Anyone have a boob lift and/or tummy tuck ?

Hi !

Well, after 2 kids, going from a size 13 to size 5, it has left me with softer breasts that slightly hang and a tiny overlapping soft tummy. I don`t feel as if I look bad... just not what I imagined for my thirties.

I always have joked around that I`d get a boob lift (no implants....just fix what I got) and small tummy tuck. Hell, my husband has even said he would support me...whether I wanted to or not.... I don`t know how I feel about that. I would love to have the body I want.... but is it worth the risk? Plus it is alot of money. (but I know they have payment plans) Plus I am chicken....never had surgery or stayed at a hospital except to have my children.

I was curious if anyone has had these surgeries? If so, how did it go ? Were you scared? What should I expect? How long was your road to recovery? Were you happy that you got it done?


  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
  • tweetymom8
    tweetymom8 Posts: 15 Member
    I have had a tummy tuck. I did it 9 months ago. Very happy with the result. I suggest you go to and check out all the info there. What you are wanting to have done is nicknamed a Mommy Makeover. There are tons of pics and stories by people who had every kid of cosmetic procedure you could think of. Doctor reviews, Q and A from member physicians, message boards for people going through the procedure, it's all there. I spent $6800 on my procedure. I have before and after pics of it there. I think it was worth it. I had diastasis recti, which is like having a hole in your abdominal wall muscles. My muscles were repaired, along with an abdominal hernia, and about a pound of wrinkled, sagging, redundant skin was removed. It was done in an outpatient surgery center. I was home two hours after the procedure was done. Loopy and sliced and diced, but still home. The recovery was rough the first few weeks, and my abs were tender for the first three months. The overall result was great for me. I no longer have kinks and twinges in my back caused by weak, split abdominals. I love the way my tummy looks and feels. I paid half ahead of time and am making monthly payments on the other half that will be interest free if paid in one year. I consider myself worth the equivalent of a car note for one year for all the benefit I have gotten from having the surgery. A tummy tuck is not for losing weight, it is for fixing the damage caused by gaining it. I had 8 kids. The largest was 9# 7 oz. Two were by c-section, and just having a c-section can do a number on your abdominal wall. I did Tupler Technique and got some degree of closure of my abdominal wall, but the smaller my tummy got, the worse my skin looked because it sagged and wrinkled even more. Poor reward for all my hard work at eating right, getting fit and losing weight (25 pounds). I posted before and after photos of my belly in my profile here, and you can see why I am so happy with the result. You can look for my profile with the same member name, Tweetymom8, on I blogged my entire experience there, including lots more pics and my survival tips.