90 Day Challenge

Hey everyone.. So my birthday is in 87 days, with 90 days left until I go out to celebrate. July 24th, is the day of the Celebration. I will be 21!

I picked out the most amazing dress, and it fits, but it would fit better with a few more inches off and a little more toning.

So here's my challenge.

By July 24th


4500 Sit ups
45 hours of purposeful walking. If you have to walk to the store, don't count that. Unless, you were going to drive and decided to walk.Don't count walking around the store, you had to do that anyways.. this is walking for the purpose of walking.

Not to hard right.. So do it with me. You just come to this post whenever you have a chance to and post what you've done. Can we do it.. That 100 cit ups every other day and an hour of walking every other day. Feel free to break it up however you want.. These are your sit ups and walking minutes..


  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    I'll take the challenge!
  • lovingmyjaybird
    AWESOME! I'm so happy to have someone do it with me.. I responded to your message

    I'll take the challenge!
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    Goal 4500 sit ups
    -100 sit ups 4/25
    4400 remaining

    Goal 45 hours walking
    -49 minutes walking 4/25
    44 hours 11 minutes remaining

    I meant to do more walking tonight but we ended up having an emergency and didn't get home til 9pm so I'll just have to double my efforts tomorrow!
  • lovingmyjaybird
    Way to go!!!!

    Here's me

    Goal 4500 Sit ups
    - 50 sit ups 4/25
    4450 Remaining

    No walking today. =( I was so tired after working.. I'm going to do another 50 sit ups before bed tho'
    Goal 4500 sit ups
    -100 sit ups 4/25
    4400 remaining

    Goal 45 hours walking
    -49 minutes walking 4/25
    44 hours 11 minutes remaining

    I meant to do more walking tonight but we ended up having an emergency and didn't get home til 9pm so I'll just have to double my efforts tomorrow!
  • mdiva
    mdiva Posts: 3
    OK, so my birthday is July 24th also , I'm going to go for your goal also I did 40 thisorning with out knowing about this so tonight I will do 60
  • lovingmyjaybird
    YAY! And Welcome!!!! My birthday is the 21st, but it's my 21st and I'm going out on the 24th, and this is the most amazing dress.. I just have to be able to wear it!

    - 75 - 4/25
    4,425 remaining
    Going to try to get in 125 today.. I don't start work until 5.. so I have a lot of free time today, while my son naps... Going to do my walk and my sit ups.
    OK, so my birthday is July 24th also , I'm going to go for your goal also I did 40 thisorning with out knowing about this so tonight I will do 60
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    Can they be crunches? Haha I have no abdominal muscles so they're hard enough! I'm in!
  • lovingmyjaybird
    LOL Sure and welcome!!!
    Can they be crunches? Haha I have no abdominal muscles so they're hard enough! I'm in!
  • lovingmyjaybird
    - 75 4/25
    4,425 remaining
    - 75 4/26

    YAY! And Welcome!!!! My birthday is the 21st, but it's my 21st and I'm going out on the 24th, and this is the most amazing dress.. I just have to be able to wear it!

    - 75 - 4/25
    4,425 remaining
    Going to try to get in 125 today.. I don't start work until 5.. so I have a lot of free time today, while my son naps... Going to do my walk and my sit ups.
    OK, so my birthday is July 24th also , I'm going to go for your goal also I did 40 thisorning with out knowing about this so tonight I will do 60
  • lovingmyjaybird
    No walking again today =( Stupid rain!

    It's supposed to clear up and I have two days off of work tomorrow, and Wednesday.. Going to try to get 3-4 hours done in those two days!
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    Rain rain go away! Hoping it doesn't rain here because if my feet stop throbbing I'd like to go on another walk this evening. Gotta get in at least *some* situps today too, just not yet! :P
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    Got my 30 mins in even though I really didn't want to and am sooo tired but then I did the math and figured it'd have to be at least 30 mins a day. That was my motivation and I even broke into a little jig towards the end.

    EDIT: Haha! I broke into a jog. Not a jig. Although, maybe next time a jig is in order...
  • lovingmyjaybird
    Okay, I got in about 70 minutes of walking today.. 40 before work, and then got off the bus on the way home 15 blocks early and got in another 30..

    So 45 hours = 2700 minutes
    - 70 minutes 4/26
    2630 minutes remaining
    Rain rain go away! Hoping it doesn't rain here because if my feet stop throbbing I'd like to go on another walk this evening. Gotta get in at least *some* situps today too, just not yet! :P
  • lovingmyjaybird
    WAHOO YAY YOU! I know how that is..and I'm happy you got at least 30 minutes
    Got my 30 mins in even though I really didn't want to and am sooo tired but then I did the math and figured it'd have to be at least 30 mins a day. That was my motivation and I even broke into a little jig towards the end.

    EDIT: Haha! I broke into a jog. Not a jig. Although, maybe next time a jig is in order...
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    Wooooooooo! 70 minutes of walking, good job!
    I'm glad I got at least 30 in before the rain today so I don't get backed up! I did my situps while my son was crawling on my knees and he thought it was the funnest game lol. He cracked up every time my head came up. That was great motivation to keep going! :)
  • lovingmyjaybird
    HAHA That's awesome that you involve your son in your workouts!!!! My son just stands over my head looking at me..saying get up momma.. one two one two one two FREE! lmao .. it's too darn cute..he's like a personal trainer
    Wooooooooo! 70 minutes of walking, good job!
    I'm glad I got at least 30 in before the rain today so I don't get backed up! I did my situps while my son was crawling on my knees and he thought it was the funnest game lol. He cracked up every time my head came up. That was great motivation to keep going! :)
  • lovingmyjaybird
    Wahoo... 3 hours of walking in today and lots of time off next week, deffinantly making plans to hit the state park for a bike ride!!! =)
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    I'm so glad I'm doing this challenge! It's really keeping me motivated! Great job everyone!
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    I like having a finish line no matter how far away it is, it's still in sight :).

    I didn't go walking yesterday as far as for the purpose of walking but I did go shopping at the mall for almost 2 hours and I wore my son in his wrap instead of in the stroller so that was an extra 20lbs resistance. Fun stuff! Didn't count that towards my walking though because it wasn't for the purpose of walking, just proud that I did it :).
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    Oh man I need to catch up on my situps! I meant to do them the last 2 days but it slipped my mind until I was already in bed or was driving in my car and couldn't pop on the floor to do them :(. I need to tie a string around my finger or something.