@ Ladies



  • MrsSardone
    MrsSardone Posts: 194 Member
    The pill won't make you gain weight (unless it's water weight) but it MIGHT make you have cravings. I was on the Nuvaring and while it WAS convenient, it made me very unhappy. Then I switched to the mini pill but that made me break out (but my sec drive was through the roof!). Now I'm on ortho cyclen...so far so good.

    Yeah if your period went away cuz you're underweight you might want to cut the calorie restriction thing out and gain weight.
  • goldair23
    goldair23 Posts: 160
    Nothing happened to me, I've tried several different types. One made me a little moodier than normal, but none of the others made any changes that I noticed.
    And in regards to barely ever wanting sex once on it, I have to disagree! It didn't change anything for me, if anything I was having it more because it was just easier while using the pill as the only protection! (With a boyfriend, not strangers!)
    I wouldn't worry too much, my friend just started on it and was so worried and scared. It's not a big deal, you can always change it to another if you notice any side effects xx
  • I will never take them again! I had horrible reactions with each I tried.

    Weight gain (excessive water weight: went from at most 3 lbs gain at TOM to 7!!!)
    Mood swings
    No sex drive at all
    I was tired all the time
    PMS was hell (the cramps and headaches alone had me doubled over in pain)
    And my boobs actually got smaller and I was having breakouts which I never did before.
    Basically a lot of issues it is supposed to help with actually got worse for me.

    Stopped taking bc about three months ago and it has made a world of difference. My husband and I still other methods of pregnancy prevention.
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member

    Weight gain (excessive water weight: went from at most 3 lbs gain at TOM to 7!!!)
    Mood swings
    No sex drive at all
    I was tired all the time
    PMS was hell (the cramps and headaches alone had me doubled over in pain)
    And my boobs actually got smaller and I was having breakouts which I never did before.
    Basically a lot of issues it is supposed to help with actually got worse for me.

    omg :(((
  • I have been on the pill for 3 years and I have nothing to sing but its praises. For every one person that gains weight, there will be another that loses. I was actually one of those people. i mentioned my concerns to my OB and she said that weight gain is somewhat of a myth. While some women do put on weight, in clinical trials there is an equal number who lose weight. I also noticed a decrease in the severity of my period and my skin cleared up a lot. Plus that whole not pregnant thing is a bonus. There are many formulations of hormones and finding the one that works for you might take some time.
  • I gained weight BECAUSE of the increase of appitite.

    You only gain 5 pounds in water weight, after that, its your fault completely.

    BC doesnt make you hold onto fat, thats stupid.

    I was RAVENOUS on birth control. I couldnt fit enough food in my mouth to feel satisfied.

    If you can control your appitite and what you eat, try it.

    I didnt have my period for a whole year and felt like an angel... ;)
  • I've always had a hard time with BCP's and switched to the Depo-Provera shot for years. I loved not having periods and not having to remember a pill everyday, but I gained SO much weight!!! NOT a huge fan of that. For me, due to health concerns and my husband and I not wanting children, I finally had a tubal at 30. I certainly do not miss the birth control rollercoaster! Good luck to you! Hope you find something that works for you and doesn't cause crappy side effects!
  • silverboot
    silverboot Posts: 15 Member
    After 12 years of off and on periods, I finally have it regulated with out the pill. I went to see numerous doctors and specialists and no one seemed to be able to help me. I was on all kinds of birth control and others to either stop them because they wouldn't stop, or to start them because they wouldn't start for a few months. This became "my normal" as they told me.

    A month and a half ago, I went to see a naturopath that was reffered to me by people that had all kinds of weird "normals" for them. I thought, what have I got to loose. Within a week I saw results the doctors and specialist never were able to provide with all their pills. So far, I'm regular, just taking vitamins, naturopathic pill and changing my diet a little from his recommendations. It was the best thing I've done for myself. He also helped me with other things I was having problems with.
  • When I went on the pill, I did put on weight.

    But I'm still on it, and losing weight, so it can't be all bad.

    I found that my sex drive has gone through the roof since being on it. Which is good when you have a partner, sucks when you're alone.
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    "Periods are a modern day invention" Dr. Michael Reirmaier, AKA my OBGYN

    Most Dr.'s will tell you there is no MEDICAL REASON to have a period, that in today's times women use their period to try and diagnose possible pregnancy when one is missed. And even though this is usually accurate, it is not always and women who believe they are possibly pregnant should always contact their doctor for confirmation.

    Having a period only happens when your body fat % is increased. NOT to say you are an unhealthy weight, but women with LOW body fat % will not get their periods. It was very rare "back in the day" for women to have a normal period because diets were so restricted that MOST commoner women were very petite and only the more wealthy were of a more solid build and would have the anomaly of having a menstruation cycle.
  • srpm
    srpm Posts: 275 Member
    I was on the pill for 12 years, yes I gained weight during that time but not from the pill. I actually found that I gained weight easier/that it has been harder to loose since I went off the pill but being off of it (just over 1 year now) also made it possible to discover some other issues that I didn't know I had which could also be the culprits for the difficult loosing/ease at which I am gaining weight.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I've been on the pill off and on for 4 years, I cannot attribute any weight gain to the pill itself, I just have/had no self control. In fact, while on the pill I feel more regulated, less freak outs, less depressive episodes which in turn usually means less binges. Also, no loss in libido at all. I think it depends on your age for how it affects your libido, also there's so many other hormonal things and psychological things that affect your libido its hard to tell if its the pill or not.

    I had a friend in a similar situation I think as you, her body fat got so low (small framed college softball pitcher) that her body stopped producing progesterone I believe. The only way she can have a period now is while on birth control. She is hoping that eventually they can get her back to producing its own progesterone. as she wants to have kids.
  • Pinkgingham_19
    Pinkgingham_19 Posts: 28 Member
    Just feel the need to chime in, for any women who would like contraception without the hormones and without barrier methods- the copper IUD is awesome! Only downside is heavier cramping and heavier periods, but it's not a nightmare or anything, Doctors are still in the dark ages for the most part about IUDs, but a knowledgable women's health doctor should be able to insert an IUD for most women.