Are you meant to use calories gained for exercise

AT last I lost two pounds this week hooray!!! after losing nothing for the previous two although I had introduced brisk walking for 3.5 miles and 4.8 miles a day during that time.
Can anyone tell me if you are meant to use up the extra calories gained for doing exercise as I have not been doing this and wondered if that's why I didn't lose any weight for the previous 2 weeks?
I assumed you shouldn't use them otherwise you are just exercising to eat more and then the exercise you do would not help burn stored fat just the extra calories you get to eat, hope that makes sense.


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Common misconception. MFP sets you up to loose weight. If you burn extra calories you get to eat those and still hit your goal. the more you exercise the more fuel (food) your body needs. Look at the threads for newbies this topic is discussed in great detail there.
    But a simple answer is yes you should eat them as you will be in a larger caloric deficit than your goal if you do not.
  • MonicaD
    MonicaD Posts: 5
    I certainly use mine! For me, it's the best motivation to exercise!! ha. I've been tracking my food/exercise since the end of January and have lost 27 lbs so far so it's working for me. I try to "earn" my food. If I want that treat at the end of my day but don't have the calories, etc. for it, I exercise to get them.
  • lindalloo
    lindalloo Posts: 47
    I don't always eat my exercise calories. But when I do, it's because I'm truly hungry for them. I think it's important to remember that we exercise NOT to "earn" more calories to eat .. but instead, to give our bodies the necessary energy in order to do the exercise in the first place. One reason I exercise is to burn calories and lose weight. But the bigger reason(s) I exercise is to improve stamina, mood, posture, and strengthen my muscles .. especially my heart ~♥
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I think it depends on your body. Some people eat them, some people dont'. Some eat a portion and some eat none. I think you need to figure out what works best for your body. I rarely eat mine and I have lost 15 pounds since joining MFP. It's all about trial and error. I think if you are burning an excessive amount you need to eat some or all of them. I wouldn't look at is as exercise to eat. If you are exercising to eat bad things it's going to coutneract your efforts. I know several people who exercise and use their workout calories to drink beer. You have to figure out what works for you! Good luck!
  • sweetrevenge
    EAT THEM EAT THEM EAT THEM!!!! You need them and if you don't use them it will be harder to lose the weight. Use 1/2 or them 1/3 of them or all of them, but definitely USE them!!!
  • mzmoonlight
    mzmoonlight Posts: 160
    You can only do what you feel is best for you. The best way of finding out what your body needs is through trial and error, as everyone is different. However, I would urge against saving exercise calories. This is because I used to do this and ended up making myself ill and slowing down my weight loss to boot. I've learned the hard way the importance of re-fueling the body after exercise and now always aim to eat at least 50-75% of my exercise calories.
  • MonicaD
    MonicaD Posts: 5
    Just to clarify, "earning" my calories isn't my only motivation to exercise. I just find it a helpful bonus to keep myself in check - so I don't go over. I don't always eat my extra calories either - only if I really want to. But if I find myself wanting to eat when I don't have the calories for it, I do make myself "earn" it. I guess it's just a little game I play with myself. I've lost 27 lbs so far so it seems to be working for me. :smile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I agree. Listen to your body. If you are hungry, eat if you aren't then don't. Listen to your body. It knows what you need