All About You!

I see you, you're hurt..beaten..broken..bleeding. You look in the mirror and dont like what you see, you dont even recognize what you have become. Some shadow of what use to be great or something that has yet to be. You have said "ENOUGH" You stood tall on that rock lifted up the wieght that rests on your shoulders. That manifestation of all the horrible, terrible torment that you carried for your entire life. Its all about you now. Drop that weight and carry on. Dont stop moving, keep going forward. The road is gonna be hard sure, what thing worth getting is you even want it to be? Hell No!! You want to carve the legacy of your accomplishments into the earth. You want to be remembered for doing what few others could. Many tried and failed but not you...not now, you will not be denied. Its you...just you. You have no one else to blame but one else to inspire, but you. You're better, stronger, faster're not the same person you were. You have learned and know you are POWERFUL! This time YOU ACT LIKE IT....This time YOU DONT BRAKE! THIS TIME, ITS ALL ABOUT YOU and GOD HELP ANYTHING THAT TRIES TO STOP YOU!!!
