Bad day

Really bad day. Work wise. I wont go into it (Im not allowed for a start!) but its just been one of those where the tears have fallen and I have just thought "what am I doing with my life".
Im shattered anyway, so Ive cancelled going to my class and swimming tonight and I am really, really struggling with the guilt.

I am under calories and so far this week I have done more exercise than what Ive set myself as a weekly target so should I give myself a break or should I have pushed on through.

My little one goes to his dad's tonight so I am just going to use the evening to recover mentally and also physically from the last 3 days mega exercise Ive done.

I guess Ill get used to these highs and lows, but I am feeling very low about things today!!


  • Sorry to hear you had a bad day. I've had a lot of those "what am I going to do" moments myself and it has crippled more than one exercise plan for me, so you're not alone there. I have also worked the kinds of jobs one "can't talk about" and those were extra terrible when they wanted to be. It sounds like you're under a lot of stress, so my recommendation would be to make sure you're getting enough sleep first and foremost. There are also a lot of good yoga sequences on YouTube for anxiety and stress, and they have worked wonders! The highs and lows may continue, but that doesn't mean you have to let it put a damper on all the hard work you're doing. Best of luck to you!
  • sweetsarahv
    sweetsarahv Posts: 180 Member
    Bad days will happen. Don't let them paralyze you. I have a tendency to let one bad thing turn into 'EVERYTHING SUCKS," and that's always when i get off course. Don't beat yourself up about not working out tonight, but don't let this feeling get a hold of you for too long.

    Keep on fighting!!! Make TODAY AWESOME!!!