THIS is my over eating time!!

Nae1979 Posts: 10
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
ok.. so my boys are heading off to bed very soon, my husband is at work, my housework is done, and NOW is the time i tend to overeat... 'This is my first day of my lifestyle change, for eating at least, and I'm ALREADY feeling the need for sweet stuff, like biscuits, lollies, ice cream... all of which are available to me here.... WHAT DO I DO!!!! thanks x


  • Mjroxane
    Mjroxane Posts: 41 Member
    hi there, find something to do , keep busy and drink lots of water , if there is nothing to do at home then go for a walk or go vist family or friends :) hope this helps ...always easyer said then done but just keep thinking its going to be worth it in the end :)
  • Nae1979
    Nae1979 Posts: 10
    thanks hon.. I was thinking of running a bath and having a read .... i'm TERRIBLE at this time of night... i hope to goodness it gets better... i know its day one... but every other day one i'd say óh what could it hurt to have a biscuit'only to have 4 or 5... and i don;t want to do that..... thanks!!! i'll do my bestest! x
  • jaylu
    jaylu Posts: 158
    i drink tea, green tea, fruit tea something tasty and very low cal and read a book. keep your hands and mouth busy with the tea and your mind busy with the book and get yourself an early night because rest is also required for a healthy body. and just keep reminding yourself how proud of yourself you will be when you wake up in the morning and you dont feel regret for giving in to those cravings of foods that you really dont need! good luck!
  • patwil73
    patwil73 Posts: 28
    Some people can go cold turkey off sweets. I am not one of them. So I have a box of whoppers in my room. Each whopper is approximately 10 calories. When I get the craving I grab 2-3 and suck on 1 at a time until it dissolves, then on to the next. That usually satisfies my craving for the night. I also drink a large glass of icewater first.

    You don't really have to deny yourself the things you like - you just have to learn portion control. When I have ice cream I weigh it first, and always do extra exercise after eating it. It is amazing to me how a 1/2 cup of ice cream can go a long way if you take very small bites. I used to eat half a carton as my "portion".

    Now if you are someone who once you start nibbling you can't stop - then get a lot of carrots or celery and start munching.

    Hope this helps
  • Mjroxane
    Mjroxane Posts: 41 Member
    thanks hon.. I was thinking of running a bath and having a read .... i'm TERRIBLE at this time of night... i hope to goodness it gets better... i know its day one... but every other day one i'd say óh what could it hurt to have a biscuit'only to have 4 or 5... and i don;t want to do that..... thanks!!! i'll do my bestest! x

    a bath is a great idea ...time to relax ! also light some cadles then your more likly to relax insaid of thinking about food ...just keep thinking if i dont have that one biscuit im going to loss more , if i have that biscuit then its more i got to try and loss 2morrow ...:) keep strong and keep thinking about your idea body .... i always tend to not to buy foods like that cuz i always say if there not there you cant eat them but if they are your more likly to want them and end up eating them ( well i do anyway ,) good luck all the best! x
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    If you feel the need to munch, try an apple or some carrot sticks. It requires a lot of chewing and it's good for you.
  • jaxshorrocks
    jaxshorrocks Posts: 3 Member
    My Daughter has the same problem. Once the babies are tucked up in bed and hubby's at work she tends nibble on anything to hand. This has meant she has not been able to work off the additional weight gained during pregnancy.

    So I'm buying her a 2 in 1 Cross Trainer & Exercise Bike, this way she can exercise when it's quite and keep her away from the fridge.

    The Cross Trainer/Bike costs range from £80 British Pounds upwards.

    Another suggestion would be to take up a hobby or a part time job that you can do from home.
  • I would suggest eating crackers. I rave about crackers, you can get different kinds and they vary from about 10-50 cals. Even if you ate that 4 or 5 , it would still be less than biscuits/crisps etc.

    Also apple chunks, banana, any fruits are good too.
  • Night-time is so very hard isn't it? I feel truly compelled to eat in the evening, which drives me bonkers. If you can, DVR or tape episodes of Biggest Loser and Ruby and watch them at night. They help motivate me. Another poster suggested counter pushups every time BEFORE you reach for the snack. (The aversion to the pushups just might out-weigh the allure of snacks!)
    One of the few things that actually fill me up is milk, so I am thinking of drinking a glass of skim milk sometimes when I feel the urge coming on. (Yes, it has calories but it's better than ice cream!) Keep up the faith. Don't give up on yourself. Kim
  • sheltieroger
    sheltieroger Posts: 264 Member
    For me, I always have 200-300 calories left for the evening (about 15% of my daily calorie allotment). I know I will want a nighttime snack so I plan for it. If I don't, I end up overeating.
    Good luck with this! Everyone has good ideas!
  • auttyfrmca
    auttyfrmca Posts: 125 Member
    I tend to have extra calories and then's a pain in my rear! I try to plan my day now so I don't have any "extra calories" hanging around!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Make sure you're drinking a lot of water during the day and when you want to snack, drink 8 oz. of green tea. It's filling enough and sweet enough to curb cravings - at least for me!
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    chew gum! Trident Layers Strawberry citrus tastes like a desert. Then you can't put anything else in your mouth. :)
  • melanie92
    melanie92 Posts: 184 Member
    night time is definately the worst time for me, too. I'm on day 3 of my "change", so I'm right there with you. I have gone to strawberries, @30 calories for 100g, or @ 5 medium, so far for my night time sweet. 5 or 10 do the trick and as a bonus they really are good for the body!
  • Nae1979
    Nae1979 Posts: 10
    Thank you SO much to all of you!!! I'll take it all in and sort it out.. I'm sure it will only take a couple of weeks to get THAT routine out of my system... the bath kinda worked last night, but i DID take some pretzels and water to bed with my book and didn't do too badly!! Thanks xx
  • bekah1301
    bekah1301 Posts: 48 Member
    I tend to snack when I'm bored and find the best way to stop myself doing it is to keep myself entertained - I started cross-stitching a while ago and that makes time fly, plus you're constantly doing something with your hands so there isn't the temptation to eat as well like when you're watching TV or reading a book. Don't know if you're the same but for me it usually isn't about hunger in the evening!
  • pinecone
    pinecone Posts: 28 Member
    A little bit of what you fancy.. I normally have a little something in the evening - one hot drink: a low calorie hot chocolate or a little hot skim milk with a cinnamon stick, with a nibble, either a fun-sized chocolate (mini flake is delish and 75 calories) or a nairns oat fruit and spice biscuit. That makes it about 110 calories, but it's lovely and makes me happy.
  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    Sometimes I'm really glad I'm a bloke!

    I read an excellent post on here recently about the differences between men and women and it really made me think because it described what I do to a tee.

    When I'm stressed I work out for longer and burn the stress off. When I'm bored I go do the same thing. I am very focused once I out my mind to it and rarely indulge. I thought it was the same for everyone but now I understand it isn't. I'm so glad I'm not female :laugh:

    It was by using this site and being totally honest with my food intake that I started to associate food with working out. When I look at a chocolate bar now I don't think of the need to eat it but the stupid amount of time I would need on a treadmill to burn it off. Once I associated the time it takes to burn off that chocolate bar I no longer feel that extra pain in the gym is worth the 10 seconds of indulgence.

    I do get sweet-tooth cravings but I looked around for alternatives. An apple with a small amount of peanut butter is great for sweet tooth cravings plus it is also fat-burning food so I kill two birds with one stone. I also have low fat yogurts (I love toffee yogurts) and although they can be high in sugar they really get rid of the craving and are also fat burning. I also have the special K bars in the kitchen.

    It's all about finding alternatives you will enjoy that don't make annoyed with yourself the next day.
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