Looking For Some Weight Loss Buddies!

Hi there! I am sort of new to this and would LOVE to connect with others for support, encouragement, and TIPS!! Please add me if you have a minute! THANKS SO MUCH :)


  • I've lost 100 lbs since I started my weight loss journey ... I'm also looking for new friends to help me lose the last 16 pounds to achieve my dream goal weight.....(ANYONE CAN ADD ME!) if they are looking for motivation and support on your weight loss journey....:flowerforyou:
  • Feel free to add me love!! Have a great day :)
  • Hello

    aritz12, how much weight are you wanting to lose?

    LilMizMuffin, congrats on your weight loss so far! That is fantastic!!

    As of today, I am down 108lbs. My highest weight was in '07 at 256, lowest was last summer at 135, wasn't able to maintain it and would stay between 140-145. Gained quite a bit the last few months and got up to 160 & I am currently 148. I want to get back to 135 & maintain it, and after that would like to get to 125-130.

    Everyone is free to add me as well. Other people's success is motivation for me!
  • feel free to add i could do with some encouragement:happy:
  • I need some occational encouragement too. You can add me.
  • phyllisbobbitt
    phyllisbobbitt Posts: 347 Member
    :flowerforyou: sending a friend request