Hard time getting started and staying motivated.

tyandgil01 Posts: 21 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I'm having such a hard time getting motivated and staying motivated. Its constantly a struggle for me to eat healthy. I just got diagnosed with an ulcer and I continue to eat horrible. My major problem is when I'm working, at a hospital, I usually forget my lunch and have to order out, like Chinese or pizza, or get something from the vending machines. Even when I bring my lunch, if we're not busy, I go to the vending machines just to eat. How can I stay motivated? My family doesn't really support me too much. They just tell me I need to, but when I order something or buy something, they never say anything. I'm miserable with myself. I'm about at least 40 pounds overweight and my joints are starting to really hurt now and I'm only 32 years old. Does anyone have any good advice. Something that's easy and I could stick with... Thanks.

And does anyone else have this problem. Everyone else seems like they're doing really good.


  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Start with little changes-- get a pack of meal replacement shakes (Ensure, Boost, Slim-Fast, you get the idea) and keep it in the fridge at work, along with fresh fruit & veggies. Those are probably the easiest, fastest, best things you can put in your system right now-- hey it beats Chinese!

    Also try chewing gum between meals. Not only should it keep you from snacking, but mint flavored gum + pretty much anything afterwards tastes BLECH!

    Keep a big water bottle within grabbing distance at all times. It's hard to feel hungry when one's belly is full of water :)
  • TammyGra
    TammyGra Posts: 8
    Me too! I find that my problem is that I feel isolated and very alone. I am going to try using this site to help me out. I would also suggest that you try something that helps you look inside yourself, exercise, meditation, listening to music, etc. Try to get inside your own head and find out what is REALLY bothering you. I sit quietly and try to figure out what is going on in my life. I can usually put my finger on what is bothering me but then I struggle with what to do about it! Best of Luck to you, just keep trying!
  • This is great advice you have gotten. I would just add one thing. Two things I do to stay motivated is 1. I don't tell myself that any food is off limits, I do decide how many calories I am willing to sacrifice for it. For instance I love bagels, all 300 calories of them! SO I get 1 bagel and eat half of it for breakfast on Saturday morning, that is my reward for sticking to it all week, I also get lox, and cream cheese with it. It is a "calorific" breakfast but I feel like I have had a treat. I freeze the other half for next week. The second thing I do is I allow myself 1 day when I can blow it each week. I did this more when I first started and was hungrier and less active but I blew it big time today taking my 9 yr old out to lunch. Oh well. I am getting right back on the wagon so to speak. These 2 tools really help me to stay on track. Good luck!
  • rseit29
    rseit29 Posts: 6 Member
    I give myself weekly rewards if I stick to my goals, usually it's cash. But it changes to whatever thing I find really motivating that week, music, a new shirt, movie, whatever works. First on Sunday I make a weekly plan. I write out the 3 things I want to work on for the week. Then I write out the reward I get for following through with it, and the penalty that I get if I don't do it. I am usually pretty good about being honest with my self, but I give the weekly plan to my husband so he is in charge of giving me my reward or my penalty. I found this is a good way to include my family and get their help. Penalties. I pay my hubby money when I fall off the wagon! IT HAS ONLY HAPPENED ONCE! Paying out cash when you fall off the wagon is horrible! I hope this helps! good luck!!!!
  • flwyland
    flwyland Posts: 142
    I like rseit29's idea of having someone else help keep track of your weekly goals.

    I've found that logging on here every day and being accountable to myself for everything I ate is HUGE! Because I'm lucky enough to be able to get on at work, too, I don't have any excuses for "forgetting" anything. I usually am able to plan the whole day's meals/calories ahead of time, and that helps, too. When something comes up, I already know if there's any room in my calorie budget, or if I'm going to have to work harder in order to have that treat. Having nuts (almonds, walnuts) in pre-measured portions in my desk drawer helps when I get the "hungries". And I drink water all day long.

    I hope you find something useful here.so that you can get back on track and stay there.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    When I first started weight lifting, after baby number 6. I was "skinny fat" not an ounce of muscle on me, and every excuse in the book to not workout..too tired, too busy, too sick, just too anything..I put a picture of myself in a bikini, on my fridge door, on my rear view mirror, and in my wallet, along with that pic was a pick of a fitness model, who then went beside the pic on the fridge, in the car and in my wallet...if it's a motivation issue you have this could fix the problem, that toned, tanned and muscular b*tch was in my face everytime I turned around :laugh: , and it worked, I wanted it that much, that the excuses stopped and I just made working out and eating healthier a part of my daily life as much as brushing my teeth or going to work.
  • What shift do you work? I'm a third shifter and it's hell on a diet and weight loss. But there are ways around it.

    Along with the above mentioned ideas, what about walking at work - like on a lunch or a break? BRING a cute isolated lunch tote (Target for $10), pack a small lunch - something you can eat in under 5-10 minutes and walk the rest of the time. This way, you get in some exercise AND you're not OVEReating or deciding to purchase that pack of Twinkies from the vebding machine after all. Little things lead to big changes.
    I'm happy to see a fellow healthcare worker looking to improve her health!! Best of luck to you, my dear!
  • Bring carrot stix, raw almonds... to work. They can be put in your scrub top and you can munch as you go about your day. Just a thought. :)
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    The only one who can do this is you. You need to have healthy snacks and meals around so you won't eat junk. You need to get active. There is no quick fix for this problem. The whole thing is a process. You're going to falter in your journey. Every now and then you may mess up and just want to quit. It's ok. It took you some time to gain that 40 pounds and it's going to take some time to get it off. You can do this. Just stop doubting and change your life for the better.
  • tyandgil01
    tyandgil01 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks everyone for the great advice. This right here motivates me alot. I also work third shift, that's why it's so hard. Just an FYI, I brought a nice supper (smaller portions) and some fruit along. Also since I like chips, I brought with me some of those rice cakes from Fit N Active from Aldi's stores. Hope this is the beginning of a new life for me. Thanks for all the support and motivation. Keep it coming.:laugh:
  • I'm starting over for the 147th time tomorrow morning and I'm trying to make sure I keep my self motivated. I have a bag downstairs ready to go to the office with me when I leave tomorrow. It has packages of tuna fish, cans of fruit, individual packages of 12 almonds, small boxes of raisins, carrot sticks, celery, SF jello cups, Progresso soup, grapes, strawberries, oranges, chewing gum and a few other healthy things. My wallet is already locked in my car in the trunk so I won't have any cash or debit card with me to tempt me to go out at lunch. I have no excuses for not staying on plan tomorrow....I even have a big sign on the door in case I "forget" to grab the bag from the fridge on the way out. :)
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 646 Member
    Trust me...you have to take some "vending machine" snacks with you to work I take granola bars, 100 cal snacks(for days when I feel like "cheeting" also the Kahsi bars are very good. You must do this going to work with no food or snacks will set you up for failure everytime. Trust me on this it is something I have learned the hard way. As for food I still think you need to take your own. The best weapon against fat ironically is food...meaning being prepared with food. Hungry girl cookbooks have great easy to carry and make recipies for you. I make pizza rolls all the time (from eatingwell.com) take a tortilla top with 2 tbs pasta sauce I use healthy choice top with a serving of spinach leaves(steams removed) and 1/2 serving of pepporoni. Top with a sparse amount to part skim shredded mozzerella heat 45 secs then roll up. Reheat a work about 20 sec. Sometimes I have two for lunch. Tuna with relish on pita or light bread is good to take also get a rotiseree chicken and break it up to mix with bbq sauce and make a pita. I have tons of ideas as I work in a call center where we sit on our butts all day and food is abundant. Please feel free to email me on here if you want more ideas. Good luck and don't give up. Do not be defeated let your soul guide you not your body tell your body, No! you can not eat that when it comes to bad food.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I also work third shift at a hospital. One thing that I do is I limit how much money I bring to work. Also make sure you eat a good meal before you go to work. Eating good fats makes you feel fuller longer.

    When you want to make the vending machine runs. What is going on? are you busy, stresses, bored. Figure out what triggers that disire to go to the vending machine. For a week write down what you are feeling when this happens Once you know why you might be able to find better alternatives.
  • tyandgil01
    tyandgil01 Posts: 21 Member
    Awesome idea of leaving my wallet in the car. I have done that occassionally but I need to do that more. It totally works. I can't leave work to go out to my car even on my break so when I've locked it up in my trunk, I can't go out and get it. I have to eat what I bring. It really works.
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