Need some extra motivational buddies

Hello. I have been on MFP for a while but I have to admit that I do not log on as much as a should. Well, its a new year and I told myself that I would log in and keep track no matter what. However, I just need some motivational buddies, because I tend to get bummed out and start emotional eating. And if you are like me, emotional eating tends to lead to more pounds added. And more pounds added means more pounds to lose. So, please feel free to add me! I need ALL the help that I can get!


  • castell5
    castell5 Posts: 234 Member
    Feel free to add me is you are truly looking for MFP who are dedicated.
  • jeannicoleau
    jeannicoleau Posts: 194 Member
    You can definitely add me. Know that drill and have been able to work through it especially with the help of my MFP buddies.:smile:
  • Reubinski
    Reubinski Posts: 37 Member
    My biggest motivation for logging food and exercise is definitely my MFP friends. They are a great support system. Find a few good friends on here and you'll be amazed how much it helps you towards reaching your goals. :)
  • NikkiWalt
    NikkiWalt Posts: 1,326 Member

    I'm back for a re-focus and a restart on my weightloss journey.

    I know we can do it. We're strong enough! Y'all add me if you like - I'm trying to be more focused, but I'm also a good listener!

    Let's do this!!
  • Becoming_Palm
    Becoming_Palm Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks y'all. I will be adding you!
  • Itzli
    Itzli Posts: 78 Member
    I added u. :smile:
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    You can add me if you want to I log everyday.
  • shortishtish
    shortishtish Posts: 3 Member
    I'm looking for buddies too. I think it might be easier to stick to it if I have other people to talk to & encourage. Add me if you'd like :) I'm trying to make it a serious goal this year!
  • BonBonH56
    BonBonH56 Posts: 7 Member
    I would love some friends on here. Feel free to add me. I am serious about succeeding this year.
  • Count me in. This is just my second week and I could use some support to stick with it.
  • I'll help! I could use some more MFP friends who motivate as well! Feel free to add me. I'm really committed to losing weight this year! 70 lbs down... and only 50-60 to go! We can do this!!!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Best of luck to all of you, but you'll be amazed at how little support you need once you see change. Stick to logging your foods, being honest with yourself and your food log, decide you want to change, and just do it. You will see changes in your body and on the scale. Don't fall into any fads/fixes/miracles/plans-you-have-to-buy-into. Eat real food, make sure you're eating enough (check the "in place of a roadmap 2.0 thread, not using the default 1200 calories), and getting enough rest.

    That's the best motivation I can even begin to offer. You will see change if you do it right.
  • Everyone feel free to add me as well. I can always use motivation!! This journey is a lot harder than i thought. I will add you back as well!!
  • lanenalatina
    lanenalatina Posts: 239 Member
    feel free to add me............ We can all help each other achieve our goal...........SO ANY ONE IS WELCOME AND FEEL FREE TO ADD ME!!!!
  • Hello everyone I need some motivated guys and girls to help me out and get back into my sports physique. Ill be very motivational for you also. Thank you
  • Feel free to add me love :)
  • Becoming_Palm
    Becoming_Palm Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks y'all. I will be adding you too!
  • tjohn034
    tjohn034 Posts: 163 Member
    Definitely the right place to find other motivating people. Feel free to add!
  • I am regular about loggin in and logging all my food and drink. Please add me, if you'd like!
  • you can add me! I'm new to My Fitness Pal.