INSANITY results anyone?

Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
I am currently doing JM30DS but really looking into doing Insanity.. i would love success stories, photos, results, any information regarding...

i think it will definitally make my decision easier where to go after JM30DS.


  • JennyLJones
    JennyLJones Posts: 20 Member
    I've done insanity! It works if you follow the program and eat healthy! I have many friends who have done it too! Its super intense! If you have a buddy to do it with I recommend it. It's easier to push yourself when someone is watching!
  • SillySkittles
    SillySkittles Posts: 202 Member
    I am 8 workouts away from finishing my first round of Insanity! I say first round because I am totally going to start again after because I've loved everything about it!

    Today was a weigh in day for me and I'm down 29 lbs since I first started Insanity in October. I didn't follow the program EXACTLY since I knew I had a lot of other things on the go that wouldn't allow me to do an Insanity workout every day, but I DID do some kind of workout every day and used rest days as cross-training days. If I had a class that I attended at the gym, I wouldn't do an Insanity workout on that day, but I would do the next workout the next day, etc. So while it's taken me a lot longer to complete than the original 60 days it was supposed to, I'm still seeing results and I haven't overdone so that I've felt like I was sick of it or wanted to quit.

    My favourite part about Insanity is that I didn't just lose weight by moving around, it really helps with strength as well. I started not being able to do even ONE push up and now I can do 15. It's not a high number by any means, but I know what I felt like trying to do one and how I couldn't even prevent myself from landing on my face, that's how weak my arms were! *LOL* I kept a day by day blog of each workout that I did, in case you wanted to have an idea of how my experience with it, but definitely give it a shot!!! :) Good luck with it if you go for it!
  • I did Insanity from start to finish. My husband was doing it while he was deployed and got me into it. It is definitely good to have someone with you to motivate you because I couldn't tell you how many times I wanted to give up. I lost about 18lbs and toned up some. I had to stop though because it was killing my back. Good Luck!
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    I am 8 workouts away from finishing my first round of Insanity! I say first round because I am totally going to start again after because I've loved everything about it!

    Today was a weigh in day for me and I'm down 29 lbs since I first started Insanity in October. I didn't follow the program EXACTLY since I knew I had a lot of other things on the go that wouldn't allow me to do an Insanity workout every day, but I DID do some kind of workout every day and used rest days as cross-training days. If I had a class that I attended at the gym, I wouldn't do an Insanity workout on that day, but I would do the next workout the next day, etc. So while it's taken me a lot longer to complete than the original 60 days it was supposed to, I'm still seeing results and I haven't overdone so that I've felt like I was sick of it or wanted to quit.

    My favourite part about Insanity is that I didn't just lose weight by moving around, it really helps with strength as well. I started not being able to do even ONE push up and now I can do 15. It's not a high number by any means, but I know what I felt like trying to do one and how I couldn't even prevent myself from landing on my face, that's how weak my arms were! *LOL* I kept a day by day blog of each workout that I did, in case you wanted to have an idea of how my experience with it, but definitely give it a shot!!! :) Good luck with it if you go for it!

    Those are amazing results... do you need weights/pull up bars/mats ect. to do insanity? and how long are the workouts? an hour? also, how 'fit' do you need to be before beginning insanity?
  • Those are amazing results... do you need weights/pull up bars/mats ect. to do insanity? and how long are the workouts? an hour? also, how 'fit' do you need to be before beginning insanity?

    I just started, but I thought I'd answer your questions.

    1. No, you don't need anything. It's all your own body. However, if you're working on a cold floor or a carpet-rubbing floor, I'd recommend a mat of some sort, just because I have that problem and it helps. :)

    2. The workouts range from 30-50 minutes long. The 30 minute one is the Fit Test that you do every week in order to track your progress. But don't be fooled! I've done the Fit Test twice and both times I had sweat rolling down my face. Good workout and a weekly update on how you're doing? AWESOME.

    3. This one's hard for me to answer because I'm really not quite sure how 'fit' I am. I do Crossfit 2x a week and run/strength train on other days and it's a challenge - but a good, doable challenge. It's something knew for my body, which is awesome! I've heard of people with 100+ to lose doing it - but a modified version. Some people don't finish the workouts, but that's okay! Not to mention, there's 1 min. rests between exercises, so have water handy! And the people in the video are dying just as much as you! You could say it's acting, but I really think it's just that hard... lol!

    I hope these answer your questions!
  • ashleymmannisto
    ashleymmannisto Posts: 62 Member
    I can give imput to the "how fit" part. I did it with my husband about a year ago. I weighed roughly 200lbs at 5 foot even. I never worked out. I did pretty well. I pushed as hard as I could go and didn't have to stop much. We did it for about 2 weeks, then life happened and didn't have time...I would like to get into it again, but I love going to the gym, so maybe later in life... :)
  • I'm currently in the middle of my second week and I absolutely love it! :) It's challenging and makes you feel so good after every workout! I really like the fact that you use your own body weight as resistance and that the workouts aren't ridiculously long. It's high intensity so make sure you increase your water intake. I haven't lost any weight but I've had many people tell me to not even look at the scale while on the program because although it might say you haven't lost any weight, you are definitely losing inches and transforming your body. In regards to how "fit" you have to be to do the program, I say go for it! You never know what your body can do until you try! :) You can do it!!!
  • madisons_mummy
    madisons_mummy Posts: 169 Member
    Heh I'm currently doing 30DS and I'll be doing Insanity when I've finished. Maybe after Insanity I'll try p90X. I finish 30DS 13th Feb...a while to wait till I can go onto Insanity :)
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    I'm on the second week and missed my first day due to my super early work shift. I plan to do yesterday's today and two tomorrow as I have a day off so can split them. I'm finding it hard to keep up and you have to pace yourself. According to my HRM I'm burning 150/200 cals in the warm up. It's kinda hardcore but I'm a bit out of shape so I guess I'm pushing myself. I really want to break the 180 barrier by my holiday in 6 weeks.
    I'd advise anyone to try it as its all about good form. Find tha and start slow and I suppose it's appropriate for anyone. I agree it takes its toll on your body, my weaknesses so far are my knees and lower back but I hope this is strengthening them.
    Looking forward to starting some ab workouts which come in at the end of this week. Hopefully that will pull in my stomach and support my back more. Not sure if you're uk of US but I got my copy form Gumtree/Craigslist for £30/$50 it's a good program so far
  • IAmKellOnWheels
    IAmKellOnWheels Posts: 47 Member
    I'm in week 2 of Month 2. Insanity WORKS. I have no idea how much weight I've lost, as I've weighed myself once since I started (lost 11 lbs so far). However, my cellulite is almost gone. I've lost 4" in my waist alone. My energy is through the roof, I'm happier, my skin is healthy, and clothes I never got into FIT. I was 208 when I started (I'm 5'9") and cried every day the first week before the workout. It's hard. BUT, the reward is so great and worth it more than words can say! I'm definitely doing round 2 as there's no way I've squeezed everything out of Insanity in 1 round.

    I second the posters in never compromising form. Do every movement as controlled as possible and DON'T try to keep up with Shaun T. Push yourself, but always try to do the exact move. Even if you only get in one to their 10.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i've done insanity 3 times, asylum twice, and i'm doing p90x now.

    As long as you are not grossly overweight it really doesn't make that much diffrence what shape you are in when you start. The work outs are designed in such away that you should be going all out or nearly all out the whole time. so even if your in great shape you should be really spent at the end... Being used to working hard will help, but how fit you are really one helps you through one workout at a time, making it to the end is really about work ethic. but someone with the right work ethic is going to realize there really is no 'end' lol.

    Its still 99% about what you do and don't eat even with insanity. its really easy to eat back what you expended even on that program. While i loved insanity and how healthy it made me (my blood presure and body fat were never so low) my body responds better to the less intense pace of p90x. and its easier for me to control me eating. loved the relatively short workouts though. aslyums are even shorter and more fun in my opinion.

    oh and insanity still gives me preworkout anxiet.
  • Im not able to answer your questions as far as "results" but I have done JM30DS and unfortunatly wasnt able to finish it b/c I didnt have time anymore after 2 weeks with my husband coming home from deployment and us moving across the US back home. I had done the fitness test for Insanity and only 1 workout after && I cant tell you how bad it hurt LoL --- my body wasnt ready && Im not saying yours wont be b/c everyone is totally different --- but...form is everything and DO NOT over do it. I think I was trying too hard to keep up with my Marine husband LoL I cant wait to get back to 30DS just so I can strength train to be able to do Insanity again LoL Know your limits girlie and I think you will do GREAT!!! Congrats on such great progress that youve made so far!!! Keep pushing play :)
  • I am on my second round of Insanity. I made it through 5 weeks the first time and went from a size 14 to a size 8 in that 5 weeks. I didn't lose a ton of weight but a TON of inches. I am currently on week 2 day 5 and I have already lost 5 lbs and my clothes are starting to feel loose. Insanity works, it is challenging, but it is the only system I know of where you only have to work out between 30-45 mins a day and you get these results. I have done 30DS and 6 week 6 pack.. etc and have not even come close to the results I get with Insanity.
  • TOMEKA18
    TOMEKA18 Posts: 103 Member
    Insanity is a challenge for me but I love it.. I am so looking forward to tomorrows workout with my buddies.
  • kadinlucas
    kadinlucas Posts: 77 Member
    I just did the fitness test for the first time this morning.
    Couldn't complete the cooldown stretching because I was in the bathroom throwing up.
  • tynishabeezfit
    tynishabeezfit Posts: 154 Member
    4'11, 133lbs, 35.5 waist 117.6, 27.5 waist It's worth it! you just have to stick to it, but that's with anything. :)
  • RotterdamNL
    RotterdamNL Posts: 509 Member
    Check youtube, loads of progress vids
  • zena92
    zena92 Posts: 128 Member
    4'11, 133lbs, 35.5 waist 117.6, 27.5 waist It's worth it! you just have to stick to it, but that's with anything. :)

    amazing results...well done!!!! :)
  • Insanity is tough but i loveeeee it, ive only just completed week 1 and ive lost 5lbs already, when you finish the tough workout you feel good, truss me!
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    4'11, 133lbs, 35.5 waist 117.6, 27.5 waist It's worth it! you just have to stick to it, but that's with anything. :)

    I LOVE your results you look amazing!
    I am really hoping mine are similar :D

    I am in the middle of week 2 of Insanity and I love it so far! I definitely recommend it to anyone who's thinking about doing it.
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