Just Starting...

Hi Everyone!

Just wanted to say hello! I'm on the beginning of this journey of getting myself back.

It's funny how life works. You live it and don't realize what has happened until things have gone too far. I was always fit--I was a cheerleader and played on the basketball team in high school. I exercised 4-5 times a day and performed or played during the week and on weekends. There was no need to watch calories or diet.

Even in my early 20's I was still in good shape. I worked out every weekday and only ate when I wanted to. Then I got engaged. He picked me up every evening, which meant I no longer walked the 10 blocks to the subway. He took me to eat--fast food--something I barely did for lunch and NEVER did for dinner. I didn't notice, but the 11 months we were engaged I gained 15 pounds. Then 5 months after the wedding I found out that I was pregnant. After the baby was born, the marriage went downhill and I became an emotional eater.

Fast forward 17 years later: I have 2 sons, the marriage ended 2 years ago, and I'm still dealing with almost 100 pounds heavier than when I got married. I'm done with it. I deserve to take better care of myself. I deserve to look as good as I can. I deserve to be the best me that I can be.


  • lrhodges
    lrhodges Posts: 5
    Hi Everyone!

    Just wanted to say hello! I'm on the beginning of this journey of getting myself back.

    It's funny how life works. You live it and don't realize what has happened until things have gone too far. I was always fit--I was a cheerleader and played on the basketball team in high school. I exercised 4-5 times a day and performed or played during the week and on weekends. There was no need to watch calories or diet.

    Even in my early 20's I was still in good shape. I worked out every weekday and only ate when I wanted to. Then I got engaged. He picked me up every evening, which meant I no longer walked the 10 blocks to the subway. He took me to eat--fast food--something I barely did for lunch and NEVER did for dinner. I didn't notice, but the 11 months we were engaged I gained 15 pounds. Then 5 months after the wedding I found out that I was pregnant. After the baby was born, the marriage went downhill and I became an emotional eater.

    Fast forward 17 years later: I have 2 sons, the marriage ended 2 years ago, and I'm still dealing with almost 100 pounds heavier than when I got married. I'm done with it. I deserve to take better care of myself. I deserve to look as good as I can. I deserve to be the best me that I can be.
  • erin0412
    erin0412 Posts: 21
    Welcome. I'm still somewhat new to the site as well. You sound like me - - 42, getting my life back. I've been honestly logging my food and exercise for two weeks and totally notice a difference in what and how I'm eating, now I'm just waiting for the scale to reflect it.

    You'll find lots of great support here and the tools are great!

    Good luck!
  • GonnaDoIt
    GonnaDoIt Posts: 36 Member
    Hey girl! I promise you will shed those lbs in no time if you follow this. I have been doing this for about 5 weeks and I was amazed to see the scale this morning! Good luck. I know you can do this!!!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • lrhodges
    lrhodges Posts: 5
    Thanks a lot! I look forward to it!
  • Manda86
    Manda86 Posts: 1,859 Member
    welcome to the MFP family !


    So glad you decided to join, I know I speak for everyone when I say we look forward to getting to know ya better!


  • lrhodges
    lrhodges Posts: 5
    Thanks so much! And I look forward to getting to know everyone!

  • lrhodges
    lrhodges Posts: 5
    Hi and thanks! Stick with it and you'll eventually see it in the scale!

  • lifesaver
    lifesaver Posts: 132
    you're gorgeous! good luck with the weight loss :flowerforyou:
  • Charlie_23
    Hi everyone well I’m student life has been hard on me and I can’t say I have put my fitness at the forefront of my priorities late nights or 24hrs days have caused me to snake at the wrong times on the wrong things and I have put on 5kgs. My ultimate goal is to get into my skinny jeans you know the ones at you keep in hope that you will fit them again. Well if anyone wants to start there journey with me I’m here for the long hall AGAIN!!! Laters x
  • Katy009
    Katy009 Posts: 579 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Just wanted to say hello! I'm on the beginning of this journey of getting myself back.

    It's funny how life works. You live it and don't realize what has happened until things have gone too far. I was always fit--I was a cheerleader and played on the basketball team in high school. I exercised 4-5 times a day and performed or played during the week and on weekends. There was no need to watch calories or diet.

    Even in my early 20's I was still in good shape. I worked out every weekday and only ate when I wanted to. Then I got engaged. He picked me up every evening, which meant I no longer walked the 10 blocks to the subway. He took me to eat--fast food--something I barely did for lunch and NEVER did for dinner. I didn't notice, but the 11 months we were engaged I gained 15 pounds. Then 5 months after the wedding I found out that I was pregnant. After the baby was born, the marriage went downhill and I became an emotional eater.

    Fast forward 17 years later: I have 2 sons, the marriage ended 2 years ago, and I'm still dealing with almost 100 pounds heavier than when I got married. I'm done with it. I deserve to take better care of myself. I deserve to look as good as I can. I deserve to be the best me that I can be.

    YES......you deserve to be the best you that you can be! Welcome and Good Luck!!!! :smile: