Anyone else have reunions/graduations coming up? Let's drop

cmurphy04722 Posts: 254
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
For me, I graduated on May 23rd last year. I was a double major with honors and my physical fitness truly suffered that last year, where I lived on pizza, energy drinks, and any snack available to keep me energized and awake to finish my essays and research projects. My face in graduation pictures is enormous haha. I kept that senior year weight for the entire summer and part of the fall, and was about 174 at my largest. I am at 158 right now and want to be nearing that 150 mark by May 23rd!

There will also be some sort of reunion for alumni in August, probably a crab feast since it's Baltimore but I don't eat crabs. I'd like to be in great shape before then though! I'd say my goal is 140 by the August reunion.

And sprinkled into the summer are the usuals: some sort of beach trip where I'll need to be seen in a swimsuit, the 4th of July parties, family coming to visit me, and the skirts and tank tops that I enjoy when I look tighter hehe.

So who else is motivated to burn, burn, burn for the summer? :-)

I'd like to start Monday weigh-ins and give a weekly goal, something different each week. I think it'd be neat to each post our own weekly goals, and not just a weight goal. For instance, if you struggle with eating right, maybe set a goal to restrict your fat or sugar to X amount each day or get X amount of fiber. Or if you have a hard time getting a full workout in, set a goal for doing X amount of squats or pushups each day, or going for a walk for X amount of minutes. We can have our own goals and steal ideas from each other as well.

Weigh-in is tomorrow, think of what you need to work on the most and make that this week's goal. Write out a list of the big events going on this summer that you want to be healthier at-and feel free to share your motivations with us!

Whooo, let's do this!


  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    I have a reunion of sorts in November, but I'm more interested in my 30th in September. At this rate I'll be in the best physical shape of my life when I turn 30 and I want to make sure that's the case and I want it to not just be my best, but be excellent by anyone's standard. So I've got 5 months to see what I can do. Should be interesting.
  • well..I will go to visit my sister this fall..I want to impress her..I am in...
  • I graduate on 8th July 2010 - trying lose weight for that but struggling as Dr told me not to exercise until my blood pressure is normal :-( I used to go to the gym 4-5 days a week and now cant go - well gutted.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm having my 5th high school reunion in June. At this point I'm probably around what I weighed in high school (freshman 15 and then some did me in) but I definitely look better from all the exercise I've been doing. My goal is to look go by June, and so far I'm happy with my progress. I honestly don't know what i weighed in high school, but I can fit into the sundresses that I wore at the end of senior year for graduation parties. That's a good sign...
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Count this old(er), but snazzy lady in! I have:
    my daughter's hs grad @ end of May,
    my niece's wedding end of June,
    family reunion mid-July,
    20-yr anniversay Aug!

    I'd love to knock off a good 5lb+ for each of these functions! That'll put me right where I need to be come Fall! Yeap, gotta do it...

    Whatcha gonna call us? Make it good girl! Oh, and I love the "weekly goals" for food/exercise/SHORTCOMINGS...mine, salt & crunches!

    I best get to the gym so 2mrws weigh-in is still in my target....Awesome idea.
  • marii92
    marii92 Posts: 77
    I'm going back to England in about 2 weeks and want to drop at least 7 lbs. Ever since we moved, I've gained a stone (14 lbs) and I wanted to drop that and some but my progress is slow even thoug I've been trying really hard. So I'm hoping those 7 come off fast! Hehe, good luck to everyone!! :flowerforyou:
  • littlespongy
    littlespongy Posts: 4 Member
    Count me in!! My son's hs graduation is end of June and I want to look and feel my best. i like the idea of weekly weigh-in. I look so forward to summer but it is so hard sometimes when you don't feel and look your best.
  • Good morning everyone!

    My official weigh-in for this Monday: 156.5 lbs.
    My goal weight for next Monday: 155.5 lbs.

    My fitness goal for this week: At least 30 minutes of cardio each day, and 20 walkout pushups!
    My nutrition goal for this week: Be mindful of cravings (particularly for refined sugar and casein-the protein in dairy)

    I'm really excited to get out of the 150s in a month or so! May 23rd is sneaking up on me slowly, I need to be ready for it!

    How about you ladies and gents? What are your weekly goals and what are you looking forward to?
  • well, my current weight 229.... goal far away...180 pounds... my goals for a week stay within calories limits and exercise at least 3 time ( I am really bad at that... )

    I think we need to pick one day for weight in.... How about every Friday?
  • I think we need to pick one day for weight in.... How about every Friday?

    Originally I had set it as a Monday weigh-in. I feel it keeps us more accountable over the weekend!
  • Keen - I have recently set off to do some travelling and have already started putting on weight in the last 3 weeks! I dont' work in pounds hope that ok. Was orginally 69kg at the beginning of the year, was down to 62kg and am now 64kg. I want to get to 56kg. Love the Monday weigh in idea and goals!

    Goals for next week is to eat some vegetables with lunch and dinner everyday and to start cutting back on the sugary sweets which are oh so tempting!

    Exercise goal is to complete 2 x decent runs this week :)
  • I dont' work in pounds hope that ok.

    Of course it's ok, we're the silly Americans who should be apologizing hehe
  • well, i agree...mondays will keep us motivated over the weekends...!!!!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Week 1 goals:
    me<147 lb

    My week's plan: double-day-workout on tue/wed/thurs & daily gym; no table salt or salting meals; no creamers or sweets.
    This is finals, for me. Doc visit countdown...
    CW: 150 lb
    milestone markers:
    semi-annual physical Mon (lb<147, bg<100, bp>usu)
    daughter's grad end of May
    niece's wedding end of Jn
    family reunion mid-July,
    20-yr anniversay beg-Aug!
  • f_cstewart and hooah_mj, looks like we're all hiding from the sweets this week! It's rough, that's for sure. I've been satisfying the craving from time to time with a half cup of fruit and it does the job.

    Where's the rest of the group? :-) I'll start messaging to pull them back...
  • f_cstewart
    f_cstewart Posts: 9
    Ah sorry been travelling so wasnt online. But weighed in and have gone down to 63kg :) Joined back up to gym and getting back into spin classes. Eating has been better this week. Should be able to be online on monday. Hope you all doing well too!!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Wow, just back from a very long trip to DC with a bunch of teenagers...yikes!
    My mom had a bad tumble, so I headed to West Texas ASAP the day after returning from DC...pooped.

    I'm thrilled that I was able to keep the lbs off & I'm ready to give it the push I need to reach my optimal health zone....

    I'll check back with my mini goals for next week.

    Two weeks 'til my daughter's graduation

    One month 'til my niece's wedding

    Two months 'til our family reunion
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    25 year reunion coming up in August. I'll be about the weight I was in high school,,, maybe a little trimmer and a little more muscular. Nobody will care, but I will enjoy being one of the few who didn't blow up like a balloon.
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