Plant-Based Lifestyle

Just switched to a plant-based lifestyle and would like to find like minded people. Anyone? :) Lacey


  • My family goes on a plant based diet every year. Once you get used to it, other foods don't taste as good.
  • hi.... i been doing raw vegan for the past 9 days... first 5-6 days it was extremely hard but now I am kinda getting used to it. Also started exercising to maximize my weight loss and so far so good.

    For the first 5 days i have had a headace and it seems that i need more sleep than usual for now.

    Let me know how your plant based diet is going.
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    yep..vegetarian for 5 yrs now whole foods and vegan here :)
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    I'm slowly working my way into it by cutting out animals slowly (LOL). I started with 4-legged creatures now working my way through the 2-legged ones.

    I've found some amazing recipes and really enjoy food and found that I"m eating tons healthier and I'm losing weight eating more cals.
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    ps. google "no meat athlete" he has some great resources and recipes!
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    "I'm slowly working my way into it by cutting out animals slowly (LOL). I started with 4-legged creatures now working my way through the 2-legged ones. " <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LMAO! HOW DID THE 2-LEGGED CREATURES GET THE SHAFT???? DYING OF LAUGHTER HERE.
  • steve2375
    steve2375 Posts: 14 Member
    The more I read, the less I ever want to eat the traditional American diet. Engine 2 diet, The China Study, Forks Over Knives...Plant-based, whole foods seems like the way to go. I will have meat on occasion, but not often. Been plant-based since October 2012...
  • bbrown148
    bbrown148 Posts: 15 Member
    My hubby and I just started down this path last Friday and so only a little into a week in to a plant-based lifestyle. We too are following Engine 2 Diet and have watched Forks Over Knives, Hungry for Change, etc, and that's what made us decide to see how we can do on this. We are eliminating dairy, soda, meat and processed foods for 12 weeks — that is our initial goal!
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I switched to a plant based diet in March 2012. It is the best thing that I have ever done. I absolutely love the food that I am eating now, the weight has melted off, and I feel FANTASTIC. It was really much easier overall than I thought it would be. I live in a house with 5 other people, none of whom eat a plant based diet, so that has been a little challenging. But it has been worth it for me. I decided after a doctors visit in March it was time to get healthy. I started eating better, less fried food etc. Then I stumbled on Forks Over Knives and the Engine 2 diet info and was hooked. My tastes have completely changed, and I know longer crave sweets and things at all!
  • ShellyCheng
    ShellyCheng Posts: 13 Member
    Just started vegan eating because of health related benefits for my husband and to lose weight myself. Week 2 and we only have fallen off the wagon once and it was because we were at Dim Sum...had to have those shrimp dumplings and fried red bean paste balls! BUT, I've lost over 3 pounds and his blood pressure has already dropped significantly. I'd say we are going to attempt to maintain this lifestyle, but still visit my favorite like Chick-Fil-A once in a while. I've heard your tastes change, so maybe they will and I won't like it all....crazy...I'm from Texas where we love our steak medium rare. Should be interesting to try in a month or two.

    Tofu scramble has been a hit with the family and the kale, squash stew was too! Trying the Engine 2 lasagna tonight. What can I do with Ciabatta? I have some freshly made at Fresh Market and thought about making grilled vegetable pizzas and use them as the base.

    Almost done reading Engine 2 which I heard about because of the China Study and Forks over Knives.
  • s_wilson84
    s_wilson84 Posts: 74 Member
    I can't offer too much support at the moment other than keep pushing yourself. You will be tested by junk. Especially when you're busy and hungry. PLAN PLAN PLAN your days. You should know today exactly what you're going to have tomorrow. I have been doing vegan for 2 weeks now and I absolutely love it. I don't miss a thing about my old life. Get creative and try new things. I bought vegetables at the store that I had walked past a thousand times and never knew what to do with them. The internet is your friend. I buy the ingredients and then figure out what to do with them. In two weeks I haven't eaten the same meal twice. Although, the food has been so amazing and full of flavor that I am tempted to keep cooking the same thing over and over again. You will notice that a lot of the dishes and meals you will find are an explosion of flavor. You might get the sweetness of a sweet potato and then hit with the kick of red pepper flakes followed by the tartness of a lime! You will make some amazing creations. As for eating out, don't be afraid to ask your server questions. There are tons of restaurants that have vegan options or you can simply make them vegan by asking for no cheese. Good luck with your endeavors!
  • s_wilson84
    s_wilson84 Posts: 74 Member
    I'd say we are going to attempt to maintain this lifestyle, but still visit my favorite like Chick-Fil-A once in a while.

    Use a search engine to find a vegan replacement for Chick-Fil-A. I made a spicy "chicken" sandwich out of portobello mushrooms that was WAY better than eating out. I even found a replication of their sauces. Do a little research and you can figure out how to spoil yourself while remaining plant based.
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    "I'm slowly working my way into it by cutting out animals slowly (LOL). I started with 4-legged creatures now working my way through the 2-legged ones. " <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LMAO! HOW DID THE 2-LEGGED CREATURES GET THE SHAFT???? DYING OF LAUGHTER HERE.

    I always wait to see how people take my reductions, LOLOL
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    I can't offer too much support at the moment other than keep pushing yourself. You will be tested by junk. Especially when you're busy and hungry. PLAN PLAN PLAN your days. You should know today exactly what you're going to have tomorrow. I have been doing vegan for 2 weeks now and I absolutely love it. I don't miss a thing about my old life. Get creative and try new things. I bought vegetables at the store that I had walked past a thousand times and never knew what to do with them. The internet is your friend. I buy the ingredients and then figure out what to do with them. In two weeks I haven't eaten the same meal twice. Although, the food has been so amazing and full of flavor that I am tempted to keep cooking the same thing over and over again. You will notice that a lot of the dishes and meals you will find are an explosion of flavor. You might get the sweetness of a sweet potato and then hit with the kick of red pepper flakes followed by the tartness of a lime! You will make some amazing creations. As for eating out, don't be afraid to ask your server questions. There are tons of restaurants that have vegan options or you can simply make them vegan by asking for no cheese. Good luck with your endeavors!

    This, except I do the opposite and plan out menus and then grocery shop. The flavors have been beyond what I expected
  • s_wilson84
    s_wilson84 Posts: 74 Member
    I can't offer too much support at the moment other than keep pushing yourself. You will be tested by junk. Especially when you're busy and hungry. PLAN PLAN PLAN your days. You should know today exactly what you're going to have tomorrow. I have been doing vegan for 2 weeks now and I absolutely love it. I don't miss a thing about my old life. Get creative and try new things. I bought vegetables at the store that I had walked past a thousand times and never knew what to do with them. The internet is your friend. I buy the ingredients and then figure out what to do with them. In two weeks I haven't eaten the same meal twice. Although, the food has been so amazing and full of flavor that I am tempted to keep cooking the same thing over and over again. You will notice that a lot of the dishes and meals you will find are an explosion of flavor. You might get the sweetness of a sweet potato and then hit with the kick of red pepper flakes followed by the tartness of a lime! You will make some amazing creations. As for eating out, don't be afraid to ask your server questions. There are tons of restaurants that have vegan options or you can simply make them vegan by asking for no cheese. Good luck with your endeavors!

    This, except I do the opposite and plan out menus and then grocery shop. The flavors have been beyond what I expected

    My fiance is a planner and then shopper. I am a little more adventurous. I grab a bunch of stuff and then figure out what to cook with it. So I get the best of both worlds! She on the other hand...has to deal with my creations!
  • cfregon
    cfregon Posts: 147
    Way to go. The lifestyle isn't for everyone, and your motivations for going/staying on a plant-based diet are important. There are different levels of plant based eating that suite each individual a little better. I'm vegetarian, and have no desire to go vegan, but like the others here, I don't see myself going back any time soon. There are so many things you can do with veggies it's crazy, a whole new world of tastes and textures will open up to you. I remember tasting a bakes sweet potato for the first time, or making my first portabella sandwich, or experimenting with avocado. You may find it difficult at first, for sure, but after a little while it becomes much easier- for me it's natural now, no reason to even think about meat. :)
  • lauraminieri
    lauraminieri Posts: 2 Member
    Hi- I just joined my fitness pal! So I'm still getting used to the way the site works! I was excited to find this board! I have be veg for 6 years, and attempted vegan many times... my best attempt lasting a 1 year. However, i find it diffiuclt to be organized enough to to prepare/ have vegan food availible... I've recently strated reading Eat to Live which is really convinicing me go vegan! Hopefully the meal plans in the will help this time! Best of luck with the plant based lifestyle everyoneeee :D feel free to add me!
  • smileylace
    smileylace Posts: 12 Member
    Wow! Love all of the responses! I've started the lifestyle (don't like the word diet) since the new year and haven't looked back since. I've completely given up on dairy and will occasionally have eggs and chicken. Prior to the lifestyle, I was HUGE meat eater. I would crave a juicy steak or a cheeseburger. But so far, the cravings have subsided.

    Anyone have any good blogs they like to follow?
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    Anyone have any good blogs they like to follow?

    The No Meat Athlete is a great blog!
  • smileylace
    smileylace Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you!