Hi I'm new To this

Hello every one I just wanted to get some advise from some of you who have been doing this for a while. I have decided to change my life for the better. I have tried this once before but it just seems every time i try i fail because i have to many excuses of why i cant lose weight. This time around i am more focused and know what i need to do, and I have been honest about things that where hindering my process I was just wondering are there anything that you could suggest to me I am 5'1 and 310 pounds and its time for a change thank you.


  • eileenchristine
    eileenchristine Posts: 228 Member
    You are doing the most important thing taking that first step. I started last Sept not knowing if I was ready to get serious or not. Its so easy. I just log every day and slowly the weight is coming off. About 6 weeks ago i started exercising! Weight isn't coming off any faster but I feel better!

    I just make commitment to log daily. Every day I make that commitment, one day at a time. i am much older than you and probably more sedentary so you will probably have a speedier loss, just commit to today and get people as friends who also are committed to logging daily. It really works when you work it!

  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    You are on the right track! I am 5'4" and started at 376, and am now at 265 (as of Monday).

    One of my nutritionists suggested focusing on lean, healthy protein and the fat/carbs would take care of themselves - I have found that to be pretty true. And it's okay if you go over on protein's.

    I've found that MFP numbers tend to be a little more "strict" - I actually log my food on MFP, and then convert it to Weight Watcher points....I get more on WW's plan, so MFP is my low point, and WW is the high point - I try to shoot for somewhere in the middle.

    Favorite snacks:
    Snyders Pretzels
    light string cheese
    Chocolite protein bars (healthsmartfoods.com) (hubby likes cashew caramel, we both like cookies/cream, I LOVE triple chocolate fudge)
    Anything "Skinny Cow" (by Nestles)

    Feel free to friend me too.

    For what it's worth - and good luck!
  • flutterbye811
    flutterbye811 Posts: 86 Member
    Hello! For a lot of us this whole process is intimidating, especially when you really focus on paying attention to all the food you eat. No matter how much you have to lose and how many times we probably have all been on and off the bandwagon the message boards are a huge help in this world and support from friends and family is even more important. Everyday is a new day, so strive to do your best everyday, don't try underestimate the amount of calories you SHOULD be having, and realize that moderation and balance is the way to make this new life a part of your now and your future. Check out Fat 2 Fit radio and their website (if you have an ipod you can download their podcasts), and make sure you don't just go on losing the most weight right away, see what your basal metabolic rate is (BMR) to accurately estimate the amount of calories you should be having (1200 calories is wayyyy too low for anyone), and just be proud of something new you do each day! Good luck!!!! :)
  • mztoogood2betrue
    mztoogood2betrue Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you for those encouraging words I will keep that in mind to make sure I log in every day
  • AshlynG923
    AshlynG923 Posts: 59 Member
    Be honest with yourself! Don't deprive yourself just account for the calories and you'll be fine. I've lost 40 lbs slowly over a total of a few years and kept it off eating ice cream everyday!
  • kslibbin
    kslibbin Posts: 29 Member
    feel free to add me. The key is to be honest with yourself when logging in the food. Just because you had a cheat day dont be embarrassed because you went over or you dont want to see the numbers be over. You have to let the numbers also be your motivators and as your learning tools to what you are eating as well. Your friends are helping you by being your motivators too.
  • mztoogood2betrue
    mztoogood2betrue Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks for that tip i am afraid i will cheat and not be able to get it back I am going to make sure i record everything so that i know what i am in-taking I also have to get a scale.