macros are balanced but I eat food. Sure I make sure I eat some fruit and veggies and drink my milk, but when its pizza and wings time, well its time.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    I am lucky if I have 2 super good days in a row. the way I look at it is this is my life... life sometimes throws curve balls and I eat all the food. Don't get discouraged things will come together.
  • SGT_Reg
    SGT_Reg Posts: 186 Member
    Pick yourself up and keep on rollin
  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    Maybe instead of sabotaging yourself after the fact, you are acutally settingyourself up from the get go. Just an idea-re-evaluate what you are doing/what you can do and be realistic. If you can only exzercise for 15 minutes a day-then telling yourself you will do a hour does no good. if you LOVE ice cream but tell yourself you'll only eat spinach this time-you are setting yourself up to fail. Think about how you can make what youwant fit together well with what you can realistically expect to do. Perfction lies in the abilityto adapt and adjust and making small changes consistently will serve you much better than making extreme ones youcan't maintain.

    Dust off and get back on track. You didn't fail,you slpped and fell off for a sec. You don't have to stay down. It's a choice. Make a good one that you can live with.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    It happens. A couple bad days are okay (depending on how bad). I would still record your weight. It's going to suck to see a gain or the same but it'll help you hold yourself accountable!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Are you on enough calories? If you are set too low this will happen over and over again.
  • 1BentoBaby
    although you feel as though you have messed up your diet, remember it is a new lifestyle you are learning. anytime you are doing something new you are bound to have set backs but it is important to look ahead towards your long term goal, and break it down into smaller more immediate do-able goals. and always track, even if you think you have screwed up! tracking is your way of holding yourself accountable and not tracking is only cheating yourself... be true to yourself, and stay true to your dream of a healthier thinner you!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    one or two days only make a direction change if you follow them up with more like them. Don't be discouraged. It is likely this weight gain is only a water gain... Keep donig the RIGHT things and I bet you see it drop back down. FIGHT BACK. DON'T GIVE IN! It is your life. You can make a difference.
  • KatieM101388
    I feel you. Anytime I have an off day, all my hard work goes down the drain. It's so much easier to gain than to lose.
  • MarcPower
    MarcPower Posts: 67 Member
    Sabotage isn't eating a bad meal or two. Sabotage is listening to that little voice in the back of your mind that says "Now that you've had a bad day, you're diet is done. You might as well quit." As long as you don't believe that voice, you are not sabotaging yourself. Each day is it's own day. One bad day doesn't mean that the next one needs to be bad too!
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    The truth of the matter is that we cant me "all or nothing" about this, I even had my doctor and dietitian tell me that. Even a trainer told me that same thing about exercising. Yah its hard, and yah it sucks seeing those lousy number when you "mess up" but thats life. Sometimes we eat a lot and sometimes a little, sometime we exercise alot and other days I, oops I mean we, still sit on our butts all day watching tv. The difference is how we handle it. In the past, perhaps with other "diets" we let this effect us and define our success but dont give up, actually applaud yourself for being honest and logging these off days rather then ignoring them.

    Your doing great. Keep at it!
  • Ezzie
    Ezzie Posts: 665 Member
    Amazing, wisdom and voices of sanity...listen to them, they DO know. So much wonderful thoughtful advice. We all have those days, just keep on coming back, logging, and moving. You CAN do this.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    I was the world's greatest self-saboteur until I came to MFP. What I like about this site is the myself first, and then to my "pals" (I feel like I let them down, too, if I have a bad day). I have gathered some amazing pals here who encourage, advise, and accept me. I could this alone.

    I never in a million years believed I could do this...but I am! And so can you! One bad day doesn't ruin anything. It;s just a temporary setback, and sometimes, it's not even a setback, so don't give up! One day at a time. You only have to get through today to get to tomorrow. xo
  • mokellyp
    mokellyp Posts: 10 Member
    Cara, you are doing great! Don't beat yourself up about a couple of bad days, just put them behind you and move on. And for the record, monkey bread doesn't last more than 1 day in my house.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    It happens to EVERYONE. Trust me, nobody is perfect. I fall off the wagon ALL the time. I just remember that 1 bad day doesn't mean 1 bad week. Get control and go back to doing what you know is right.