Looking for some good vegetable recipes for a juicer! Please include calories if available.
Also, what do you think about a 3-day detox? I'm thinking about this one;

Let me know!



  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    Detox does more harm then good to your body, my doc and I talked about this and I even read things online, it prevents your body from getting what it needs eventually if you do it to long some of your body can close down and cause major issues
  • maya116maya
    Hey... I am currently doing a raw diet, i know my calorie intake is very little, but you could eat up to 2000 calories on a raw diet and still lose weight. Eat your fruits until 3pm and your last meal usually by 7 pm, I usually have a huge salad. Didnt work out for the first 5 days but that was because i had terrible headaces. Its important to drink alot of water so you can flush all the toxins out.

    If i were you I would juice for 3 days and then try going onto 80/10/10 or at least try and stay 80% raw. If you are interested we could partner up as I dont know anyone who is actually doing detox or a raw diet...

    The best of luck
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    My stock answer to MFP questions on detoxes:

    1. There is no credible scientific evidence that cleanses or detoxes do anything. No toxins magically get released from your body because you drank a juice, didn't chew any food for 3 days, took a pill, etc.

    2. Your liver and kidneys detox your body, day in and day out. That is what they are designed to do.

    Use common sense, eat real food, and your body will thank you.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    The EXACT calories from juicing 1 piece of fruit or vegetable are hard to pin down precisely, since it depends on how efficient your juicer is/how dry your pulp is once you're done. But out the other end, 4 oz of fruit juice is about 60 calories and 4 oz of vegetable juice is about 20 calories. How many leaves of kale it takes to make 4 oz of juice depends on your machine. For best results MAKE SURE 80% OF YOUR JUICE COMES FROM VEGETABLES. Broccoli, kale, spinach are good ones to try first.

    To start, if I were you (and as long as you're not prediabetic/ex-smoker/diabetic/other health condition/etc -- if so SEE A DOCTOR FIRST), I wouldn't juice for more than three days in a row, EVER. In fact, maybe just try one day. Like try just one of the days of this 3-day plan and see how you feel.

    Juicing is fun and tastes great. But it isn't a long term diet AT ALL. Replacing lunch or breakfast every day is a much more sensible way to incorporate juicing into a sustainable, long-term lifestyle.

    WARNING: the problem with juicing is you probably shouldn't exercise much above a walk while doing it. That's why it's unsustainable in the long term. After three days, you'll start to lose muscle. Long term, you'd also have to add protein powders and fiber BACK into the juices. Which seems like a waste to me. Also, your blood sugar can spike if you drink the juice quickly. So sip slowly and/or dilute the juice with water.
  • ewhsweets
    ewhsweets Posts: 167 Member
    Never done an actual DETOX, however during breaks from working out, I really like doing a clear liquid fast for two-3 days a week for a couple of weeks - generally 2 weeks at a time.

    Have consulted with my Doc as well and it's perfectly safe as long as you're feeding your body with what it needs regularly anyways.

    The key to any of it though is H2O H2O H2O!!!!
  • cdburger94
    cdburger94 Posts: 23 Member
    I didn't think it was a long-term anything - but thanks. :p I do plan on a juice per day, plus extra fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. I was just trying to get some decent input from folks who may have had some experience with fasting, detoxing, or liquid "diets" (even though that is not at all what I want to do) I want a lifestyle change. I don't find fast food or processed foods appealing at all anymore after seeing and hearing all of these horrifyingly terrible things that are in them, done to them, etc., and it makes me ill. I won't give up my meat though. I just refuse take out, fast food, boxed meals, so on.
    I am heading to the store today, Trader Joe's or whole foods and I'm stocking up on some veggies. Kale, spinach, cucumber, and whatever else I can find! Thanks everyone