Burning Calories

When working out, mainly cardio, how many calories should one attempt to burn per day?


  • Fit_Vixen1
    It depends what type of cardio you're doing. Walking, running, jogging, treadmill, dvds, they all burn different amounts of calories. It also depends how much you give it. I would just say whatever you're doing for cardio, just make sure you give it your all!!!
  • baldzach
    baldzach Posts: 1,841 Member
    That's such a loaded question, and it depends on so many things. It depends on your BMR (how man calories you burn in a day if you don't do anything), how much you eat, what your weight loss goals are, how much you have to lose, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

    Personally, I like to burn an extra 500-1000 per day, more on Sautrdays, but that's because I also like to eat.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Depends. How much more do you wanna eat that day? :happy:
  • bbgughj
    bbgughj Posts: 219 Member
    It depends on your goal and fitness.
    I normally been doing 300 to 600 with HIIT .Depending on my schedule , If it's a strength (weight training) day I I go for about 300.
    Figure out your Caloric deficit + Goals
    Weekly I shoot for 2000 +

    3500 Cal =1 lb.
  • Momof3HB
    I just started working out again, so I have been doing the treadmill & elliptical for a total of 300cals a day. It just doesnt seem like enough to me? But when I am done my legs are burning! I have also been doing abs every other day. I am not a huge exercise person (I HATE to run) but I have started Body by Vi and lost 6lbs in 5days! So I am obviously doing something right...right?