Workout time affecting sleep

I have to work out after I get out of work due to my hectic schedule. I usually get to the gym around 5:30 and leave about 7. The problem is that once I get home I'm so wired I can't sleep until 2-3 in the morning, then I'm back up for work at 6. ugh...its exhausting. Anyone have any tips to help me wind down and get some sleep. I feel exhausted and usually lay down around 10 but once my head hits the pillow, I can't keep my eyelids closed. :(


  • mjenne74
    mjenne74 Posts: 40 Member
    Is there anyway you can get up earlier and work out? Working out first thing in the morning after a glass of water but before eating has been said to be most effective. But working out anytime is better than not at all. I am with you. I can't work out at night or I will be up all night. Melatonin? Not sure you want to rely on that though. Wish I could be more helpful.
  • eemott
    eemott Posts: 46 Member
    I'd like to work out in the morning but I'd have to be up at 4 and sometimes if I don't get out of work until 7...I just don't trust myself to stick to that. But I'll look into the melatonin. Thanks :)
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    I recently started drinking a caffeine-free tea and Natural Calm, a powdered Magnesium supplement, mixed in. I've been sleeping great on that combo. If you don't want to try the supplement, which I got from Amazon, just set up a bedtime ritual, no TV, no computer or phone for 30 - 60 min. before bed. Try some relaxing meditation or nighttime yoga while listening to soothing music. I'd expect a transition period of about 1 week while you adjust to your new schedule. It usually took me 4 days to adjust to a new shift. Good luck!
  • Jdkrupnick
    I have the same issue and the only solution I could find was to get up before work and do it. Took me a couple of weeks of forcing myself to get up when the alarm went off at 4AM but once I got used to it the benefits made it worth it.

    First off it sets the tone for the day, I know that while most people were sleeping my *kitten* was up and doing something to better myself and that made me feel good. It also helped me make smarter choices throughout the day, there was no 'well I'm going to work out later so I'll burn this off" instead it was already put the work in and now I'm not going to ruin it by eating the donuts in the coffee room.

    Now I'm actually getting more sleep than before and my body is getting the recovery time it needs.

    But most importantly I have more time to spend with my kids when I get home at night and that really makes it worth while.
  • Ervie317
    Ervie317 Posts: 179 Member
    I often workout or have soccer games in the evening and I find that taking a bath or taking a shower and then having my last meal of the day relaxes me to get to sleep pretty quickly.