new to mfp looking for dfw weight loss pals


I'm star I'm 23 1/2 and I want to loose a little weight by my birthday in march I'm on the 1290 cal a day plan but I'm always hungry I'm not sure if its just my body getting adjusted to it because I'm used to gourging til I get sick I have an over eating disorder when I get depressed so I need motivating friends I'm also trying to get into the working out mode I'm mostly just jogging around the house since its been too cold to go out side and the my fitness gym isn't open yet n my area my mom is dieting with me but she has had the lap band surgery nd is losing weight way faster than I am so I need a partner more on my speed


  • hey i'm here in dallas...the 1290 cal plan is pretty will work if u can stick to it but its gonna be hard.
  • curvynblonde
    curvynblonde Posts: 170 Member
    I think you have to be hungry a bit when trying to lose weight. You'll adjust as you go on. Good luck!
  • buckleten
    buckleten Posts: 205 Member
    I am hungry too.. it does get better after a few days I find! I am trying to stay just under 1200 calories a day, at least until I can lose all the weight I put on over Christmas (which was a LOT!) Friend request sent :-)
  • angelcase1
    angelcase1 Posts: 3 Member
    You will be hungry for a couple weeks or so, your stomach as to shrink back down from being streched. its like retraining your stomach,it will get better.
  • anything between 1,200 and 1,500 is considered normal. 1,200 is the minimum you should eat. I need some help with motivation and looking for people to help me too. Feel free to add me as a friend. :-) And yes it will get easier after a few days and after a few weeks you won't even notice. BTW my birthday is in march too.
  • elothen
    elothen Posts: 155 Member
    Hey there, I'm from Ft. Worth and I'll join your team! Yeah, the first week for me I got so hungry at times I thought I was going to feint. After about 4-5 days though my body adjusted and now it takes an effort to reach my minimum :-/

    The number one thing I've found is focusing on the RIGHT foods, not just the calories. 1300 cals from fast food is WAY different on your body than 1300 cals from healthy/quality food. Plus you can really eat MORE of the good stuff. Think about it, 3 McDoubles (my fav) at 390 cals each vs. 4 Sonic grilled chicken sandwiches at 300 cals each. I could easily put back 3 McDoubles in one sitting but 4 grilled chicken sandwiches.... no way.

    Add me if ya want.
  • csheaves
    csheaves Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I'm fairly new here also, 1200 cal /day ..I find drinking water helps some, and doing something to take my mind of it helps also ..:smile:
  • SholaW
    SholaW Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'd love to join too. I also found that eating foods higher in fiber content like spinach help with the hunger.
  • Dissirama
    Dissirama Posts: 10 Member
    Your calorie goal is way too drastic! You will feel great by your birthday and if you are good to your body, it will reward you naturally! You might not reach your ideal weight my March but if you pace yourself right you will reach it in June or September and KEEP it off which is the goal right?...
    Starving yourself will cause your body to store fat! Because it will go in the : " Oh I like that, I want to keep that cause she won't feed be later" mode every time you eat!

    Eat right, wholesome foods, and exercise into shape girl!
