Doing this alone is boring! Add me!

I am 27 & Live in FL area. I started my fitness journey about 6 months ago when I started to feel unhappy with my image. I use Myfitness pal as a journal to keep track of what I am eating. (Helps me decide when I am due for a cheat day! ;) ) Im looking to meet new friends and connect with people who are into getting healthier. No matter you age or gender, if you're serious about what this website can offer we should be friends! I've recently added a lot of new friends on here in hopes that it would help motivate me and keep me inspired. So far it is working! I love everyones energy and drive. It's cool to know that there are others out there working as hard as you to improve their lives and health! Going on this journey alone is boring but the enthusiasm and encouragement we can draw from each other makes it fun and easy to stay on track . Here are some words to best explain me: My dog & cats are my life, Family, Working out, Dressing up and "playing dress up", clothes, Jewelry, Guns and shooting, Sign language, Traveling and adventure, Learning and wanting to learn new things, Riding motorcycles, Riding Bikes, Reading and audio books, Harry Potter, New Orleans, Bats, Halloween, Spooky things, Big ol' cool trees

Best wishes to all in their diet and finteness journey. Keep on rockin it!



  • gitanagirl
    gitanagirl Posts: 207 Member
    Absolutely! I'm behind you all the way girlfriend! :) and Everybody can add me too :)
  • ToriiXx
    ToriiXx Posts: 14 Member
    Haha, I agree, having friends to motivate you makes everything easier :) Anyone, feel free to add me for support