Ideas for pain management



  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    I have bought some massage oil that seems to help alot of my pain. After a hot shower/bath I have hubby give me a rub down. The Spearimint Eucalyptus oil is the most incredible stuff ever. It takes my pain away and allows me to sleep.

    One other thing is once we took any of the aspartame things out of our diet it took alot of that kind of pain away. I don't know if you use it but just a thought.
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    Skipping the other responses because I'm in a rush, but take a look at the studies linking vitamin D deficiencies to a whole host of pains -- so much that it's sometimes been diagnosed as fibromyalgia. I have severe back pain due to an injury, and while physical therapy, yoga and anti-inflammatories got me to a certain point, I still hurt too much. Then one of my med team showed me some of the studies, and I started taking 5-8K a day. I still hurt, but I hurt less. I'm not saying it's a magic cure, but every little bit helps -- might be worth a try!
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    I have bought some massage oil that seems to help alot of my pain. After a hot shower/bath I have hubby give me a rub down. The Spearimint Eucalyptus oil is the most incredible stuff ever. It takes my pain away and allows me to sleep.

    One other thing is once we took any of the aspartame things out of our diet it took alot of that kind of pain away. I don't know if you use it but just a thought.

    Just the occasional sugar free drink. I usually go for the full sugar ones just alot less of them than before, but sometimes a flavor that appeals to me is only in sugar free. Like Faygo Coconut Cream Pie flavored soda. Just wanted to try it.
  • BiohazrD
    The answer to this question is the same for 99% of people. Drink more water.

    NSAIDs will help with inflammation, fish oil will help with joint paint, BCAAs will help with muscle soreness.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I was on 240mg of oxycodone a day and that really helped. If you're looking for non-narcotic/weaker narcotic tramadol and lyrica are both good. I was on 60mg tramadol and 300mg lyrica a day and it helped me a lot. I have EDS so I have a lot of joint pain.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    I had back surgery 3 years ago and have dealt with a lot of pain before and after from nerve damage. Some things that helped me:

    Magnesium. I'm not recommending taking supplements without checking with a doctor but it DOES absorb through the skin. Epsom salt baths are the easiest way to do that. Also you can buy magnesium "oil" which is magnesium chloride and has helped a lot with muscle spasms.

    Getting more potassium in your diet.

    I get fewer muscle spasms when I avoid or at least reduce caffeine. That may have more to do with nerve damage issues but it's interesting.

    Ice and heat alternated (ice pack then heating pad) - or a shower where I switch the temperature from cold to hot repeatedly.

    Icy Hot or Ben-Gay or any of those topical creams are helpful.

    Just started foam rolling last night and was amazed at how much better I slept. I think I'm gonna love it over time but I just started it. Lots of people on here recommend it, from what I've seen. A tennis ball or lacrosse ball works too for smaller areas, been doing that awhile.

    Good shoes that address the way your feet strike the ground. Or, orthotics. There is a thing at Walmart by Dr. Scholl's where you stand on it and it evaluates your feet and recommends an insole. They're about $50. My husband recently got some for flat feet and has been wearing them to work. He has a very active job with a lot of standing/walking, lifting and bending and swears his knee and back pain are 80% better since getting them.

    Adequate sleep.

    And, as mentioned already, lots of water.
  • orangeyellowkayak
    orangeyellowkayak Posts: 97 Member
    I have chronic pain too. Today my neck/shoulder is so bad I can't move my head. I like the elliptical because it is a lot easier on my joints. Swimming and water aerobics are amazing too. I was the only lady in the class under 50, but it was a lot of fun. Stretching and yoga are always good, regular massages help me cope when I can afford them. I like herbal teas too, you can find some in the ethnic section/ethnic markets sometimes like Tila or Passiflora which relax your mind and muscles without making you drowsy. I make sure to get plenty of potassium so my muscles don't cramp, and I take baths with baking soda and lots of epsom salts. The magnesium is also good for aches and muscle pain.

    Also, losing weight really did help my pain, when I was skinny my feet were much better. I had to focus on diet for months until I was light enough to do regular exercise. I just increased a little bit steadily and eventually I could run on an elliptical for an hour, no problem. Just be patient with yourself and do your best. You will get there, don't worry.

    I hope it helps!
    well said I have a job on my feet with alot of pulling ect. I use glucosamine for my joints.
  • focus2fit
    High fructose corn syrup makes my joint pain much worse. I cut it out for a while, then think "what could it hurt", eat or drink something (like soda) and the next couple of days tell me exactly what it could hurt.
    Sounds like you are working on the right things... hope you find just the right combination for you!
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    Oh, I drink TONS of water. Its my #1 beverage of choice. Especially at work because I get dehydrated so easily with it being winter and they keep the nursing home 80-90 degrees to keep them warm.

    Has anyone heard of the supplement Move Free? I was talking to a resident that takes it and I was wondering if anyone else can tell me something about it.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    I recently started drinking tart cherry juice and have notice a huge improvement. Read labels and get the kind that is 100% tart cherry there are some with apple, very few stores carry it so shop around.