Hello! New girl from Italy

Hello everyone! I'm Betti, 24. I've been here since January, 8th, the day I started changing my habits. I am looking forward to losing >100lb (I'm 172cm - 5''64'ft). Until now the results have been pretty good. Without starving, I lost more than 17lb already, so I'm very motivated!
SW 286
AW 270
GW 163
MFP has been very helpful, and so is reading the posts here, I'm learning a lot about nutrition and fitness!
If anyone else has similar goals, friend me. I'd also like to know is there is any italian/italian speaker.
Bye :)


  • Minuevayo_40
    Minuevayo_40 Posts: 9 Member
    Yes. I am!!! Ancora sei a MFP, nel caso sia cosí, poi aggiungermi. Sono cubana ma abito in Italia da 3 anni. Anch'io avrei bisogno di un po' di aiutino... ;)