What was your WORST binge ever?



  • Harlequin16
    Harlequin16 Posts: 102 Member
    1 pizza, 1 Bavarian cheesecake, 2 bananas, 1 glass of coke and 2 packets of snakes o.o
    not really sure how i fit it all in haha
  • amwoodruff
    amwoodruff Posts: 54 Member
    Anytime I eat a pint of Ben and Jerry's, man.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I don't think I really binge at all. That kind of sounds painful, at least what I'm reading here does. Does it take a few days to get over something like that? Like does it affect your digestion, movements and stuff?
  • spangey13
    spangey13 Posts: 294
    Wowsers. Some of you guys are IMPRESSIVE!!!

    I actually can't remember anything that bad, maybe it is just because of sheer ignorance that I had no idea what I was eating at the time was that terrible, so didn't really think about it...

    When I had just started on MFP I ate all my usual food, and then had about 20 malt biscuits (which are not even an exciting biscuit to consume or binge on)... I felt incredibly guilty and literally, yes I do mean literally, ran until my feet bled, to try and burn it off. My feet were sore for a couple of weeks after - because I kept running anyway. I haven' t forgotten it, and I've never done it again.

    Pre-MFP days my usual day would not be complete without at least 10 biscuits, some sort of dessert after dinner, eg, ice cream or chocolate. The thing is, I've never been big on deep fried stuff, burgers, hot dogs etc. I just don't like it anyway. My vice is biscuits (can you tell?), chocolate and lollies.
  • spangey13
    spangey13 Posts: 294
    I don't think I really binge at all. That kind of sounds painful, at least what I'm reading here does. Does it take a few days to get over something like that? Like does it affect your digestion, movements and stuff?
    This I want to know!!
  • yvettegu
    yvettegu Posts: 7 Member
  • yvettegu
    yvettegu Posts: 7 Member
    The one I regret the most was when I was single and living by myself. I made an entire pot of chili with 6 cans beans, 3 pounds ground beef, onion, canned tomatoes, spices, etc. Then I ate the whole pot. With cheese, crackers, and sour cream.

    I worked from home for two days after that.

    OMG, I just about peed when I read this one!
  • BlueLadyBug22
    BlueLadyBug22 Posts: 156 Member
    A pot of lasagna noodles, about half of a Boston cream pie, several slices of cheese, cereal, and other random things I can't even remember.

    I might have some that beat that, but that's what sticks out in my mind. I tend to have a binging problem anyway though that I am trying to get over.
  • I'm surprised at how TAME these binges are....I used to order in enough Chinese food, Dominos, or Mediterranean food for a family of five or six and eat it all, plus calorie-laden drinks, and that was just dinner...earlier in the day I would snag down an entire box of ice cream or bag of full-sized Reese's. I remember going back for thirds or fourths at the college cafeteria. But my latest binge was more tame.

    I ate almost an entire box of Nips candy.
  • HopefulLeigh
    HopefulLeigh Posts: 363 Member
    I don't think I really binge at all. That kind of sounds painful, at least what I'm reading here does. Does it take a few days to get over something like that? Like does it affect your digestion, movements and stuff?

    Binging used to be part of my daily life. I was tired all the time and had bowel movements maybe once a week. It was bad. I thought it was normal. It wasn't until I got on here that I realized that there's something seriously wrong with how I was eating, and that my body shouldn't be working the way it was. So yes, it affected me. I did, however, do it regularly. Now when I go off the reservation, I notice major changes in my movements, energy levels and overall mood and it does take a little bit for my body to adjust to what I had just done to it.
  • I don't think I really binge at all. That kind of sounds painful, at least what I'm reading here does. Does it take a few days to get over something like that? Like does it affect your digestion, movements and stuff?

    I was so sick all the time I couldn't tell how sick I really was. In fact, even after losing 28lbs and minimizing the bingeing, I'm proba STILL am sick. That's my guesstimate, since I'm still obese. Its amazing but I ate past the point of uncomfortable every day. It was the norm for me.
  • prettyrikky
    prettyrikky Posts: 22 Member
    Two subway foot longs back to back, I didn't even realize i ate both of them until i looked up and saw my husband looking at me like 'did she just really eat both of our sandwhiches' lol
  • Food4Fuel
    Food4Fuel Posts: 37 Member
    Over the course of 1'day I drank a thirty pack and ate an unmentionable amount of taco bell later that night had an entire large hot and ready pizza as well as various chips throughout the day (so I'm told don't remember much about that day.) That was Spring Break freshman year, now im working my *kitten* off to make up for those college years.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    This is probably tame but when I was in my late teens my snacks before dinner used to be things like,
    - an entire box of EL Fudge cookies (40 cookies, 2800 calories)
    - an entire 1 pound bag of Doritos (I think it was between 3-4000 calories, this was back in the 80's)
    - half a box of Cookie Crisp cereal (with milk)
    - an entire tombstone (or similar) pizza
    - a whole jar of peanuts

    (But I also burned off tons of calories and was still a toothpick.)

    This weekend I had 3/4 of a Little Caesar's, almost 1700 calories, but I still didn't manage to go over my calories for the day.

    ETA: ooh forgot about donuts. I used to eat a dozen donuts at a time. (Dunkin' or Krispy Kreme)
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    I've had baaad ones in my recovery from restricting, like 15 cookies, 10 cupcakes, lots of cake,ect..

    But the WORST one I had, I remember because I was in so much PAINNN after and could hardly walk , was when I had the equivalent of like 2 pizzas, and then indulged in carrot cake after


    Binging is a habit I'm proud to say I have basicallyyy conquered noww! :)
  • starspeckled
    starspeckled Posts: 313 Member
    On my hour commute home once, I stopped at one Dunkin Donuts and got 2 sausage egg and cheese sandwiches on crossiants. Then I stopped at another one 30 minutes later and ate an entire box of 25 munchkins.
  • Oh my gosh! Just don't let me anywhere near a buffet on a 'bad day!' It's not pretty! I've easily racked up 4 or 5 thousand calories and that's not counting some of the condiments and stuff... In my younger days I would have been proud, but now I'm rather disturbed...lol :)
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    i can't remember all of it...but it must have been 5000 calories in 20 minutes. it was November last year, i remember it well :(
  • Mammadu
    Mammadu Posts: 1 Member
    2-3 large pepperoni pizza slices, 2 large oreo milkshakes, i'm talking at least a liter each, 2 kingsize butterfingers and 2 kingsize reese's. I also watched the movie Chronicle that day. I had the munchies like no other.
  • edge_dragoncaller
    edge_dragoncaller Posts: 826 Member
    I'm not counting anything prior to my attempts to lose weight...hehe.

    Recently though, a whole back of snicker's bite size bars. I won't be buying those again anytime soon