Week One Loss

Hello all,

My name is Christopher and I am finding great support utilizing this app. In one week of really monitoring the foods and tracking the physical activity that can burn calories has been so great. I have lost 14 pounds in one week; while juggling a career and family household and responsibilities! Never thought those words would come out of my mouth but I'm excited to say them. Looking for friends to be supportive and inspire just as much as I need those kind words when a PIZZA sounds so good on a busy and time cruched evening...


  • Edwardo27
    Edwardo27 Posts: 34 Member
    OMG! Well done! Keep it up!
  • olores
    olores Posts: 257 Member
    WOW!!! Congrats! Keep it up and you'll reach your goals! Welcome!
  • LuckyStarrGal
    LuckyStarrGal Posts: 66 Member
    Great work, I'm on week one too, and loving this it make me accountable! Keep up the work and feel free to add me as a friend!
  • asaralee3
    asaralee3 Posts: 39 Member
    Nicely done. That kind of progress is a real motivator, along with the great folks on MFP! Keep it up :)
  • PatriciaToney
    PatriciaToney Posts: 13 Member
    Good job! Actually you are inspiring me. I totally understand the "retail" world as I work in it also. I am lucky enough to be working the AM shift and I am so grateful. I have been trying hard but not hard enough an can't get the scale to budge. I have joined a challenge at work and have to tell my neighbors that I can't participate in Happy Hour on a daily basis anymore. Maybe this will help me. Good luck!
  • JuveMom
    JuveMom Posts: 12
    Oh wow good for you! Please share what diet or method that you're using to acheive such success!!
  • cjburke12
    cjburke12 Posts: 45 Member
  • RevNimue
    RevNimue Posts: 66 Member
    Great job! I've been in the same boat and lost 10lbs in 10 days and like you juggling a household and career. Feel free to add me! Its nice when you have people in the same type of situation to help motivate you on and vise versa.:-)
  • CaRaMelKiSSes514
    CaRaMelKiSSes514 Posts: 21 Member
    WOW that is great progress...Add me if you would like!!:bigsmile: