People 250+ success with 30DayShred?

I know there are TONS of threads dedicated for people with success on the 30 Day Shred. But what about people over 250 lbs who have success on it? Pictures would also be great! Im at 265 and on Day 2 today! Motivation would be great!


  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    I am 239 and my second day is today too! We got this!!!! I am getting more sore as the day wears on and I haven't done my JM yet!!!! Good Luck and keep us posted!!!
  • chelseaj525
    chelseaj525 Posts: 48 Member
    Awesome!! Nice to know im not alone lol Good luck on the rest of the 28 days!!
  • NewDavenport
    NewDavenport Posts: 83 Member
    I'm 196 but really unfit lol, i am on day 3 now of JM 30 DS an am sore but i think it will be totally worth it stick with it if it hurts it has to be working right?? i sweat up a storm. if i can do it so can you all it takes is determination and someone believing in you and i believe in you :) we can do this
  • I will join you as well...we will make tomorrow my Day 1. I bought the video already, just need to get the courage to do it.
  • Im at 260 started at 267 and Im doing the shred. I lost 7lbs the first week. Doing that and watching what I eat. I also thought it would be too hard. Once you get started it gets easier, and I actually looked forward to doing it. TOM came and I haven't started back yet! Add me if you like because Im starting over tomorrow or Saturday. I need all the shred buddies I can get! I plan to do 2 rounds of it.
  • I am around 240 and starting tomorrow....
    I wish you the best of luck. I haven't seen or heard success stories for the higher numbers but, I'm hoping that all goes well.
  • I am about 270 and started a week has gotten easier every day. I haven't weighed yet, but I am feeling better each time. I tool pics and measurements before I started. When done I may post...
  • You can join our group if you like, here is the link!
  • chelseaj525
    chelseaj525 Posts: 48 Member
    Thanx everyone!!!
  • GetHotIn2014
    GetHotIn2014 Posts: 201 Member
    I'm at 253 now and I started it two days ago. I'm doing cardio only today, then 2 more Shred days, then 2 rest days, then repeating that schedule till I get through it. The first two times it was HARD and I had to stop a couple times during the cardio parts on the first day and a few more times on the second, (and the push ups are really tough too) but I pushed through the whole thing and gave it my best! I really like it. Right now I'm thinking "When is it gonna start to get easier?!" The second time was definitely harder than the first because I was already sore. I'm even more sore today, but hopefully tomorrow I'll be ready to go back at it. Too bad if I'm not cuz I'm gonna be doing it anyway! lol We got this, girls!!!
  • aimeehaven
    aimeehaven Posts: 30 Member
    I did my first round of 30DS when I was 238. I lost 15 inches all over and about 8 pounds. It is amazing to see how your endurance changes when doing the program. I am now doing my second round of the 30 day shred and I am on my last day of level 2. I can tell a huge difference between the first round and the second round now. I feel so much stronger and it has become easier. Don't give up on this program! It really works. Modify moves if you can't do them, just make sure that you keep moving :)
  • Stenobun
    Stenobun Posts: 166 Member
    My starting weight last August was 254. I was down about 30 pounds when I started the Shred, and I just wrapped up my first go-round. This morning I started it again, only doing the more challenging moves with heavier weights. I didn't take my measurements, but I know I lost a lot of inches and gained a lot of muscle. I've gotten so strong that I was finally brave enough to start doing a little running last week. :)
  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    I started it at 252 and completed it, it was tough but it gave me the kickstart to start exercising again. I love Jillian! Unfortunately I never took any measurements but I lost about 12lbs during it. You can see pics in my profile.
  • I am 393lbs. I bought the dvd,i havent really made time to do it, because i havent really had time, and by the time i get home im so tired.. but i have decided, its time to just wake up that much earlier, and get it going... I plan on getting the vertical gastric sleeve, but i still want to work out, and feel good about my self :] i have done it before, i know i can do it again.
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