HRMs...Help me pick one please :)

I'm going to invest in an HRM this week...but I need some help first :)

If you have one...which one do you have?

Is it accurate?

Does it track calories burned?

How much was it?

Was the cost worth the product?

Do you like it?

Would you rather have a different one?


  • MichelleWagner50
    MichelleWagner50 Posts: 240 Member
    I have a polar f6. It tracks heart rate, calories burned, fat % burned. I love it! It cost $89.99 on with free shipping. It seems to be really accurate and I definitely think it is worth it.
    I would like one that tracks splits when I run, which I think the polar f7, but so far I have been really happy with this one.
    You should check the message boards....there have been other threads that have talked about HRMs.
    Good luck!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    If you have one...which one do you have?
    - I have the Polar F11.

    Is it accurate?
    - As far as I know.... it burns less than my other HRM (a Mio from WalMart) did, but I'd rather underestimate than over estimate on calories burned!

    Does it track calories burned?

    How much was it?
    - I got it from Amazon... it was right at $150, but I think they're cheaper now. You can look it up and see. :smile:

    Was the cost worth the product?
    - DEFINATELY! It has many other features as well.. target heart rate and alarms to let you know if you go too high or too low, tracks calories burned over daily and weekly increments as well as totals. It also says the %fat you burn (I don't know hw accurate that is though, but it's still nice to look at!) It also tells duration of the exercise and many other things, but those are the main ones I use.

    Do you like it?
    - I love it!

    Would you rather have a different one?
    - Well, looking back I don't use all the features it has. So I could have went with a cheaper one that has just the features use for a lot less. But that's just my preference - nothing wrong with the product!!
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,178 Member
    I own the Polar FT7 (it has a chest strap).

    It runs around $109.00 (I had a coupon for $25.00 off) at Sports Authority.

    It tracks calories, heart rate, time working out along with how long you were in cardio and fat-burning mode. It keeps your data for a certain amount of time (I think 2 weeks but never checked past one week).

    It also is compatable with certain exercise machines at the gym so it syncs up with their computer read out.

    It will not pick up other people's HRM if you exercise in a group setting.

    I love mine.


    The watch is unattractive and the face is large (I have smallish wrists) but the strap is ajustable to any size wrists.

    The manual that comes with it is very vague.

    I hope this is totally worth the money to me.
  • Shamar233
    Shamar233 Posts: 7 Member
    If you have one...which one do you have?
    I have the Polar F11 My good friend has the Polar F4 (Hers only calculates heartrate and calories burned)

    Is it accurate?
    I feel it is very accurate

    Does it track calories burned?
    Yes it does

    How much was it?
    I got mine from my mother in law for Christmas a couple years back and I think it was about 150.00
    My friend with the F4 paid about $80.00

    Was the cost worth the product?
    I feel that there are a lot of features on the PolarF11 that I don't even know how to use. If I would have bought it
    myself I think I would have been bummed that I spent that much on features I don't use.
    I was letting you know about my friends the F4 because hers does the same thing I use mine for and she paid
    much less, so if your only wanting it to only count calories and heartrate, I wouldn't go all out! You really don't need too.

    Do you like it?
    I love mine, I use it all the time

    Would you rather have a different one?
    Like I said above, I really like the heartrate monitor I have but I think its a little more than what I really need.

    ALSO!! Just a heads up, my husband is a huge mountain biker and uses the website to buy a lot his
    biking gear that is clearanced out. They have heartrate monitors on there for much cheaper than buying from bestbuy
    or ****s. I haven't compared the prices on nashbar or amazon so not sure which would be cheaper, but its worth
    checking it out and seeing if you can find something. :) Good Luck!
    there that is cheaper :)
  • xonophone
    xonophone Posts: 474 Member
    Polar F6 and I love it! It has all the features you are asking for and it's pink! :) I use it for every workout, I also use it hiking, kayaking, snowboarding, biking, etc. I haven't used it dancing yet though - I may try that next! :smile:
  • ccaruso219
    I'm going to invest in an HRM this week...but I need some help first :)

    If you have one...which one do you have?
    I have the Polar F6 men's black...I hate pink

    Is it accurate?
    I haven't had any issues with it

    Does it track calories burned?
    Yes it does

    How much was it?
    I paid $110 at Sports Authority

    Was the cost worth the product?

    Do you like it?
    I love it...Chest strap is comfortable

    Would you rather have a different one?
    I had a cheaper one that I got from Walmart....No chest strap and the reading was not accurate......
  • flwyland
    flwyland Posts: 142
    I'm in the same boat as fiendish. Shopping but not knowing the product. The feedback here is helpful, but I have one other question to add. Is there one available that doesn't have a metal back touching your wrist? (I have a fairly severe metal contact allergy which is made worse by sweating and can't wear a watch, or anything, with a metal back.)