Suggestions on snacking food?



  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    100 Calorie Snacks that don't have dehydrated oils.
  • SillyFitMe
    SillyFitMe Posts: 130 Member
    Beware that snacking on any food throughout the day (even healthy ones) can potentially sabatoge your success. How much you eat is just as important as what you eat. Spread your allotted calories out over small, filling, and healthy meals every 3 hours and be done eating. For one meal a week (one meal a week) - eat chocolate and potato chips!!
  • harr3mi
    harr3mi Posts: 87 Member
    @ MAG
    I was afraid you were going to tell her to Grab a Pumpkin Pie Pop Tart :laugh:

    OR, grab a Pumpkin Pie Pop Tart, they're absolutely awesome

    This sounds absolutely delectable
  • freeofweight
    I love special k chips! 30 of them are only about 110 calories. I'm also a big fan of hummus with crackers or veggies (I love cucumbers, celery, grape tomatoes, and brocolli).

    Candy/icecream/sweet snacks are my biggest weakness. My substitutes for them have been granola bars (make sure you get healthy ones though. I love special k, quaker, and nature's valley), yogurt, and fruit.

    Good luck!
  • cnelson1974
    cnelson1974 Posts: 235 Member
    fruit, veggies, rice cakes (Quaker makes Poppers, they make a great sub for chips), string cheese, plain nuts, peanut butter, 1 cup of chex cereal, Almond milk, plain greek yogurt. . . I can't think of anything else at the moment.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    @ MAG
    I was afraid you were going to tell her to Grab a Pumpkin Pie Pop Tart :laugh:

    OR, grab a Pumpkin Pie Pop Tart, they're absolutely awesome

    This sounds absolutely delectable

    They really are fantastic. I cleared the shelf at Target of them the other day, since they're seasonal I didn't want to run out.
  • SillyFitMe
    SillyFitMe Posts: 130 Member
    Skip snacks and eat larger meals. My opinion on the matter.

    or maybe even 6+ small meals a day. Grazing throughout the day can devestate your calorie intake for the day. Maybe you can plan several small meals (high protein too keep you full, low fat/low carb), eating every 2-3 hours, tons of water in between each to help if you get hungry in between. Think of each time you eat as a nutritionally dense meal instead of a snack. When I'm on track with this, I'm literally full all day and don't even think about snacks (except for my chocolate/sweet cravings). I have always been a big time snacker (anything crunch, salty, etc), feeling like I needed to eat something every hour of the day, so I know the feeling!

    Plain greek yogurt with a sugar free type sweetener; pieces of tilapia, chicken breats, bacon (as if you were eating beef jerkey), sugar free jello/pudding with rice cakes, a couple saltines with PB2 peanut butter, etc...

    Bam!!! Great, great advice!!
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    Almonds, fruit, veggies and hummus, popcorn, protein bars, string cheese
  • Fit2Skinnyme33
    Fit2Skinnyme33 Posts: 127 Member
    Celery with Hidden valley Ranch Powder mix (1/2 tsp per 5 sticks; I chopped the celery put it in a baggy the put 1/2 tsp of powder and shook. Turned out AMAZING) - cuts out all the calories and fat of the actual dressing but still gives you the ranch taste.

    Bell Pepper with hummus (follow the hummus serving size though. Don't just dip in a container)

    Make baked sweet potato chips. Thinly slice sweet potato, use spray olive oil and bake for 30min. Healthier snack!

    2 Rice Cakes with 1-2 TBS of peanut butter (Adams Natural) and Sugar Free Jam.... sweet, salty and crunchy!!!

    Small hand full of Almonds or Pistachio's (12 nuts) plus an apple.

    Apple with Baby bell Cheese

    Pop Corn (watch the brand, calories, sugar and salt content)

    Chop an Apple and granola into some Greek yogurt.

    There are endless possibilities. You have to learn to be creative with your eating, start with the basics of HEALTHY CLEAN EATING then get creative from there. Seasoning's are you BEST FRIEND. Not butter or oil but Chili Powder, Tumeric, Garlic, etc. They will help the myth of "bland" foods for dieting into something WAY better.

    I have always struggled with "how to eat right" vs "dieting". In the last 2 weeks I have learned what Clean Eating really is and I have learned how to be creative and how to kick those "cravings" of salty or sweet with the help of my personal trainer. I just started to share different idea's for snacks and protein drinks etc.

    Be my friend if you want to :) Take it one day at a time. Keep focused on today and how you are doing today. Then Today become tomorrow, then a week, then a month of amazing clean eating and before you know it you are down 50lbs! In the 2 weeks I started eating like this and working out I am down as of now 12lbs (haven't entered my weight yet, waiting to see my scale say under 200!!!!! Which I haven't seen in about 8 years or so!)
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    Mostly fruit, apples, sometimes with PB, oranges, bananas, half a sandwich, small salads, etc. Pretty much whatever is available in a reasonable snack portion.
  • syrklc
    syrklc Posts: 172 Member
    i like special k protein bars - 10 grams protein. They taste great and they fill me up.
  • juanatere
    juanatere Posts: 18 Member
    100 calorie popcorn is my salty buttery crunchy snack. I also will eat chips but, measure carefully how many calories out of my diet I am willing to sacrifice for it. That is the key. Is it worth it? Once you start tracking you will be checking the calories on everything!!!!
  • RobinC37
    RobinC37 Posts: 242 Member
    20 Breton Mini Garden Veg crackers + 3 tbsp. garlic hummus = 200 cals
    Green smoothie with 1 kiwi, 1/2 c frozen pineapple, 1c spinach, 1/2 one cucumber
    Air-popped popcorn
    Homemade sweet potato crisps (see my blog for an easy recipe)
    Greek yogurt
    Handful of trail mix with dark chocolate chips, raisins or dried bananas, mixed nuts, and sunflower seeds.
    Carrot and celery sticks
    Fake tuna salad- 1/2 c tuna mixed with 1 laughing cow light wedge, with celery, onion, garlic, and pepper to taste. Eat on whole wheat crackers or a slice of toasted bread.
    Apple with a tbsp. peanut butter
    1 C whole milk
  • taciturnity
    taciturnity Posts: 69 Member
    People are going to think I'm insane, but I like the Gerber Graduates Lil' Crunchies... They are like cheetos, but are WAY lower in calories. They are like 35 calories a serving... or 210 if you eat the whole container!
  • ivynewman
    I would recommend tons of raw vegetables
  • jcdebaca
    refrigerated apples are crunchy and filling -80 calories. I also have a new love for raw broccoli with one tablespoon of kraft light rasberry vinaigrette- one cup of broccoli is 30 calories I occasionally have two cups with the vinaigrette and dip my broccoli in it.
    Two tablespoons of the vinaigrette is 50 calories and believe me it not only helps with the craving for crunchy food but also for those who crave something sweet. After this treat you will feel full and satisfied!
  • Fit2Skinnyme33
    Fit2Skinnyme33 Posts: 127 Member
    I also do agree with the 6 small meals a day and lots of water!
  • SarahHit
    Ah! Thanks for the replies. Didn't expect so many, going to start reading them now. Feel fee too add me people :) !
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Welcome !!!!

    I would highly recommend snacks that are satisfying/ filling and will get you on the path of crowding out processed snacks such as chips, crackers, etc. I've always struggled with "extraneous bread like substances".

    protein and healthy fats along with vegetables and fruits is my recommendation.

    cheese sticks ...Sargento and Target have packaged 1 oz cheese sticks that have been a staple for me. Reduced fat or even full fat.
    Nuts ..raw almonds, walnuts, pistachios with yogurt ..Greek preferably since its laded with protein
    peanut or almond butter ... On a sliced apple or veg such as celery
    Greek yogurt ..with berries, nuts, dark chocolate a parfait
    Emerald has packs of cocoa roasted almonds ... Those are handy and satisfying as well as portion controlled
    protein balls that u make yourself ...recipe is on my MFP blog
    Beef jerky . I don't care for it, but it can be a great protein snack
    peanut butter Greek yogurt delight .. My concoction. Fage plain 0% yogurt mixed with 2 TB peanut or almond butter ( I also throw in TB of chia seeds). Freeze for 15 minutes. Eat with berries, nuts, dark chocolate or just by itself.
    pumpkin bread made with Greek yogurt ... Recipe on my blog online
    Hummus with veg

    Please make sure you are not unduly restricting yourself with calories. Under eating can be counterproductive.

    If u need anything else ...just holler

    Jen go to blog

    In general ... Aim for snacks with protein and good fats ( nuts, seeds, nut butters, olives, avocado) .... Team them with vegetables to make the veg more satisfying. Same with fruit it up. Whole grains such as brown rice, team that with veg and a protein such as beans
    endless possibilities when working with whole foods
  • karamac15
    My snacks include: apples (with and without peanut butter), celery with peanut butter, almonds, carrots with reduced fat ranch or just plain, cottage cheese and strawberries, popcorn, broccoli and cauliflower (usually with some dip)