Long Road Ahead

I'm looking for friends of all shapes and sizes, but especially people who have a decent amount of weight to lose. It's shaping up to be a long weight loss journey for me and I need a few friends along the road. I started shortly after the new year on MFP and I'm finding it really fun to connect with people and share successes (and the occasional misstep).

I'm short (4'11) and have about 100 pounds to lose (first 5 pounds is done though, woo hoo!). Anyone else out there in the same boat? I can't wait to finally fit into some of my cute clothes and start feeling better about my health.

Friends welcome! I won't bite...I promise!


  • SweetLikeBacon
    I would love to have some new friends, I'm new to this site. Feel free to add me :)
  • CMAbeyta
    Hi! I'm new to MFP too and you can definitely add me. I lost over 50 lbs on Weight Watchers in 2008 and have gained 23 back over the last 1.5 years. I'm trying MFP and hopefully I will have the same success. I need to lose 40 lbs and my goal is to have lost most, if not all, by Nov. 1.

    Let's keep each other motivated!
  • Christine61314
    Christine61314 Posts: 47 Member
    Hey there, I'm here for the long road ahead, its getting less and less scary with each day :p I am 5'7 but have alot more than you to lose at the moment I'm 305lb and started at 328lbs at the beginning of December. How have you been getting on so far? I've added you and hope that we can motivate each other :)
  • Yorkkw
    Yorkkw Posts: 4
    I am in the same boat. I'm morbidly obese, my entire family (husband and kids) are extremely fit and I feel like a misfit. I'm not having much success with changing my eating habits and I know this is the key to getting the weight off. I would love to be your friend. Maybe we can hold each other accountable. I'm 5'3' and also have 100lbs. to lose. I lost 18, but gained 8 back over the holidays and haven't been motivated to get back on this long road.
  • LilMizMuffin
    I've lost 100 lbs since I started my weight loss journey ... I'm also looking for new friends to help me lose the last 16 pounds to achieve my dream goal weight.....(ANYONE CAN ADD ME!) if they are looking for motivation and support on your weight loss journey....:flowerforyou:
  • SaucyPea
    I've just started using MFP and so has my mum (SarahHit). Feel free to add us both! I myself have 100 lbs exactly to lose from Today! So we've got the same goals. Although I'm taller at 5'7. Within time, with commitment and motivation. We'll all reach our goals. Honestly, if you download the app to your mobile and track what your eating then and there. You become addicted to seeing how many calories are within your food! I know I already am.

    I wish you luck!

    -Samantha ♥
  • Yorkkw
    Yorkkw Posts: 4
    How'd you do it?
  • TraciRandazzo
    I am fairly new also, and anyone can add me. The more the merrier, as long as you are positive! This is a job, whether is 10 lbs or 100 lbs - each of us faces different challenges. I have about 50 lbs to go, and really appreciate the friends who take time to comment and be supportive. Mental note- be better about doing that in return! Good luck!
  • Sizez10
    Hi! I can relate I have 60 pounds to go and already lost 50 so far. We can do this.
  • Leanalgreen
    Leanalgreen Posts: 36 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm also fairly new to MFP and looking to make new friends. I have about 20 lbs to lose myself and am very focused on making it happen. I think I might be the only guy in this thread so far, but feel free to add me. I'm sure we can all motivate eachother.
  • Tezzy713
    Very very long road. I have to loose 150, but will be happy with 80 to 100. I just want to feel good about me again. I have not felt that way since before the birth of my 5 baby. And 5 years after the 6th I fee like a life failure. My highest weight was 30 pounds higher than now. I am moving in the right direction but it is just so hard with the responsibility of being a nurse, wife and mother. I just want to grab a burger and go!!! Who has time to do all of that and take time to take care of themselves too! I guess I have to carve out some time for me in this busy life I have!
  • Missyann68
    Missyann68 Posts: 36 Member
    You are welcome to add me. I have lost about 57 pounds and still have about 80 to go. I've been a backslider for the past couple weeks and need motivation from friends to get myself back on track. I'm 5'7" , 44, with six children.
  • NewMnky1
    NewMnky1 Posts: 264
    Hi, feel free to add me. I have lost 101 pounds and still want to lose 27 pounds more.
  • sofulnaturalee
    sofulnaturalee Posts: 391 Member
    Hey girl. I too am on that long road with you. I have 80- 100 lbs to lose. We can motivate each other. Congrats on the 5lbs lost. (YAY!!!) that's what's up. You can add me and we can run, walk , and crawl (crawl for the painful days lol) down this road together.
  • kjf1982
    kjf1982 Posts: 102 Member
    Feel free to add me as well, I am looking to lose roughly 180 pounds overall. I need all the support and motivation I can get!

    Congrats on the 5lbs down!!
  • Nola4
    Nola4 Posts: 50 Member
    I have requested you as a friend. Just started the site with my BESTIE. LETS DO THIS!!!
  • HandyASH
    HandyASH Posts: 109 Member
    I am also new to MFP! I have lost 8 lbs but total have 100lbs to lose. Add me and we can do it together. I am not ever stopping my healthy habits that I have created for myself.
  • hopetoachieve
    hopetoachieve Posts: 19 Member
    Hi there! My name is Mary and I am 53 years old and have 60 pounds to lose! I would love to have you as a friend to go through this journey together. I need all the friends I can to help and motivate and give me tips on how to lose. So far I am in week 2 and I lost 4 pounds the first week, but...this week nothing. I am 1200 calories and my body won't let me lose anymore. I am already frustrated! Help!!!!
  • phyllisbobbitt
    phyllisbobbitt Posts: 347 Member
    :flowerforyou: in the same boat, sending friend request
  • cmfruin2012
    cmfruin2012 Posts: 157 Member
    Fellow Floridian who has just stepped on this very very long road ahead (joined two weeks ago). Have always been a chunk -- but this is truly the chunkiest I have ever been -- gained about 100 lbs just in the last five years -- not sure how the heck that happened! So now have about 240 to lose (mourn for the good old days when it was only 150!)

    I am a little apprehensive about connecting with strangers on something so personal -- but am reaching out a little today to see who all and what all is out here. Sneaked a peek at your profile -- you write very eloquently and honestly and I empathize with much of what you say. I am newly married (second time around) -- have an almost-teenaged daughter -- have a career that I love -- first time in my life that love life, finances, career, etc are stable and happy so I decided it was finally time to think about me and get me healthy!