help with my menu!!

Ok, so tomorrow I'm going to a food and wine pairing. In total, I'll probably consume about 1000 calories. I'm planning on going for a run that burns about 500 calories, so unfortunately that doesn't take care of all the extra calories.

CAN ANYONE GIVE ANY SUGGESTIONS ON HOW TO EAT A HEALTHY AND FILLING BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER IN 740 CALORIES?! (Dinner won't be that important as I'm dashing home from work to go to wine tasting, so i probably won't have time for it anyway.)



  • athorp127
    athorp127 Posts: 13 Member
    Ok, let's be honest, I COULD only have a couple sips of each...but it's been a long week!

  • Fr3shStrt
    Fr3shStrt Posts: 349 Member
    Rather than eliminating 500 calories from your day tomorrow, how about you cut out 150 today, 150 tomorrow, and then 200 Saturday. divide and conquer
  • clairerio1
    clairerio1 Posts: 4 Member
    Well, I'm no expert and still finding my way around myself but here are a few of my tried and tested meals that seem to be working ok.
    I'd say try porridge, 5 tablespoons, made with water (I use a sprinkle of salt too- try not to think of it as a sweet cereal) thats no more than 200, then you could have a low fat soup or broth for lunch, the watery ones are the lower in calories.
    I'd probably have a bag of low fat crisps instead of bread or crispbread with that, but thats because I like to think I'm being naughty whereas actually Quavers or Skips are ok. Then an apple.
    If you really need some dinner before you go (and its probably best to keep the alcohol at bay a little) how about some poached eggs, salmon and baked beans, even a small baked potato, or large salad with coronation chicken (made by marinating chicken breast slices in fat free yoghurt mixed with curry powder and dry baked)
    Haven't worked out the total of those yet, but they should keep it down but be filling and nutritional.
    Wine is my downfall, I used to drink at least a bottle a night, and a good red is around 700-800 calories a bottle!
  • lelaspeaks
    lelaspeaks Posts: 163 Member
    What's your calorie goal for the day? I'd start off with lots of lean meats and veggies during the day... but if you go over a little bit once, it'll be a-okay.
  • 2newnana
    Spread it out over a few days.