i'm confused!!

jugsy Posts: 31 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi everyone, i'm a little confused i've really been sticking to my calorie allowance and have lost 11lbs which i'm really happy about. The problem is that 11lbs should surely equal a loss of a dress size but i haven't noticed much of a change in my clothes, so now i'm starting to get disheartened incase my scales are wrong??? anyone got any ideads pls.


  • I've also lost 11lb at the moment and I also havent really noticed a difference in my clothes ... BUT I'm not disheartened and I KNOW the difference will start showing itself soon.

    Well done on the 11lb and keep up the good work - it doesnt happen over night

  • Robin66
    Robin66 Posts: 103
    I find that I never lose inches and weight at the same time. Which I gotta tell you sometimes frustrates me too, but when I'm losing weight I don't lose inches and when I hit a weight loss plateau that's when the inches come off. Good luck to you and hang in there.
  • becca09
    becca09 Posts: 54 Member
    oh tell me about it! ive dropped 41 pounds but im not fitting into smaller jeans yet. its really upsetting!
  • WHAT???? 41lb and no change in size? Now I would be disheartened by that! Sorry, probably not what you need to hear
  • If you're working out, you could be building muscle but ... I'd think you'd notice after losing 11 pounds. Don't give up. It'll happen.
  • becca09
    becca09 Posts: 54 Member
    i know its heart breaking. but at least im not as heavy as i was before. im sure the inches will drop off when i get back to muscles and tone up. i refuse to let it get on top of me and upset me because ill just turn to the ben and jerrys if i do.
  • Give it a bit more time! I think 15 lbs is average for a size, but honestly it depends on so many things, including where you lose the weight. Hey, maybe you're losing it all from the backs of your thighs so you just can't see it!! :wink:

    One thing I will say though, is if you are eating really low calories you could be losing muscle and storing more fat, which could show up on the scale as pounds lost but not actually look that great on your body. You didn't give any info about how much you're eating or working out though, so hopefully this is not the case but just wanted to add it as a possibility. :smile:
  • most likely you just have a body type that loses weight equally through out, so the weight you have lost is from all over. It may take a little while longer to go down a size or notice muych of a difference but it will probably be in both tops and bottoms when you do.
  • Newfunlander
    Newfunlander Posts: 65 Member
    I lost 40 pounds before I went down a full dress size and anyone noticed. It can be disheartening at first but know that you are making yourself healthy and the results will be noticable. Just give it time .
  • becca09
    becca09 Posts: 54 Member
    thanks :) yeh lets hope so. everyone has been saying i look like ive lost weight and i noticed there was no more double chin anymore which i was rather thrilled about. (i didnt have much of a double chin before just a slight bit of fat there but thats disappeared now.)
  • Give yourself some more time.. could be you're gaining muscle right now, especially if you are just starting out. For the first few weeks my pants were so tight in the thighs. Now a little more than a month later, I'm noticing my 12's are fitting better in the waist.

    I'm about 10 lbs heavier than I was last summer and my clothes are only slightly tighter. I don't expect to fit in a 10 again until I get around 135...my hips have ALWAYS been big even at my lowest weight I was still in a 6 or 8. SO take your body build into consideration as well.

    Congrats on your loss so far!
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    I think it depends on your body and where exactly the weight is coming off. I finally went down a size and it took me 26lbs. I can finally see a difference and so can others it's great but it definately took a while. Just hang in there and keep losing the weight you will go down a size soon.
  • joligher
    joligher Posts: 8
    I totally feel your pain girl. I've lost 15 total since beginning my diet in February (11 since joining this site) and I am just down 1 size in jeans and even they are still a little snug. I've been totally following my calorie plan for 4 weeks and haven't lost a pound. Very very disheartening :(
  • jugsy
    jugsy Posts: 31 Member
    Thanx to eveyone for their replies. I am currently supposed to be having 1330 calories per day, i've also just done my BMR calculation and that was 2298 so what i'm eating is nearly 1000 calories less than to maintain but i'm exercising everyday mostly cardio and small weights i very rarely eat all of my calories just because i don't think i'm that hungry and i drink a lot of water too which could be filling me up. i'm worried about upping my calories though i don't want to put on the weight i've already lost!! oh and i've only been doing this for 3 weeks. yep!!! it's all very confusing?? :ohwell:
  • lornainak
    lornainak Posts: 40 Member
    I may have only lost just 6 lbs but it's a long way to that 6 lbs. I have 4 more to reach my goal and well the numbers go up and down on my scale to say the least. I work my butt off at the gym 7 times a week with Sat and Sun off of the gym and even tho the numbers go up and down my clothes size have gone down. I won't buy any clothes for fear this may be a dream and not reality but busting my *kitten* off at the gym and at home on video's seems to be working for me. Everyone's body type is different, give it some time and you will start to feel not so much notice it but feel the difference. I didn't notice until someone said something to me and then I had a good look in the mirror naked.. Yeah, naked and well lets just say it's been a long, long time since i saw that little lady in the mirror. ..... lol

    I too have only been doing this for about 3-4 weeks and I do see results some days and then some days I don't so I no longer weigh myself daily. Keep your chin up cuz you will get there I am sure of it!!!!
  • jugsy
    jugsy Posts: 31 Member
    40lbs??!! How did you manage to keep your motivation up and how long did it take for you to lose that amount?? you must have the most amazing will power. x
  • Maybe it is the type of workout that you are doing also....I lost 14lbs and have lost 2 pant sizes. it doesn't seem that I lost when I measure...Good Luck I hope you figure out why this is happening.
  • jugsy
    jugsy Posts: 31 Member
    i've been doin mostly high impact aerobics, swimming and small hand held weights, but i've gone from doing not much exercising to exercising everyday i've tried to incorporate some swimming too. What workouts have you been doing? i don't have a lot of time as i have 4 children under 12 including twins who are nearly 2 but i manage to fit some in each day. can you give me any tips?? And well done you must be feeling great! x
  • atlmom
    atlmom Posts: 27 Member
    this may sound weird, but when i was in my 20s and 30s i could tell a change rather quickly. like 2 weeks. it was also easier to loose it then. now it takes about a month for me to feel any change as far as clothes being more loose. i really have to be super motivated to hang in there and keep going. 40s are definitely harder with dieting all the way around.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    The general rule of thumb is about 15 pounds to drop a size. I've found for me, it's 15-20. But there is an upside to the situation! I've noticed that my size changes differently then my weight. Once I was walking through the house and both my mom and dad commented on noticing I had lost more weight when the scale hadn't even moved. Then I could tell and took notice that my pants were fitting better. I had weighed myself and was acutally up a pound so I didn't even care to notice my pants being looser! The body can be a strange, strange thing.. but don't worry. You'll get there! Just keep it up and one day you'll notice the changes all at once.. they really do sneak up on you for the most part!
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